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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Still seeing a lot of positive reactions from critics and journalists around the world. It does seem to be going over quite a bit better outside of the Cannes audience, but there are still some criticisms everyone seems to agree on.
  2. 55% now on RT with 49 reviews. Every review after Cannes so far has been positive lol, most of them very positive. Would be really funny if both this and Elemental managed to get out of that Cannes pickle. EDIT: Make that 56% now
  3. Still not the same thing at all, he's doing plenty of creative things with the camera in the movie, mostly having a lot of fun with ways to show the Flash's speed. He's competent behind the camera and tries to bring some flair to the movie. He's not one of the overworked and poorly paid visual effects artists having to constantly follow whatever changes the studio may have demanded along the way. not all visual effects look bad in the movie, and visual effects are not the only visuals in the movie.
  4. lol it's been funny to see how much it's been taking for The Flash to move up on MetaCritic. 85, 80, 63, an earlier review changing from 50 to 63, and then now another 85 from CNN, and all that's happened is moving the average from 60 to 61.
  5. I haven't read his review yet but I can imagine it being a common thought. I will say I enjoyed watching the movie quite a bit more than I can claim to have liked it, and I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it again.
  6. I liked the movie but it's completely made up of paradoxes and contradictions, both thematically and visually. It's simultaneously rather thoughtful and completely clueless, visually very nice and catastrophically ugly, and in it is a warning about nostalgic overload, but the movie then endulges in that overload way too much. There should be a much better version of it somewhere in there. It's definitely a crowdpleaser and oh boy does it please them. It's likeable, funny, and very entertaining. It's genuinely clever to pair Barry Allen with a younger version of himself, and the script does a very good job with both of them. In many ways it feels like an ending that leaves behind a desire to look forward - but only until the film then threatens once again with one last look back. Very enjoyable, it just might also be the nadir of franchise cinema.
  7. Mild uptick in the average to presumably cap the first day. Just baaarely under the treshold for green on MC and the certified fresh bar on RT. Not terrible, should at least survive from going rotten.
  8. WarnerBros seem to be touting a 4/5 from Empire (the actual review doesn't seem to have been published yet) so there's a chance it could go up to green on MC pretty soon lol. EDIT: oh and also the "ELECTRIFYING" quote from GamesRadar in the text is funny since the actual review was a 3/5.
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