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Everything posted by Assie

  1. If it has 450M productionbudget + marketing it needs atleast 900M right? And from china you only get a 25% cut so that would make it even harder.
  2. Well if we are real here for a sec, yeah JL masively underpreformed on the openingweekend but since then we predicted all doom and gloom but i held beter then expected every weekend. Not that it are great holds, but don't think we should predict a very hard drop for next weekend cause it doesn't seem to be a BvS. When TLJ comes it will be a diferent story tought.
  3. Yeah it's great they got the mark and it's great for JL cause it's legs have been good, especialy for CBM in china. You can have this win
  4. Don't want to be a dick but.. bvs made 95M$ so 110M$ is not much more, don't think the increase is as high as the market growth in the last few years.
  5. Only big fanboys react on YT tbh and they don't make up half of the total boxoffice for MCU movies, so that doesn't realy make it reliably.
  6. Yeah, well lets hope JL makes 100+, it can use every buck. I don't remember how many showtimes zootopia had on it's second weekend but if coco does 40M+ it will take some showtimes i imagine.
  7. This is great, another zootopia run inc. This will be so much fun!
  8. Well yeah people can be stupid, honestly people are people doesn't mather what skin color. Thats like saying a blue 8 is beter then purple 8, just stupid.
  9. Well as long as the movie is good, it is great. If the movie sucks, it doesn't mather what cast it has, i hope it doesn't do good buisness so they learn to make quality over quantity. (Only speaking about actual bad movies)
  10. Why wouldn't they, it's strange to me that you would decide to watch a movie based on race. The only thing that mather is that the movie is good and interesting right?
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