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Posts posted by upriser7

  1. 5 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:


    I doubt it, b/c that party has taken such an anti-Hollywood line...


    I mean, as you noticed, no Republican said anything about this movie til it made over $50M...and now Trump announces TODAY, 10 DAYS IN, he is gonna do a screening to jump on the WOM bandwagon.  After it's a big hit.


    And, I doubt the studio wants it, but again, they had no money for a marketing campaign, so they get what they get from the internet for this movie...

    thing is in the example where I was talking about India, the party and it's hardcore supporters hate Bollywood (Indian version of Hollywood) just like how GOP hates Hollywood. It's a similar scenario...now that Trump said something about the screening, some other GOP leaders will also pounce on this opportunity. Next time when you have a similar movie, I wouldn't be surprised if some of these studios work in co-ordination with some GOP leaders right from start to promote the movie. These kind of movies bring out audience who rarely go to theatres to watch any movies

  2. In India, over the last 2 years, there have been 3-4 RW movies which were promoted by the party in power and its leaders encouraged their supporters to go and watch the movie in theatres. Normally, these kinda movies wouldn't have done much business at boxoffice as the leads were not well known actors (star power is big in India) but they ended up being massive hits (like among top5 grossers of the year). I feel like we are gonna see something similar happening in US in next few years...maybe for like 1-2 movies a year, we might see official GOP party, leaders will be asking their party supporters to go and watch a movie.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, baumer said:

    Nazi crap? I've been reading this thread for the last few hours and I haven't seen anything about nazis. Are you sure you're in the right thread?

    I think the poster was referring to twitter here...he/she said Nazi app. Twitter has seen a big influx of Nazis this year

    • Like 2
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  4. 26 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

    FWIW: are rogue nation numbers necessarily underperforming? I think this is largely fine, franchise has mostly hit its ceiling but will maybe look for a good increase on part2


    I don't see why this would necessarily be dubbed an underperformance, people just assumed top gun audience would jump to MI, but that was never a guarantee, these films are quite different and I never bought into that narrative


    as far as barbenheimer goes, they'll probably hurt its legs, they gambled that they could force them out and they lost. it happens and the film will lose some gross for it but it's not a tragedy


    tl;dr movie will probably perform fine, expectations were just too much

    yeah..I think some people were expecting a bit of a boost due to TGM success which I wasn't really sure about.

  5. 1 minute ago, ChipDerby said:


    Nah, these people have just contorted themselves into thinking Hollywood is woke because there's a gay person or woman in a role every now and then.


    90% of movies released in a year have no "woke" message or agenda. But they're told otherwise by their bubble, so they avoid it. Then they go see their propaganda films.

    lol yeah...I feel like some people here are really naive. They need to go to one of Trump's rallies and ask people's thoughts about Hollywood...you'd hear some utterly crazy conspiracy theories

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  6. I feel like the word woke has truly lost it's meaning these days due to some online weirdos calling everything they don't like as woke...you will even see some youtubers call a movie woke if it has a female lead with some good action sequences. If a movie like MI bombs (which I am mostly sure that it won't), then I am confident that there would be some idiots coming out and saying bs like it flopped because MI went woke and had forced screentime and action sequences of female actresses of the movie or some bs like that

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