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Posts posted by acetabulum7

  1. You alluded to this already but Hulk's scenes where he punched Thor and especially when he annihilated Loki.  haha..I chuckle just thinking of those scenes.

    I saw Avengers twice in theaters and strangely there was no response when Hulk punched Thor except for me chuckling.
  2. A few (I think) no one mentioned.


    Norman Bates -Psycho

    Annie Wilkes - Misery

    The Child Catcher - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Baby Jane Hudson - Whatever happened to baby Jane?

    Don Logan - Sexy Beast

    Nurse Ratched - One flew over the Cuckoos nest

    Jack Torrance - The Shining

    The Borg Queen - Star Trek First Contact


  3. Because the franchise has always been X-Men vs Magneto, X-Men vs Magneto with another generic villain in the mix, X-Men vs Magneto vs humans, etc. This is finally something different, should be on a much larger scale, and also brings back the original cast (they probably won't be in the movie much, but the marketing won't tell audiences that)

    It wasn't always X-Men vs Magneto.  X2 had X-Men team up with Magneto.  First Class had X-Men including Magneto.


    I agree that DoFP is on a much "larger" scale, but with the franchise so dead in the water among general audiences, they shouldn't hope for more than $250M DOM.

  4. I don't mind raunchy comedy. THERE'S SOMETHING ABT MARY started a whole new genre.

    Remember the hair gel? But after that, people just go for shock value: the horrible, unfunny

    SCARY MOVIE series, and the even worse HAUNTED HOUSE. MARY is truly funny, WEDDING

    CRASHERS got heart, the rest are just dull.

    I know, right?  The shock value of pooping on the street and eating a sandwich off someone's lap...


    Anyone know what I'm talking about?  Yup, you guessed it:  Bridesmaids.

  5. How To train Your Dragon is the best Pixar Film with Wall-e.

    Dragon was actually Dreamworks... more evidence for you that Dreamworks is getting more entertaining than Pixar.


    I actually kinda agree with that, too.  Pixar has been a bit uninspiring to me since Disney bought it.  Not sure if that has anything to do with anything, but at least Marvel is still doing well, so hopefully Lucasfilms will follow suit.

  6. There's still hope.


    If Supes is good, and Bale can come back for one last hurrah, that's all they need for audiences to flock to a JL movie.


    Like Dexter said, just recast Green Lantern a la Hulk, throw in Flash and WW, and JGL can easily be Nightwing (don't forget Hathaway as Catwoman), and they got themselves a super movie.  :bravo:


    And get Nolan to direct.  I don't care what it takes.  $50M up front plus another $50M to Bale.  Do it.  They can't turn that kind of money down.


    It doesn't have to be as big as Avengers.  It just needs to be another big money making franchise (4 or 5 films with $800M-$1B WW each) and the CEOs at Warner can buy themselves more yachts.

  7. Captain America is one worst blockbusters in recent years.

    Finally I found someone to agree with me.  I thought it was cheesy, generic, and very predictable.  Only reason it has a high RT rating is because everyone was on a Marvel high waiting for The Avengers.


    The only good scene in CA was when he jumped on the grenade, but other than that it was just all-around hokey.

    • Like 1
  8. To be fair, you're comparing a two hour movie with a show that ran for three seasons and 80 episodes.  There's too many characters and not enough time to build that relationship slowly.  I wasn't the biggest fan of StiD but that the Kirk-Spock talk at the end was one of the better parts.  What I want to know is how come nobody has any kind of defensive capabilities in the Star Trek universe.  How the hell did Khan get that little ship into Starfleet HQ and assassinate all those commanders?  How did the Enterprise park on the edge of the neutral zone and then send a small ship down and back without being noticed at all?  How did a multi-starship battle take place right next to Earth without any other starship showing up?  How the fuck is there no way to stop Khan from crashing that black starship into San Francisco?  These people really suck at defending themselves.  I would say the Klingons could just go in and take Earth easily, but they're just as bad.

    For the assassination of the commanders, didn't Khan reveal to Kirk that it was planned or something? Maybe I'm wrong; I'll have to watch it again.As for the little ship going to Kronos, they did get noticed and got chased around, right?Although to be fair, why didn't any Klingons chase after them after they picked up Khan? I mean, they lost maybe two dozen military Klingon in minutes. Lololol.

  9. Is it too late to replace JJ Abrams with Brad Bird for Star Wars? Man, he would have done an amazing job.

    I still think J.J. will still do an amazing job.


    Brad Bird is one of my fav directors, but my only only gripe about him is that he doesn't quite give the audience an emotional connection to the characters as well as other directors.  Great action, great story movement, great styling--just superb at everything else.


    He is probably a better fit, though, than Abrams, since he (Bird) can cater to the younger audience very well without making it "kiddy", which would be perfect for Star Wars.  But oh well, maybe they'll go back to having different directors and he'll do Episode 8.

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