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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Mods like to take credit for fanboy wars ending, but when you look at the numerical landscape ‘twas Kevin who ended the wars 👀
  2. I guess some kind of "was tfa a crowd pleaser?" Discourse develop d while I was gone? Oh well, anything for 100 pages -- yes it was, just not quite as much as NWH.
  3. It's the same thing we were smoking when we said NWH 260. Funny how that worked out
  4. And two weeks from now it'll be "two weeks ago I had no idea what a huge legs NWH was going to do." That's why you'd shouldn't go so low on a movie while calling it max!
  5. Perhaps in due time. The production does seem really troubled though. I will wait until after we have a Thor trailer to reassess.
  6. I think the worst MCU ow next year will be over 170. BP2 is the wildcard but over NWH wouldn't shock me.
  7. Bruh what is this Thor number. That's like less admits than Ragnarok, after he got mega popularity boost from rag/is/aeg. I will take MCU average over 200, vs this 160 stuff
  8. I just woke up, so I'm catching up on convos from pages ago and giving my 2 cents. As somebody who thought from a mile away that ITH, WSS, Richard, Soho, Duel, etc etc would all flop -- Wicked has real potential. It doesn't scream "I'm a boring real world drama about some working people or struggles from the last 1000 years." It's magic shit with some ip familiarity but a significant twist as well. 150+ possible.
  9. I view a China release as likely and would bet the over on TFA WW at this point
  10. Whoops, my bad guys, got a little confused. Here is the *real* Meltdown Bar: 257,698,183
  11. I forget when the venom 2 spoiler period ends. Not that is relevant. Or that it isn't. Just, you know, appropros of nothing.
  12. You not knowing something doesn't make it a spoiler! At no point during your tenure here would it be considered a spoiler to talk about a character who is on the literal main poster of the movie and in trailers.
  13. This is a one off circumstance anyway, where the main hook of the movie wasn't technically confirmed but like 99% of people have known for months anyway (which is what allows it to be the main hook).
  14. Again, the disagreement here is over what exactly is or isn't a spoiler, not spoilers suddenly being okay. And this movie was a very unusual circumstance. It is still not okay for me to mention that Paste Pot Pete elopes with Ned and Betty.
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