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  1. Here is a personal wish.. *Spoilers for MJ2, Part 2* What did you guys think of the ending?
  2. Uh-oh. I've just realized in full a painful truth, spoilers about Part 2.. If anyone else could give a little hindsight in this.. That would be so much appreciated.. Another Part 2 spoiler.. Thanks again
  3. Josh Hutcherson had a great performance. The scenes were he was being tortured in the Capitol talking to Katniss, then at the end where he strangles her giving off the yet heartbreaking stone-cold killer vibe.. Jennifer Lawrence and Julianne Moore dominated the film, I loved Woody Harrelson if there was a Haymitch movie I would watch it. Elizabeth Banks was funny at key moments, Phillip Seymour Hoffman added so much to the film, I think even a more brilliant CF performance. Liam Hemsworth I think nailed some emotional parts as Gale. I mean when he was looking down at the row of corpses, how could you not feel something? I think Liam was definitely good in this one. My father even said that all performances were very good, because if you were able to tell if there was one weak performance, you could see then the whole movie would have fallen apart.
  4. Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!

  5. Personally this is what I think worked for the split are several of the characters and their arcs, I'm not going to say why but having a three hour movie, not that it would have been a bad thing, but long before seeing the movie I had always felt some of the biggest scenes coming up now for Part 2, the impact could be lost or even rushed to an extent if it was stuffed in all at once. They paced out Part 1 very well.
  6. Hey Fullbuster, have you got a chance to see the movie yet? (Not sure if I asked this before just curious )
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