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Posts posted by Macleod

  1. 6 minutes ago, superweirdo87 said:

    I think they may care about Patrick Stewart when he plays Professor X, but we might get a sense for sure, with "The Wolverine." The Star Trek movies with Stewart did not do as well as STID or ST 09. Maybe it will be different now with nostalgia.


    Agreed.  I think it's a miracle that X-Men: Apoc did as well as it did worldwide.  But I think the 2017 Wolverine has a chance of beating it (though not DOFP), just with Jackman and Stewart, and it being Jackman's last (supposedly). 

  2. 1 minute ago, Jay Hollywood said:


    I still think they give it another shot. I do. I know this will loose money but its a 50 year old Franchise . The movies all got great reviews, Paramount has to be honest and admit to itself they dropped the ball. This could have done another 100m WW easy if the didn't fuck up so bad. 


    This is bottom tier Trek Numbers. 9 Trek films will have sold more tickets, they have a solid range to fall in. And I don't think anyone thinks we will get a better cast really or a better starting point.    They have one more on the contract, they will go through with it, I think and hope. 


    I'd like to believe you...

  3. 1 hour ago, terrestrial said:

    Do you ask because the count of the dead wasn't mentioned / no reaction... or because I wrote about a few of the crew should have been there to help to prepare? In case it's the second point, that is one of the points I think wasn't done so good. Only the main officers beside Zulu and Uhura don't get caught? ... I meant it as a detail I'd have preferred to be filmed in another way.


    Small nitpicks in what otherwise is a very well-done film with great effects, fun characters, and a series of wonderful homages to the original series. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Jay Hollywood said:


    All those movies you name make less with out him. Its all about the right role.



    He would definitely help Star Trek. Plus Pine will be coming off Wonder Women too. The two Chris's should get lady interest up, plus should grab a couple marvelites too.  


    There's not going to be another JJ-era Trek at this rate of box office (sadly).  This is the one blockbuster this summer that should be doing better...

  5. 16 minutes ago, mrqe93 said:




    One source who is embedded in the production tells us there have been various conflicts because of "extreme egos" among most of the top actors, with the help of their agents and lawyers. But we're told none of the actors felt the public criticism was appropriate.

    And we're told The Rock has not said anything today on set to clarify his remarks and the actors still don't know to whom he was referring. Our sources eliminate Tyrese and Luda, but all of the others are possibilities.



    Hilarious.  Popcorn time...  Gotta be Vin and/or Kurt Russell...both known egotists, to a degree.  We usually don't hear anything bad about Statham, do we (which explains why he continues to get work). 

    • Like 1
  6. Hilarious.  Hard to tell if Rock is playing the game or telling the truth...he does both so well.  But he doesn't normally talk shit about his co-stars, even when joking with/about them.  Hilarious either way.  If true, I'd bet he's indeed talking about young upstarts (Eastwood) or old divas (Diesel...or Russell?).

  7. 14 hours ago, NCsoft said:


    This somewhat gives me more confidence in the film, I'm a big fan of Zhang Yimou.

    But I think the perception of this film unfortunately will not be changed, and it will suffer in the west because of it.


    Kind of ironic, considering no one in American goes to see Chinese films anyway...it's not like most Americans open themselves up to diverse cultures much...true irony, considering how we were founded.  Even Jackie Chan and Jet Li have basically abandoned making Hollywood movies.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, grim22 said:

    And so it begins




    I've really enjoyed Constance Wu speaking her mind about Holllywood inequities in the past (great interview she did with Vulture last month), but does she really believe that this movie's "reason" The Great Wall was built (to keep out monsters) is "based in actual fact"?   This movie is pure fantasy, from my understanding.  I understand her point, but...could she at least wait to see the film before commenting on its content?  We have no idea how it plays out... 


    I found this interesting nugget from a Variety piece:


    "The film is a period action spectacular with sci-fi elements and a massive plot twist."


    For all we know, Damon's character could be killed off halfway through, allowing Andy Lau's character to take the lead in defeating the threat...we just don't know yet!

    • Like 1
  9. The one thing that separates this from Yimou's 'Flowers of War' (with Christian Bale) is that 'Flowers' was an attempt to tell a story rooted significantly in true historical events (even though the Japanese govt. denies the 'Rape of Nanking', and Bale was playing a fictional character "based on elements" of John Rabe). 


    This...seems like pure fantasy/horror in the Chinese historical fantasy-sense (though taking place in a portion of real history?), from what we can see so far...

  10. On 7/21/2016 at 10:56 PM, Cookson said:



    Just announced at comic con, FUNimation will distribute the 29th TOHO produced Godzilla film. The 31st in the long running franchise.


    FUNimation confirmed a late 2016 theatrical release.


    TOHO has sold the film to at least 100 countries and or territories. The largest ever by TOHO.


    Godzilla: Resurgence will be released in Japan next Friday in Imax formats!





    Oh yeah, I know that trick, we do that in the West.   The typical "put music over your entire trailer when your movie's dialogue is shit."  ;-) 


    Not like it matters, though...it's Godzilla.  (Though it would be nice for one of these things to actually be a great film in all ways.)

  11. 4 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

    if this is china's most expensive film it got me wondering how much matt damon must've been paid.




    I expect this to "severely underperform," a la Flowers of War.  Is this a mix of English and Chinese language?   These "cultural co-production" things almost never work (and I'm a fan of Yimou)...at least the Chinese ones don't.

  12. I caught this today in 3-D (typically darker than it should be), but I really enjoyed this, and may go catch it one more time in theaters.  I hope word of mouth is good, and encourages a sequel (an emotion I absolutely didn't feel with STID)  And...yes, I hope they include Jayla.  ;-)    Quibbles could be made about Elba's character and a few so-called "plotholes" but overall, I think this is a great homage with fun characters and a very enjoyable experience that I can see myself watching more times throughout the years.  Kudos to Lin and the crew and cast. 

  13. 18 hours ago, marveldcfox said:

    I really liked the Japanese actress. If she doesn't return then this movie can go to hell. They probably will hire some chinese actors for boxoffice reasons, which will make this nothing but a money making exercise for 1 market.


    Exactly.  People shouldn't be surprised Hunnam isn't returning...which, by the way... I seriously doubt was due to "the director"...rather it was his own/agent's choice.  I don't expect Kikuchi back, either.  Some of the supporting players, perhaps...but this thing will basically be a "loose sequel" or SINO. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Blanks McCoy said:

    I mean, it's sorta disposable, but when it's this good of a cast, I'm okay with one more focused on characters getting moments to shine than overall "epicness"


    Although Elba kinda pissed me off because why bother hiring him if you're gonna cover him in makeup and modify his voice. Legitimately sounded like Immortan Joe at points lol


    Exactly my argument... One could say "Don't blame it on Elba"...but he signed up for the damn thing.


    (No, I haven't seen this, yet)

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