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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. For DS we just have D-5 vs D-3 right? But if next day is similar will be kind of weak pace yeah. DS final day and then same-day were hurt by occupancy though.
  2. No. More late ballot. Gimme the mail ballots, gimme the provisionals. I want that 4AM Milwaukee dump, and I want it N — well, at 4AM, I guess
  3. Time for an MHA OW over Eternals previews club Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Playing Both Sides GIFfrom Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia GIFs Edit: why are there 3 gifs 😔
  4. Actually, mcu RT by quintile: 1st quintile — 66-77 2nd quintile — 79-83 middle — 85-90 4th — 90-92 5th — 92-96 this is even more absurd than I remembered. For Eternals I guess the goal is to dodge the bottom quartile or so?
  5. Very possible that this comes in the middle quintile or whatever for McU RT. Just a bit of an expectations disconnect I think, but hardly getting savaged (so far).
  6. If the adjusted BW comp merely remains steady at 11.3 for the next 5 days, we’ll be in good shape to break 100M.
  7. Yeah there’s money to go around in December. I think M4 should be able to beat Dune’s 3 day, not sure exactly what 5day that would translate to.
  8. There’s nothing wrong with making a bad prediction. EC’s SC prediction wasn’t even bad — it was good, one of the best on this site, which makes this whole episode very bizzare! The thing is you probably shouldn’t tell people “sorry you got it wrong” when they were even closer to the right number.
  9. DS comps. MHA is at 60% of DS previews in gross, 85% of Friday. Those comp to like 2.3 and 4.8, but there is a lot to be careful with here: DS way more anticipated property, as reflected in almost 3x higher sales for Th+Fri In many places capacity was getting maxed, which hurt its PSm MHA may also easily have capacity issues given much greater competition DS was back during the ending stages of the spring pandemic, and regal was closed, screwing with MTC ratios Geomean of the comps is 3.3M (also the result of a straight comp on Th+Fr), suppose final 5 days PS growth*PSm is a little better and MTC2 ratio lower, could go for 4.5+ OD? Hero’s Rising lost half its locs on Sunday, afaik that won’t be an issue here but hopefully a scraper can confirm. Without that I estimate FSS would have gone: 1.87 2.59 2 For a true IM of 3.5 or so. In this case Friday will be more frontloaded since it’s day 1 instead of day 3, though also Sat will be Day 2 instead of day 4 with less demand burned off. Maybe 3x? TL;dr Yesterday I said the following to Menor The really crude lots of napkin math Hero’s Rising comp gives like 12. PS also have that as possible imo though also crude. Expecting it to be somewhat close to winning the weekend at least.
  10. Well, that will happen anyway to a degree I assume. “Fading away” is a matter of what other properties how many of them appear and to how a high-profile a degree etc etc
  11. You were better on SC than most, but still a bit too low. Not sure why you seem to have trouble acknowledging that now.
  12. EC is just so happy about beating the stupid mass hysteria lowballs that were endemic around here that he forgets some clear-eyed people had it doing ~70 3day and 90+ 4day all along. Which is fine… except it seems to keep happening, and each time it seems he has forgotten anew!
  13. Dude. Do you really want me to quote the exchange where you finally gave a number, I was like “this isn’t that bullish, I think it will do way better,” and then it did in fact do way better?
  14. I think this is definitely helping Sat and Sun, expect it to help weekdays too a little, unclear if it can last til next fri. Probably will get a big 3rd weekend drop from losing PLFs, but the 3rd weekend isn’t that important anyway.
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