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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Saw this today with my mom. There were moments that felt incredibly authentic (esp. that moment when Lady Bird was like "What's the number? Give Me that number, and I will work my ass off to write you a check." I've had that conversation verbatim with my parents.) Overall though, Meh. I'm not getting the Award hype (maybe for Laurie Metcalf, who was outstanding). I thought it was slow, and the parts without her mother felt so underwhelming. As others have pointed it, this film kind of falls into that Juno, Virgin Suicides, white-girl indie flick that I would have DIED over when I was 11, but now I just find tired. 5/10
  2. The guys in front of me in Star Wars line tonight were talking about how the film looked like a "nostalgia cash grab" and that if Spielberg wasn't involved they'd skip it. I've been thinking a lot about this movie, and I don't feel it will break out. The second trailer felt underwhelming; like, once they explained the plot, I was like "that's it? It's Willy Wonka? That... nice." It feels like a soon to be a cult classic. I also am struggling to see how it will attract a female audience. It feels very male, so I'm not getting the 'female empowerment' vibe. That leaves us with: I don't see anything to thirst over or to ship from the trailer, to be completely shallow & stereotypical.
  3. I would counter saying that showing John Cena in the booth is a good marketing tool. Young kids might not know John Cena's voice, but they do know his face.
  4. My 12 Screen + IMAX Theatre is NOT effing around: You CAN'T EVEN buy tickets online for anything but Star Wars and Ferdinand. There's twelve 2D showings and 4 IMAX 3D showings of TLJ scheduled DAILY for the next week, so you're looking at four out of twelve screens plus the IMAX. What a trip.
  5. Aw, look at that: Golden Globes, once again, proving they aren’t really an award show, rather a giant party boardcast by NBC for a cheap AD / cash grab. I am side eying Best Director so hard. That is not how you spell Greta Gerwig, Dees Rees, Patty Jenkins, or Jordan Peele!!!
  6. It will probably depend on if they want to see it in IMAX 3D, which is not covered by the card.
  7. The best thing Shazam has going for it is that I would say 90% of the GA doesn't know it's based on DC Comics. #1 Movie of 2019: The Lion King
  8. NGL, Jeff Goldblum saying "life finds a way" and hearing John Williams iconic score, did give me THE FEELS. But so did seeing all the dinos go off a cliff -- and that gave me the wrong ones. Like, I'm Not Here For That Garbage wrong ones. For Box Office: I don't see this touching Infinity War's DOM. IW has a whole month to itself. Fallen Kingdom has The Incredibles 2 viaing for the same family audience, and it's only got two weeks until Ant-Man & Wasp.
  9. All I want is for them to film Kevin Feige's reaction when they tell him he gets all his toys back.
  10. If you didn't know about that, here's more for you: A Detailed Look at Bryan Singer's Parties and Friends and Accusations Against Him.
  11. I'm In. Solo will have a higher OW, but it will be crazy front loaded (think BvS). Incredibles will have a respectable OW, but way better legs (think Wonder Woman). Unless Ron Howard can pull a miracle out of his toosh, I don't see how this won't be a trainwreck. Nothing about it sounds exciting (sans OMGZ STAR WARS), Donald Glover looked like he was being held hostage in that official cast photo they released, and Paul Bettany replacing Michael K. Williams won't sit well with certain members of the GA. Incredibles has everything the OP said going for it. I think it takes the round, for sure.
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