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Everything posted by GirafficPark

  1. If i dont consume the content then you still get no money! Im not sure what your argument is. It doesnt matter who makes a thing, if its good and well marketed it will usually do fine, if not, its gone. Plenty of people make physical goods that arent pirated in any way yet still fail, so, whats your point?
  2. Then cry me a river. Right now the movie industry is like a car company with dealers only open one hour a day in 2 places country wide, then getting upset when people only buy second hand.The distribution system is so bad its doomed to fail and causes the very thing it fears. Its like they would rather you steal it than pay for it sometimes.
  3. Its exactly the point. Quality works, if your project was killed by piracy then something in the chain failed. Either it was poor quality itself, or the distribution system was poor, all part of failed marketing, which we all know kills movies regularly.
  4. Now your getting offensive with no cause. Get an argument or go way.
  5. Yeah because the movie/TV industry get no special treatment at all. They drop their entitlement ill drop mine. Where is my tax break, my creative accounting, my packaging of services and skills?
  6. Actually under UK law (where i am) most things can be retuned if you didnt like it, EXCEPT media. Even food! Make it possible to return a crap movie and i'll stop instantly.
  7. Again false. Watch or not they get no money either way. This isnt a tax im avoiding, these companies dont deserve my money just for existing. If their product was good, popular and financed correctly it should do fine, if not, oh well, that's capitalism for you. It sucks but its how it is. Most failed movies or TV shows went over budget, didnt do their research properly or simply were never going to make money (limited appeal, expensive to realise). Piracy or lack there of wouldnt have saved them. Sci-fi isnt as popular as it once was, its expensive to make and the audience, while a decent size, is fickle. Stargate Universe died because it was expensive and no one liked it, no one bothered pirating it either. GoT is super popular, massively expensive.. and the most pirated show in history, still makes a profit, will run for as long as the show runners want it to.
  8. You only have to look at when downloads are downloaded to see that its not usually about money. Most are downloaded in the first weeks after BR release, or web release somewhere in the world. This is because its the only way to see it for most. If there was worldwide simultaneous release in digital format piracy would be greatly reduced. Personally thats what I do so i dont have to wait a couple of months for it to be on one of my paid subs. If the torrent weren't there i would just have to wait, either way the cost to me and the revenue to them is the same, and its true for a lot of torrenters in my experience.
  9. If we werent fans we probably wouldnt pay regardless. I should be noted that i havent downloaded a single thing this year that hasn't been on one of my subs eventually anyway. Next year GoT might be the exception, IF I decide against adding the package to my NowTV account for a couple of months. The one thing i cant get any other way, F1, is gone, I wont be watching.
  10. Lets reverse it. There are plenty of things I have paid for, or more for, because they were convenient compared to cheaper options. I torrent less now because of Netflix than I did 10 years ago. Netflix is actually easier and faster than torrenting.
  11. Pretty much gives me that, so whats your point? Contrary to popular belief downloading doesn't give you unlimited access to every movie ever made, its actually quite hard or impossible to find older movies. It gives you little more access than the legal means, probably somewhat less actually. For example Ghostbusters, the Original. On the site i use most its got just 3 torrent, the best of which has just 31 seeders, so it would probably take days to actually get. Can find it on Netflix in seconds.
  12. I have a virgin media sub, which is £61, Now TV which (on a deal) was £38 for 6 months, then reverts to £9.99 a month (for Sky Movies). I also have Amazon Prime (which i dont count because it use it for the delivery not the media) and Netflix. Do you have that much?
  13. I dont hurt anyone, because if I watch it, or dont watch it they get the same money from me, and the costs to them involving me are also zero.
  14. No product 'deserves' to exist. I choose if i pay or not for everything. Yes, i cheap, i only pay £75 A MONTH for my media subscriptions, lock me up!!
  15. Research proves otherwise. Pirates spend the most. Filthy casuals who pirate likely would never pay. Thats certainly my experience of it as well.
  16. With reguard to the first line, yes thats exactly how consumerism works. I decided if I feel like paying or not for every single thing I ever owned or bought or didnt. With regard to the second, no, im not, because either way I wouldn't be paying, the only difference therefore is that one way i see something, the other way i dont. there was no cost to the producer. That is not true of physical objects. Please not that i do actually pay for these things, for me piracy is about when and how I get to see them, not if.
  17. Same happened with Ghostbusters (2016) for me, except it was my housemate that downloaded it. He had NO intention of paying to see it, but was interested enough to pirate. If there was no piracy option he wouldn't have watched it, end of story. As it is, for some inexplicable reason) he found it funny and now might pay to see a second one (like thats going to be made...lol)..
  18. Not if he wouldnt have paid for it if he couldnt pirate it no.
  19. Or worth his money more like. Digital media is NOT equivalent to physical goods, however much the industry protests that it is.
  20. What deterrents? The best would be availability, individual pricing, no forced ads etc. Remove the real reasons for piracy. There is no reason why TV/Movies couldnt be digitally available instantly now at a very good price. Since I no longer have Sky TV (Sky Atlantic is exclusive to the Satellite service) I cant watch GoT legally now, but I would pay, say, £2.50 per episode for it the same day as broadcast (so that I dont get spoilers). As it is they get nothing either way.
  21. No they arent. There is no evidence piracy affects revenue, none whatsoever.
  22. Either you didnt read what I wrote or you are out of your mind.
  23. The problem is its just not true. If you make a product people want, they pay. If you dont, they wont. If your product is expensive but not popular then it doesn't deserve to sell, its market forces.
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