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Everything posted by Cap

  1. **AGGRESSIVELY HUMS BERNSTEIN** MY GOD this dress. Stunning ACTUAL IMPORTANT NEWS: 🥰🥰🥰 MORE ENTERNALS INCOMING 🥰🥰🥰 OMG KEVIN. Or should I say Hi Lex! I found the sixth villain for Sinister Six folks! OKAY BUT WHERE IS MOLINA? Amy and Kevin’s partnership is killing both of them. Alternatively, I like the redesign costume for Grizabella.
  2. And while I have all of your attentions: RULES AND REGS 1. THE REPORT AND IGNORE BUTTONS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. Please use these! And remember: N : Not Cool I : Ignore R : Report D : Don't Response/Reblog 2. DON'T BE A DICK. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS OF ANY KIND. THEY WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC THREAD BAN: NO WARNING, NO RETURN. You want to criticize a movie, that's okay. You want to criticize a movie via attacking a fellow member or group of members for liking it, that's not okay. This also applies to the filmmakers, the actors, and the critics. You want to say that Billy Wilder is an overrated hack of a director that only got by on the strength of his writing, that's okay. You want to criticize his work by throwing out antisemitic vile about him, that's NOT remotely okay. PLEASE keep all of this in mind as we embark everyone's favorite shit show: The RT Reveal!
  3. Okay, sooooooo, Today's The Day!!!! Will the film be rated PG or PG-13 for some T&A? We're gonna know in about three hours. Since there's no way we're not in for a Variety/Eternals Spoiler Redux. Here's a sneak peak of the press core as the credits roll: UPDATED NO WAY HOME THREAD SPOILER POLICY PLEASE READ THIS THREAD AND LEAVE A REACTION (EVEN IF'S A NOT COOL) SO I KNOW YOU'VE READ THIS!! THANK YOU!!!!!! TOBEY & ANDREW ARE NOW NOT SPOILERS. PLOT LEAKS/DETAILS: We're dropping the "Lol T&A aren't in the movie!!" Charade, THAT SAID: Not everyone has read the detailed plot summary. PLOT LEAKS ARE STILL CONSIDERED SPOILERS AND NOT ALLOWED. CAN SAY: YAY!!! T&A are in the movie! CAN NOT SAY: YAAY!! T&A are in the movie and in one scene they all agree that Tony Stark is the worst ever and Steve Rogers is The Best Boy In All Universes Never To be Topped!!! And then they make a joke about Uncle Ben being dead!!! IF YOU POST A PLOT LEAK/DETAILS: the post (and any reblogs of the post) will be hidden, and the OP posters will be receive 2 Warning Points and a 24 Hour Thread Ban. A second violation will result in a One Week Thread Ban. A third violation will result in a Permeant Ban from the thread. All right. Have Fun. And Thank You! Meanwhile, While We Wait: The Tracking Thread Opening Weekend Prediction Contest: ONLY THREE HOURS LEFT TO GET IN PREDICTIONS!!! Long Term NWH Contest for DOM & WW Rank! NWH > TFA December OW Record Club NWH > AEG Previews Club
  4. LOL, No joke, I will thread ban anyone who thinks they lack self-control. I’m all for helping out people who want to say spoiler free!!! (Also oh my God I forgot how funny those Captain America videos are. Priceless)
  5. MODERATION: Quick heads up. When the premiere starts, I’m gonna lock this thread and post an update to the spoiler policy. The logic is: to make sure everyone has read the updated policy. Ten or so minutes before the premiere ends I will unlock it. So it should only be for like 2 1/2 hours. So just think of it as intermission. That’s the time to go get dinner, take a nap before you pull all nighter, whatever. 😘
  6. Thank you. I was trying to figure out what marry me was, and now I know exactly what trailer we’re all talking about. I thought it was weird in the beginning, but then once they revealed the premise I was like oh this makes sense on why it’s Owen Wilson. Anyway, I don’t know if I want to open this can of worms, but I just finished the Succession season finale, and I am so hype right now. Another thought I had about the market drying up for adult drama/adult film, is that we’re really living in the golden age of prestige television. It’s not just HBO anymore. And if you look back at a lot of the cultural milestones of the past decade or so most of them feel like TV series. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, etc. I mean name a better romcom in the last like 10 years than Ted Lasso’s episode “Rainbow”? TV or streaming isn’t the second rate kid to film anymore. And so I think a lot of content that might’ve been a movie, has gotten re-purposed into television shows because it might just fit the format better. THAT SAID OMG SUCCESSION FINALE!!! DEAD. WE DEAD.
  7. I would have pulled the plug on that the second they announced it. There is nothing to improve from the Topol version. Nothing. I get why it wasn’t. But Silvestri getting snubbed? Anecdotally, Twitter is the big killer for me. Why do I need to sit through a long ceremony with commercials when I can just check the Twitter for fashion and win updates? Way faster and no awkward comedy banter!
  8. I have no clue how they expect me to pay attention to NWH knowing the trailer is after the movie. It’s just gonna be 2 1/2 hours of me going:
  9. God; first Sondheim, then the Perez announcement; now this. We are losing Titans. fandom has always had a fascinating give-and-take with her. She was notoriously anti-fanfiction. But I can’t deny what a driving force her and her work have been over the past two decades. I think every single person I know has written a vampire fic probably because of her. RIP.
  10. I consider myself the target demographic for a movie musical. I had no interest in rushing out this weekend to see it. Why do I need to face the crowds to watch a movie I could watch on TCM On Demand that I’ve seen multiple times? (And to be honest, I’m going to feel the exact same way if Tommy Kali actually gets his Fiddler off the ground.) My aunt and mother also want to go, and both of them are still anti-movies on weekends. I think our plan is to catch it sometime next week. I might go see it and IMAX, but that depends on if we bring our grandmother or not. She cannot make it up the IMAX stairs.
  11. To be honest, we need to go back to block booking. You want Spider-Man, You need to play West Side Story. 🤷‍♀️ my problem is directed towards people (both on the internet and in Hollywood) who fail to understand that Marvel is set up uniquely for that shared universe fan boy wank IP bullshit. They’re basically a little unicorn factory. And when you try to apply what they do to other projects, it fails. Marvel has 75 years of an interconnected universe that they can draw from with their comic book backlog. That’s why it works. Because they’re approaching it as if they’re writing comics. Marvel also took 10 years to set up their universe, and establish themselves in a way where they can just go for ham on Multiverse inner connected storytelling, and most of the Fanbase will roll with it. The big issue with the shared universe is, is that no one’s willing to put in the time to properly nurture them. They just want to go for the big finish immediately because they assume that the big finish is going to give them the most money for the least amount of work. There’s a couple other IPs that probably could pull this off. But most of them have been farmed out to television adaptations, or they just couldn’t manage to do it. 🤷‍♀️
  12. I have it outlined, but then I got into the deep dive of the Sims. But that reminds me I should probably try and work on it because I wanted to give it as a Christmas gift! 🤡
  13. SHOCKINGLY…. Nat and Steve and Sam do not live together in this version. They lived together in my original version. But I restarted the game once I got a new Interior Detractor expansion pack. And that storyline got crazy wild, so I just went with it. The big issue is that the Sims did not allow for polyamory. So whenever I have the three of them live together they always end up fighting with each other. That’s why I moved Peggy in. And then Peggy/Nat and Sam/Steve dated. But Sam and Steve are married and live on a farm in Beverly Hills with their first kid (an OC) and Teddy who they “adopted” from Wanda. (I made Wanda as a single mom raising Teddy, Billy, and Tommy, for the too many toddlers challenge. And then the second I finished it, I got Teddy out of there because that scenario was a complete nightmare. Poor Wanda was just so exhausted by the end of it!!!)
  14. But how many of those get serious Oscar contention. That was my point. Anyway, sorry to disappoint Legion. But I’m going back to playing the Sims 4. I’m building a cute little teeny house subdivision for my Marvel characters. I have not decided on who I’m gonna move in yet 🤔🤔
  15. I have said this before, and I will say this again. The best thing Hollywood could do for adult/non-IP cinema is to destroy Oscar season. It is completely asinine that you don’t put out “movies for adults“ for 10 months out of the year and then expect everyone to go to the movies 10 times to see all the new Oscar films. During the holiday season. In the winter. None of the films have time to breathe. None of them have time to gain cultural relevance. None of them have a time to find their audience. But the secret is that by doing that, it would mess up the festival circuit. And God for bid we mess up the money and networking opportunities that come with the festival circuit. Girl, where is your data on this? Uh huh. And what bold and exciting new thing came out this weekend? Are we referring to the remake of the musical the movie that’s 60 years old directed by some dude in his 80s? Furthermore, this Criticism literally sets off my berserk button. We have had “cheap” cinema since it began. It started off that way. Most of the classic films that we think of came from the studio system, which was just a giant production factory. There is literally no difference between what Arthur Freed was doing with Gene Kelly and Judy Garland, and with Kevin Feige he is doing with Captain America and Captain Marvel. A lot of flash, a lot of color, a lot of Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma’am! to get people in seats. They have been doing this since the dawn of television in the 1950s. Because everyone back then was convinced that theaters were going to die, since no one’s gonna leave their house ever again. So they had to push things at the exhibition level to make you go see it outside your house. That’s how we got Technicolor. That’s how we got Cinemascope. There are quotes from Bob Evans From the 70s when he took over Paramount saying that people don’t go to movies anymore, they go see a movie. We’re also pushing further into the IP world, because frankly they don’t make movie stars anymore. The stars used to be the IP. You went and saw a Bette Davis movie. You went and saw Julia Roberts movie. All of them kind of had their own quirk, and they all fell within a certain genre/branding. And not all of them were serious films. And as for the toy argument, that is as dated as Star Wars. I bet that Steven Spielberg has made a bunch of money off of toys from things like Jurassic Park, Jaws, ET, etc. etc. I am deeply sorry that the state of movies is not where you exactly want it to be right now, but please do not throw out generalizations that people who like an IP based franchise are somehow passively lazy, and not artistically inclined.
  16. Just popping in for a second. I don’t have any numbers or predictions, because I am not going to participate since I am not eligible. I think there is a difference between being cautious about numbers, and not adapting to new data. There is substantial amount of data in the tracking thread that can tell us What’s going on next weekend. I’ve been really vocal about not getting too excited at the large pre-sales. But we’re getting close enough to the release date, that the writings pretty much on the wall. I also want to stress that my quote/unquote pessimism was really just a moderation tactic. I would much rather us be in a scenario where we all think it’s going to make 100 million opening weekend, and then are excited that it makes 200 million opening weekend. Instead of a scenario where we all think it’s going to make 300 million opening weekend, it only makes 200 million opening weekend. And somehow that’s a disappointment. That has been my driving force behind all of my Spider-Man posts over the past month. TL;DR As Mel Brooks says, hope for the best expect the worst.
  17. Yes to all of this. Moreover, I just dug up my In The Heights v West Side Story Club that I posted from two years ago pre-COVID:
  18. Are people really losing their mind that West Side Story isn’t frontloading? A film where its target audience wouldn’t have frontloaded it in a normal environment anyway, and probably was lucky in a good year to make 100 million at the box office? Okay. Have fun this weekend. Don’t be mean to each other. Because I don’t know what to tell you all. This isn’t shocking and it’s not like we haven’t had two other musicals this year pull the exact same thing.
  19. Just that or do you want to break down the weekend? (Just that counts to the OW total mini contest)
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