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Johnny Tran

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Posts posted by Johnny Tran

  1. We enjoyed The Flash well enough.  Probably a 7/10 type of movie.  Keaton was a blast.  Ezra Miller did a really good job with what he was assigned to do here.  


    There's quite a few heartfelt scenes throughout.   I can see why it was getting some hype but there's also issues.  The CGI isn't good, although it's more noticeable in some scenes than others.  


    The third act is a little too convoluted for my liking as well but I wouldn't say "bad" 

    • Like 5
  2. 2 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    Zaslav destroyed CNN completely, diluted the valuable HBO brand, and has yet to have a single one of the genius ideas he is hyped up for in terms of actual content and innovation for either movies/TV or news divisions. His cuts have returned temporary value to shareholders but unless he finds a way to generate lasting content in both entertainment and news then the company is fucked.


    I don't think that's true at all.  HBO is still HBO. It's still the king of Sunday nights. It's still the home of premium TV whether that was House of the Dragon,  The Last of Us,  Succession,  and I think he knows that.   So what if 'The Idol' isn't good.  It's not damaging the HBO brand and honestly, the Discovery integration into the Max app hasn't really changed much.  HBO is still front and center on the app.  

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, 21C said:

    If they fire Zaslav that'd probably increase the chances of WBD being sold, not reduce them. Also none of the films can be put on him, yet, as he didn't shepherd them, he just inherited them.


    What is wrong with this board when it comes to finance anyway?  Zaslav made Max profitable. The stock is way up on the year. He's cut costs. He's done everything the shareholders have asked for. 


    People think he's getting fired because The Flash (a movie he has nothing to do with) underperforms?   Please stop these types of posts. It's ridiculous.  

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, TMP said:

    Gunn should try to get barbie poster boy Gosling for the Gunn Batman. He can brood. He can joke around. What more could you ask for!


    This might not be the thread for it but I don't think 'Barbie' is going to do nearly as well as some people are thinking/expecting. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    I guess Spidey animated movie is cheaper mainly because they embrace the unpolished look of many elements in scene as aesthetic, and it is indeed very creative and gorgeous, while Pixar goes to the super rendered realism.


    Well then Disney needs to smarten up because I thought Elemental looked very meh in the trailers and Spiderverse was absolutely breathtaking in many scenes.  


    The money Disney/Pixar spent... they could have just flushed it down the drain. 

  6. Just now, FunkMiller said:


    What they should be doing is to stop endlessly chasing the shared universe, and just make good solo, stand alone movies. We have a great Batman already, in a series that's already proved to be popular and successful. The Batman 2 will likely clear a billion.




    I'm not sure about a billion but the first 'The Batman' could have gotten very close to it if they hadn't done the 45-day window/HBO Max thing.  


    I wonder if The Penguin is a hit show if that will also help hype it up...  Regardless,  all these projects we are talking about are probably not coming out for another 5 years due to the writers strike. 

    • Like 1
  7. Aquaman 2 should have at least way more women for opening weekend.  The problem is it's another lame duck project that they are just trying to recoup some coin from before the reset.  


    I don't know what they could have done differently. I think they needed to announce the reset but there's no way it hasn't hurt the box office of Shazam 2,  The Flash and likely Aquaman 2.   There really wasn't an alternative.  They just need to recoup as much as they can and then quickly move on.  

  8. I would like to see 80's and 90's nostalgia die out.   Studios have been relying on that now for over a decade.  I said this in one of the DC threads but isn't it amazing how when WB just let Matt Reeves and Todd Phillips do their thing they produced massive hits?  


    Now some will say that Todd Phillips was a love letter to the 70s and that's true but most people who saw Joker never saw Taxi Driver.  


    When you let good writer/directors do their thing,  it produces hits.   When you meddle or try to fluff up the properties with nothing but fan service and nostalgia,  you get way more Flash situations or the Star Wars trilogy ends up falling off a cliff etc. than you do a No Way Home.  


    And that's what the James Gunn hire should do for them.  Everything he's written is good. Let him be. 

    • Like 3
  9. 13 minutes ago, Menor Reborn said:

    I don't think those had public test screenings. That said we did hear the same thing about Flash, lol


    I'll believe it when I see it.  Captain Marvel was a very average movie that was gifted a perfect slot between Infinity War and Endgame.  Brie Larson was a cardboard cutout.  I'd like for them to prove me wrong though. 

    • Like 2
  10. 26 minutes ago, GOGODanca said:

    its always been like this for dc,the nolan films masked a studio that has been putting out mostly garbage since the late 90s


    I don't think that's true.  I'm not a "DC fan" or a "Marvel fan" I just like good movies and DC has a lot of bad ones but they're good ones like The Batman, Joker and Wonder Woman rank way up there as some of my favorite comic book movies ever.  


    If I was doing a top 10 of comic book movies over the last ten years,  I'd have Infinity War,  Black Panther, Winter Soldier and GOTG in there along with Wonder Woman, The Batman,  Joker and the two Spiderverse movies. 

    • Like 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:


    The thing is, Batman is an institution all of his own, independent of the larger DC brand. And even then, I'd argue that movie suffered because of how badly audiences were burned on Zack Snyder's Batman.


    How did the movie suffer?  It made $770M in a 45-day window. If they hadn't put it on Max early, you are looking at an even bigger number and not many recent comic book movies have gotten that far.  

    • Like 4
  12. 58 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    You know what? Fuck everything. I'll do one better:


    Guardians 3>Shazam 2+Flash+Blue Beetle combined worldwide.


    I genuinely can't think of a brand more toxic and dead than DC right now. I can't help but feel like hyping this movie up so much is going to bite James Gunn in the ass hard when Superman Legacy is ready for release. They need to scrub any and all references to the DC name from that movie's marketing if they want it to even break even.


    These are the types of terrible hyperbolic posts I was expecting lol.   WB had to try to get some money out of these things, it has zero to do with Gunn's Superman and the reboot.  The Batman did great on its own. 

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  13. I don't know about "much more"..   my guess would be $9.75 million tops.  Maybe they say $10M to sound better.  I think it's looking to be low $60s for the weekend.  Is that a failure? I wouldn't say it's a complete fail because again they are really just trying to make back most or all of what was spent here,  there's nothing about the future of DC coming out of this run or lack of run. 


    I'll be interested to see more of what audiences think in the coming 2 days. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    Flash is looking to finish right around 200-205k tickets tonight.

    6/2022- Jurassic World 250k tickets = $17.5m / $70 per ticket

    10/2022 - Black Adam 144k tickets =$7.6m / $52.7 per ticket


    These comps would give Flash a range of $10.5 & $14m for previews. 


    We know that Flash avg. ticket price is about 5% ahead of Black Adam already, and it also the many early week screenings which are probably another $1-1.5m. 


    The math aint the complicated. 177k tickets current x $52.7 + 5% + 1.5m gets one to $11.3m. And it has another 20-25k worth of ticketed still to come. 


    Can anyone confirm that this math checks out?  This dude is cool and all but he's made some hyperbolic statements in the past,  as recently as a half hour ago. 

    • Like 2
  15. 19 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    I got a feeling over the next 24 hours, this thread will become an interesting demonstration of the stages of grief.


    Nobody should be grieving about it.  It will do what it does and it means nothing towards future DC projects.   James Gunn has a clean slate.  That's what they wanted and that's what DC fans should want.  

    • Like 3
  16. 3 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

    You mean Oscar indications? The Oscar win? I’m not sure you can call Joker ‘objectively’ one of the best superhero films of all time by that sort of metric. If you want to use IMDB, then there are the RT scores, it’s pointless discussion because you want to call it ‘objectively’ one of the best films based in comic books and well, I couldn’t disagree more with you.


    You're disagreeing with me but you're not posting any factual information other than it got around 64% of whatever it was on RT.  Many of those critics from the U.S. took some sort of political stance.  It went far above those numbers from overseas critics who don't care about U.S. politics.  


    Box office indicates are huge, popular movie.  WOM and legs were great. Audience scores were great. And yes, it was nominated for 11 Oscars combined with countless other nominations at other awards shows.  And also won the Golden Lion. 


    If you show me more comic book movies that have all of those accolades then maybe it's more of a discussion.  

    • Like 4
  17. 3 hours ago, LVB said:


    With China's help.


    If you're talking 'The Batman' box office gross you should probably start with the fact it was only in theaters for 45 days before landing on HBO Max.  So the $770M that it did make would have been a lot more if the previous regime hadn't made the decision to put it on Max early to net subs.  

  18. 3 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

    Good point. For me it felt very formulaic, and I also find it incredibly distasteful to make Joker a sympathetic figure. It’s Taxi Driver when it comes to what is obviously heavy influenced by, and I say that to a fault, not really a compliment. Joker should be dangerous and not really an anti-hero, it felt a lot to me ironically like Venom, never mind how outstanding Phoenix performance is. But I do think that the general consensus I see from people - and how I personally feel about the film as well - is that it’s a terrific performance in a meh film, with a predictable story, with the biggest sin for me trying too hard to make us feel about the Joker. He is a sociopath, a lunatic. Not an anti-hero. I feel a lot like Blue Beetle’s uncle when it comes to Batman, but making Joker an anti-establishment sympathetic anti-hero felt hollow and a complete lack of understanding of the source material.


    This is all how you personally felt and does nothing in response to my reply to you that was only rooted in factual information. 

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