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Posts posted by upriser7

  1. Just now, Ledmonkey96 said:

    ooph and The Flash was received well there wasn't it?

    yeah...Flash had decent reception but not great whereas Elemental's audience score is very good. Elemental's audience score is 98%, Flash is at 94%. For comparison, TGM was 98-99%, GOTG3 was 98%, Super Mario was 96%, FastX was 94%, Transformers was 86%.

  2. TLM ended up doing ok domestically (+/- 10-15% of other live Disney remakes). It mostly failed overseas which is why I don't get the discussion of impact RW culture wars vs Disney. There will be some impact for sure but it's not that significant in domestic market. Domestic culture wars are not the reason why it failed in overseas

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  3. Music was the best thing about Adipurush. The first half of the movie was sort of okay but the 2nd half was a bore. The final battle wasn't engaging and was just way too long.  Om Raut is probably biggest culprit here...got lot of things wrong. I really wish Prabhas look was close to Baahubali than whatever look he had in this movie...it just didn't suit him

  4. Just now, Ledmonkey96 said:

    CNN's always had meh ratings, pretty sure the Newsmax thing had more to do with Fox letting go Tucker Carlson causing their ratings to explode 

    they were always 3rd in ratings behind MSNBC, Fox but their ratings tanked by almost 40-50% since the townhall happened. They lost lot of their core base due to that townhall

  5. 44 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

    the marvels looks fun i think it should do quite well. despite the ms marvel show not being popular i think it'll be good for the movie she's a more charismatic and fun protagonist.

    Agree..when I watched the teaser, the thing that stood out to me witty and charming Kamala's character came across.

  6. I don't think people outside US understand how much CNN has suffered since Zaslav came into picture...their ratings tanked horribly and were doing worse than Newsmax few days after that infamous townhall happened. This is despite lot of people warning CNN about not to do townhall but they still went ahead with it. Zaslav's tenure so far has been nothing but disastrous

  7. Is there any specific reason (other than covid related delays) as to why Elemental budget is so high at nearly $200M ? I was surprised when I learned ATSV budget was only $100M whereas Elemental is $200M...didn't make much sense to me. It's not Elemental has some huge cast either

  8. 4 hours ago, vale9001 said:

    Omg americans really make surveys to see what movie you're gonna see based on politics. What a strange country, i can't imagine any other country in the world doing somethin like that 💀

    it's not complicated...the original survey was a political survey and any political survey has data broken down by demographics, party id etc. At the end of survey, some surveys also ask some non-political fun questions like what's your favorite ice-cream flavor, favorite band, favorite Batman etc

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  9. 28 minutes ago, reddevil19 said:

    Well, given all the hype and these stupid twitter posts, it's the rabid fans that are setting that up.


    I am not a Barbie fan and I don't even plan to watch the movie. The survey wasn't conducted just to ask about Barbie vs Oppenheimer. This was mainly a political poll and on top of that, they asked few other fun questions like this. There are also age, race, region related demographics in the tweets I shared, not just political 

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