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Johnny Tran

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Posts posted by Johnny Tran

  1. 28 minutes ago, Welcbr12 said:

    Thank God yes, but It still worries me, it's usually these randos that praise the films after premieres, I didn't see that amount of negative reviews (and the level of negative) in a while

    Some of these people don't even have followers Lol.   Should probably stick to at least posting critics. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

    Jury is still out on that but tracking on the domestic side is not looking good.


    Sure it's not looking that great but even still, the break even point isn't too crazy.   But furthermore and  to my point,  this doesn't take place in other threads.  Just Comic Book threads.  They are all toxic.  

    • Like 1
  3. 47 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

    To be fair, they did try but the result has not been good, just look at how the Northman, The last Duel and Moonfall flopped, although you can argue the reception to these movies is also to blame. 


    This kind of auteur's hit has becoming rare and rarer even before Covid. I would say NolanSpielberg, Peele and James Cameron are the last surviving auteur that can still command sizeable budget and BO for their movies.  


    You're not wrong in your assessment but Jordan Peele only came onto the scene less than a decade ago, it seems like there was more room for other directors to get their shine.  While I love Dune,  I'd be even more interested in seeing Denis do more mid-tier budget films. 

  4. 1 minute ago, PrinceRico said:

    If people are not on board with seeing the movie by now then there is nothing that can change that in a few days.


    Most people don't buy tickets until a few days before or they are walkups. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

    I would say only occasionally.


    January, February, March and May monthly gross are the lowest in decades. For example, May used to be billion dollar month but May this year only made $770m+, in fact May of 2022 was a bit higher than this year.


    We are facing the big vacuum of mid-sized hit, those movies that made between $50m-$100m. The lack of mid-sized and surprise sleeper hit normally provide some stability in BO in case big tentpoles flopped but there aren't enough of them now. That is why the overall health of the market is even more in the hand of few tentpoles. 


    Why aren't there more Jordan Peele like projects?   I'd say Nolan is the bigger version of this.  Good director, original ideas,  has a following,  and the budgets are kept in control,  usually end up with a nice profit. 


    Shouldn't studios be trying more of that? 

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    Chapter 2 was always problemtic, even in the original book.

    Agreed.  The Spider didn't exactly play well in the Made-For-TV movie version either. Chapter One was always the stand out.  


    I also agree that nobody what happens with The Flash,  Andy is good in WB/DC.   

  7. I really don't think the release schedule is being talked about enough.  It's a relatively weak schedule until after the July 4th weekend.  That should help The Flash and Indiana Jones.  Spider-Man next week will already be into it's third weekend and you have to assume Transformers is dropping 65% next weekend. 


    If the lack of competition doesn't help both movies then it's going to be a dead Summer. 


    I think too much is being made of both Barbie and Oppenheimer.  They should do well but I don't see them breaking out.  Tom Cruise has a good shot at running yet another Summer. 

  8. By the way, I think at this point the RT score is what it is in terms of whether it will help presales or help the OW walkups.  It's been sitting at 72% for a couple days and now it's up to 74%.  I can see it dipping into the 60s by but that point it won't matter because everyone has already made up their mind. 


    Audience scores and WOM are next up.   

  9. 1 hour ago, dudalb said:

    For some reason DCU threads have , more then most franchise threads, a tendacy to become  brawls .


    I think it's because there's simply a lot of people who want DC movies to do poorly and thus there's people who feel they need to defend the movies, I don't see the same amount of concern trolling in other threads.  I'm a big fan of the Fast franchise and over the past 20 years you'll see people who say "these movies suck" but there's not the same amount of vitriol, concern trolling or cheering against the franchise.  


    I don't think that's a conspiracy theory either, just read through the thread and you can watch every step of the way the people who are gleeful at the idea that the tracking may be lower than expected or the presales are lower or when Variety says the budget is $190M and people flat out say that's false as if they have inside info, etc.   People love to bring up the whole Snyder saga,  like bro that was a decade ago.  Why are we still debating that stuff? 


    Every DC thread turns into the same thing. 



    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, dudalb said:

    "Teacher, why did you give me a C instead of A on this exam;I only got 27% wrong"....75% in the inflated world of movie ratings it just 'Pretty Good".


    Ant-Man 3 was under 50%

    Super Mario is 59% 

    Fast X is 55% 

    Transformers is 55%  


    73% looks to be good in comparison to a lot of other blockbusters released so far this year.  Obviously Spiderverse is near perfect. 

    • Like 3
  11. $600M and positive general audience reception would be a huge win for a movie that had so much chaos surrounding it. 


    Plus, this movie means nothing in the grand scheme of things for the DC brand.  I don't believe the brand is damaged when The Batman can have another reboot and kill it at the box office.  


    James Gunn's Superman is the movie to watch for DC going forward.  

    • Like 1
  12. Won a bunch of awards,  was nominated for 11 Oscars, was nominated at the SAGs, was nominated at the directors and producers guild, won the golden lion,  has some of the highest audience scores across imdb and other platforms,  had good legs in the U.S.,  had crazy legs overseas... 


    How is Joker divisive?  It's pretty only some U.S. critics and I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again about political discourse.  

    • Like 3
  13. 26 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    It’s only polarizing on US tbh, even the reviews are pretty much amazing in every country but US (it won Venice afterall) 


    Yes, pretty much and it's not even all that divisive in the U.S. either.  It's a loud minority.  I'm not sure if posters outside of the U.S. realize this but the political discourse in the United States is so broken and fractured that nearly everything, every song, every movie, every commercial, etc. has folks picking sides and even trying to find something political in things that aren't meant to be. 


    For those who live outside of the U.S.,  it's actually quite exhausting to discuss almost any form of entertainment or even sports because there's all sorts of jockeying for some sort of political position going on everywhere you look.  

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  14. By the way,  $800M is way too high to me under any circumstance.  The box office just isn't back to 2019 levels and may never get there.  Yes, there's the couple outliers each year that break out in a huge way but for the most part $800M is really tough to do even if a movie is really well received.  


    I'm going to say anything over $600-650M and WB should be dancing in the streets.  This isn't Batman and I don't see a Joker type situation playing out where it pulls in comic book moviegovers, casuals AND cinephiles or Aquaman where the huge underwater special effects bonanza went bonkers in Asia. 

    • Like 1
  15. 10 hours ago, Dominic Draper said:

    Can you name any comic book films that are widely considered among the greatest of all time that are scored in the low 70s? Though who knows where it ends up score wise. Could be 60s


    I already told you, Joker. But you ignored the post.   Also,  Aquaman did $1.1 billion on a 60% RT.   Funny enough,  both examples are DC films.  


    I'm not predicting The Flash to break out like those two but you wanted examples so there they are. 

    • Like 2
  16. I said it a week ago but looking at the release schedule, there's nothing in The Flash's path.  A 3rd weekend of Spiderverse and that's about it.  Transformers is looking like a soft opening and likely smallish legs.  Indiana Jones has really bad reviews.  


    IF this is the crowd pleaser that most people say it is,  why couldn't it have strong legs?  

    • Like 4
  17. 50 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

    So it's just another mediocre cbm probably. 


    Trying to understand,  do reviews typically hold this much weight that one can already have their mind made up of its quality before seeing it? 

    • Like 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    73% isn't the worst score to get, BUT it needs to do better if you really sell it as one of the best superhero flicks. 


    I don't think this will be Joker-like divisive at all but there are a lot of people out there who called Joker the greatest comic book movie ever and it received awards, 11 Oscar nominations etc.  and the legs on it sure seemed to suggest that many people bought in and believed that hype.  The RT score, however, was I believe mid 60s.   


    My point is that a movie could have a middling RT score and still receive that kind of praise (not saying that The Flash will)

  19. 11 minutes ago, 21C said:

    No one is saying it's doomed, just that based on the tracking so far and these reviews there's no reason to believe it'll be a mega smash-hit either. It'll break even and make a bit of profit, and it doesn't exactly damage the brand, but it doesn't exactly move the needle for the studio either. 


    I don't think it has to.  If it's a fun ride with some good nostalgia for the family then cool, whatever.  Personally, I think James Gunn's Superman is the movie that DC needs to be a big deal. 

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