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Lucas last won the day on February 22

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About Lucas

  • Birthday March 25

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Box Office Gold (6/10)



  1. Good a time as any to say I may or may not be seeing it very soon
  2. You can be a student and get accredited to Venice, what point were you trying to make?
  3. The one-two punch of Nosferatu and Sinners is quite unfortunate for this lol. I'm glad WB didn't throw it in the trash, but yeah I wasn't a fan - though there are some creative visual ideas in there. It just needed to go heavier on the adaptation part of the process because it feels like it's taking a little bit of everything so nothing gets developed or room to breathe properly. To borrow part of a quote from Stephen King (lol):
  4. Because the source material is 439 pages long and the film is under 2 hours. Ah you figured out what the problem with this could be.
  5. Thought this was a bit of a mess that seemed to be too caught up in the source material.
  6. Just as a note for the future, this is a meme account lmao
  7. This was a very solid, albeit a familiar, origin story. Most everything in it works, I just wish there were some additional punches to make it go harder and elevate the common tropes. Definitely the best Transformers movie I've seen other than perhaps Bumblebee (but that was more just "what if E.T. was a car"). Should warrant a sequel, and I'd watch it.
  8. Saw it a few days ago and loved it, one of my favorites of the year.
  9. They also may have overplayed Gaga's screentime. And yeah it's definitely a critique of the worst fans of the first film. "It’s not gonna do numbers like the first but it’s much more interesting".
  10. From what I'm hearing they may have downplayed just how much of a musical it is. Two of the original numbers appear to be, and I quote, "absolute bangers".
  11. Liked it, didn't love, but a lot of great sequences that felt genuinely inspired. It's strange just how plotty Tim Burton movies insist on being these days, even for movies (like this) that really don't need it. Crazy unnecessary amount of characters and threads, but for a modern day Burton movie, and a legacy sequel for Beetlejuice, it's almost a best case scenario.
  12. Could be. Should add though that my friend still really liked it, so not a big deal.
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