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Everything posted by Cap

  1. SATURDAY RESULTS Spider-Man: No Way Home made 73.8M on Saturday! This was a very close one, but drum roll for... @JamesCameronScholar! (Fun story, yesterday I looked at the wrong column for a hot sec and thought JCS has gotten True Friday **exactly**) Also in the hunt was: USERNAME SATURDAY @Menor 78,365,000 @JamesCameronScholar 72,400,000 @DAJK 70,895,117 @cannastop 70,550,000 @Knights of Ren 70,000,000 Sunday is wide open, but the conclusion is looking to be a three-way competition. Just depends on where it lands. ** Fine Print: I will contact all the winners officially by PM on Monday to set up Gold Status.
  2. THE BOX OFFICE BUZZ AND TRACKING THREAD As we near 2500+ pages in The Box Office Buzz and Tracking Thread: Electric Boogaloo, the mods have decided to close that thread out and start anew. It's now PINNED in the Numbers & Data Sub-Forum located in the Speakeasy. Also for Quick References to the Old Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Page 359 to Page 387 Black Panther: Page 404 to Page 447 Avengers: Infinity War: Page 473 to Page 551 Avengers Endgame: Page 937 to Page 1106 The Lion King: Page 1418 to 1507 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Page 1632 to Page 1789 F9: Page 2028 to Page 2059 Black Widow: Page 2036 to Page 2081 Spider-Man: No Way Home: Page Page 2405 onward Bonus Links: List of MCU Opening Thursdays (up to AEG) ADMIN NOTE: This thread is for numbers and data. Please, post your theater updates and comparable data here. And please, talk about that comparable data here. If you wish to do a deep dive on why you think that data might or might not suck, particularly if it's not your own data you collected, then take it to the respective thread of the movie in question. The quote button is your friend. That way hopefully we can not clutter up this thread, and then people can continue to have whatever discussion they want freely elsewhere. Thank you, The Mod Squad
  3. 253 would be chaos magic. Also not happening. at 253, they're find a way to 258. 🤣
  4. Andrew and Tobey are not spoilers. We ruled that on Monday when the embargo dropped. You can reference that they are in the movie. You cannot reference how they are in the movie, or what they do in the movie.
  5. Even more reason to not to do. Hollywood marriages never last. Hope they write up a good pre-nup. Buuuut, If it keeps him away from Spider-Man for a couple years I’m not gonna complain. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  6. I will never understand anyone under thirty wanting to get married and have kids. My god. I am thirty and that thought still horrifies me.
  7. Look it this way, it’s still 60-70 more than your predicted in the games!! also 72 is waaaay more interesting from the Contest POV. That opens things crazy up to some madness.
  8. For a hot second I read that as 750M and was like “wtf is he smoking?!” otherwise; hard same.
  9. Personally? AIW. WOM is exceptional. On top of what the tracking thread is reporting, if I hadn’t seen the film, and I saw these new “lockdown/cap limits” are coming (here for Canada, rumored for LA or NYC), I would absolutely say “the hell with it” and try to see it ASAP. Even if couldn’t get a prime PLF seat. 🤷‍♀️
  10. This will be succcch a wild card. I could see it outright bombing to doing a decent run.
  11. Peter: Sony Women On The Street: MCU like no no no, we’re still not friends.
  12. Couple other things I’ve been thinking about/have been living in my mind since I saw this on Thursday: - Andrew Garfield X 1M Heart Eyes - His “Spider-Man 3” jazz hands will live rent free in my mind forever. - The more I think about it the more I keep laughing at MJ tossing bread at Spidey 3. God that scene was so so well played. - Does the spell apply to humans? Asking for a robot friend. - The MIT storyline is so silly cause Tony absolutely set up a free ride for Peter before IG/EW. I could see if MIT was like “in light of recent events, we are keeping Stark’s money but you can’t come”. Yet I don’t buy Iron Spidey Boy wasn’t taken care of; - alternatively: Tony not setting up a free ride for Peter is such a dick move; even dead he’s still the wooooorse. - Really glad May got to say the line, still really pressed she died. I also think the oh no she’s dead, oh she’s fine, oh no she’s actually dead, was a little weird. - I don’t buy into a Andrew!Spidey v Venom movies where they are fighting each other. Just doesn’t work for the characters. That said, a movie where they are BFFs and gay disasters together for two hours fighting some bad guys? Oh yeah. Would watch that. - But I reaaaaaallly want an Andrew Spidey/Miles Morales story. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 He got the Miles reference. Do it. Doooo it.
  13. Human beings aren’t logical, and honestly this kind of tracks. I did open night — figured I would take the chance cause it’s Marvel Thursdays and I **Love** Marvel Thursdays — but I am not going back until after Christmas. Same thing with Eternals. In normal times I would’ve seen that three/four times opening weekend, instead I only did three times over like a month.
  14. TRUE FRIDAY RESULTS Spider-Man: No Way Home made an estimated $72.3M+ from its True Friday, and that's enough not to need BOM Review. For a hot second it looked liked it'd go to a coin toss, but then... @Menor pulled ahead with the win! USERNAME TRUE FRI @Menor 71,016,005 @CloneWars 70,000,000 @vtec 70,000,000 Shout out to CloneWars and vtec for once again being in the Top 3! Will Saturday have a repeat champion? Honestly, it depends on how high it goes. We'll know more in 24 hours! ** Fine Print: I will contact all the winners officially by PM on Monday to set up Gold Status.
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