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Lucas last won the day on February 22

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About Lucas

  • Birthday March 25

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Box Office Gold (6/10)



  1. Real shame they didn't strike while the iron was hot and go for the coming Oscars.
  2. What's up, Kevin
  3. Had a real "they should've sent a poet" reaction to Denzel's performance in this.
  4. I'm 100% certain Tom Cruise knows what the audience cares about with this series. That's why they keep flying by the seat of their pants and figure out the "plot" as they go. Every time Ethan's reacting to one of the classic "your mission, should you choose to accept it" they keep stating on the commentary tracks that Cruise has no idea what the voiceover is saying when he's acting it. If anyone knows what matters and what the audience actually care about, it's Cruise lol.
  5. How many people in the audience do you suspect are following any of the plots in these movies? None of the MacGuffins have ever truly mattered, they're all the same lol. My mom will probably watch the next movie thinking the Entity wasn't in the last one.
  6. That handcuff gag is just the best. When Ethan gets in the car and realizes he fucked up and needs to let Grace drive, man that's what cinema is all about.
  7. Having now seen DR a few times since release, boy it may be my favorite of the franchise. Fallout is amazing with the most propulsive collection of back to back setpieces, Rogue Nation is amazing with the most fun tone, and Dead Reckoning found the best middleground of the two along with having the best antagonist of the whole series. Fallout is a little too dour, and Rogue Nation doesn't have the same high level of back-to-back set pieces. Dead Reckoning has what the other two lack.
  8. Reviews coming out now. A few glowing ones, and several with reservations about it being conventional.
  9. Saw it last week, I liked it about as much as the first. It doesn't have anywhere near the same quality of scares, a lot of times it becomes unintentionally funny, but it's really well made and confident filmmaking.
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