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Posts posted by Momo

  1. ^I agree with you that's usually true,but Power Rangers is not just some adapations. Toei is more involved with it show and movie wise. Then the anime company that produced GITS. In fact it will be coming out their under Toei distrubtion. Not Lionsgate or Saban. Still I don't think it make more then 10M tops. Due to it coming out so late and Super Sentai movies from the same company have never made more then 5-11M. Any ways the movie didn't do enough at the box office to warrant another one. I would be really surprised if another happened. Those who liked the movie like myself. Will still be able to get it on Blu-ray.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Tele Came Back said:


    People don't call it as much of a flop because Lionsgate sold all the foreign territories. 


    Well,that plus PR budget (100M) is less then GITS (110M according to Mojo site) was and domesticly it did better then GITS (PR made 45M more in US). Now If he only referring to WW. Then he has a point.  GITS did gross more WW. 168M to 135M WW. In China PR looking at 3 to 5M tops. So he can boast that. Although Japan still left for PR so who knows.

  3. Would like to issue a sorry for my China coments early in the week. What I said was uncalled for and wrong on many levels. I got an ear full from one of your posters on another forum. I didn't explain well what I meet about by those coments. They were taken in way that people felt I made a racist remark. I didn't mean it to come out the way it sounds. So I hope you all forgiven me on it.

    • Like 4
  4. 7 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

    To be honest it's just kinda sad to see fans realize they aren't getting more out of the property they love.


    It does suck that the franchise in a dead spiral right now. I said countless times. I think the franchise needs to go away a while. It need some years away much like TF,He-Man,etc. So that when it's ready to return people can appreciate again. Right now it's basicly dying a slow death. Hanging on by just toy sells.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Arlborn said:


    Link to the post that gave you ban? I'm so curious lol


    Lmao,I don't know the excated post that did me in but the Mods and their fans keep whining about how I was being to negative. I went on there like 40 minutes ago and bang the site says I was baned. lol Here a link to some of my post today.. https://www.rangerboard.com/showthread.php?t=180092&page=194


    @drdungbeetle,I certainly think it could have help. Not saying a lot,but PR I always felt was a martial arts action type flick. I never went into it. Saying give me Twlight. lol


    P.S. What really ticked them off is when I posted the China numbers. They hated that. You can see by their piling on me.

  6. 8 minutes ago, drdungbeetle said:

    The official film site or the Rangers fansite?


    Rangerboard. They said I was to negative about the movie because I said the movie flopped and the BO numbers were bad. Anyone that doesn't say it made a profit or doing good. They trash over there. I was even told I was not allowed to compare it's numbers to other movies that came out.  They can't handle critisim of the movie at all.

  7. 1 hour ago, Yandereprime101189 said:


    You know, no matter how badly both King Arthur or Valerian do, I consider this a bigger failure. They could have made this ...........big.


    Agree,I feel this movie had a real chance to break out as the next action franchise,but it was dumbed down into a teen drama. It was like the director wanted it to be as far away from anything PR related until the end of the movie. Which isn't what people wanted or expected. Yes,people know the TV show was and still corny. But peeps that first saw the trailers. Thought this would go TF or Pirates type of action. Instead it went F4.


    P.S. Hopefully studios like Sony that are making Masters of the Universe use this movie for lessons on what not to do when making an action type franchise. Wow,I got baned for saying PR flopped on PR site. lol


  8. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:42 AM, FranMan said:

    I liked PR (for what it is) but I think it'll be difficult for it to make a dent in the Japanese BO, saying as someone who's part Japanese. The young adult-ish drama of the movie isn't that relatable while the little action given isn't markedly more exciting than the usual tokusatsu fare. Happy to be wrong though.


    Your probably right. After seeing how it done in all other OS markets China included. I probably should expect very little in Japan as well.

  9. 4 hours ago, jiangsen said:

    Maoyan Predictions for Saturday


    Dangal 108M (!!)

    Guardians 2 45.8M (Solid jump)

    King Arthur 13.3M (Meh)

    Power Rangers 8.1M (My god...)


    Overall now predicting Dangal > Guardians 2 696M>695M



    Yeah PR completely flopped in China and every where else. @POTUS,I meet frontloaded in that people that were going to see it. Would see it the first day there and then it would completely drop off the cliff. Yes it was a little different in US,because it made 40M on OW. Still,it did start to fall off the cliff after that weekend.

  10. 3 hours ago, jiangsen said:

    Dude, after all your whining and shit in the presales forum, you react by putting down an entire country? Seems petty and playing into exactly what everyone thought of you from the beginning: you're nothing but a sensitive fanboy.


    No offense,but my point stands. Chinese people gave Warcraft good reviews. It's not just them giving PR bad reviews. It the fact they love some of the worse movies. I mean does anyone think King Arthur is a 7.9 rated film? Look I'm not say PR a master pieces or good film,but it's was better then the Smurfs which they gave 8.6 rating too. PR flopped. I have say so countless threads. Still doesn't denied that China loves movies with the worse plots ever. Plus I read some of the reviews on Mayoyan for PR and Arthur. They claim they have no plot. Really,I guess TF was full of plot then. lmao Any ways,the next movie I'm rooting for is Masters of the Universe in 2019. Grew up on it in the 80s.


    @POTUS,Saturday drop would not surprise me. PR is very front loaded. Was in the US. Probably be in China as well.

  11. 1 hour ago, keysersoze123 said:



    let us hope for momo's sake it breaks out huge.


    Yes,i know it doing badly I never denied that. I just find it odd you guys feel need to attack PR only. Arthur is not doing great. Yet, seems nobody cracking jokes about it. That's what I'm talking about @Tele Came Back. Yes, you had a PR troll a while back. Even I called him out before. Doesn't mean just because you had one troll were all like him. I even said in other thread I thought it BO run was bad. So I'm not exactly naïve to how it doing.

  12. 13 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:


    Making fun of Power Rangers is not attacking you. you are getting very sensitive. Few days back I posted Dangal beating PR/KA and you reacted.


    As a fan of the series. I do think it attacking some thing I love. How would you feel if I made fun of a movie or show you loved? I'm ok with accepting it not doing good,but that's not what he was doing. He was singling out one movie on tracking thread saying people shouldn't post it numbers,because he doesn't like PR.

  13. 27 minutes ago, Captain H said:

    Japan had never been big about CBMs, so there's that. Power Rangers will probably do GITS number, around $15 million max.


    Little early to make a PR prediction. It's not coming out intill July. Plus although you could be right. It also possible Japan is the one market PR does have success in. Because of the whole Super Sentai thing. Plus, I believe Toei the distributor there for PR. They might be able to do better promoting PR then other OS markets have.

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