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Posts posted by Kravetz

  1. I wondered if this film could live up to the hype. Oscars anyone? better than Jack Heath Jared? Now going for a statue their are actually possibilities here. I won't say he did better than the others Only because this film has him the lead and the other films merely a side character. But Joquaine did a mesmerizing job. 


    The story is dark, and it need to be to truly set up a tragic character like Joker. He got noticed as the city falls apart, and he is the host of his own show. and he painted his shoes with the blood of a non-listener, who apparently didn't remember they were connected once. 


  2. Yes the film was rich and the character portrayed by Brad Pitt was nuanced and worthy of recognition, but that couldn't save me from focus on the many glaring issues with this film.


    First we had a gratuitous action scene with shooting in space chasing each other with dune buggies. It was big in the previews, un necessary in the film, and poorly executed. It did tell us that comandos can't see the enemy approaching in the future, Astronaut and science geeks can still shoot and drive best to save the day, And when the whole world is in peril, we still fight each other ad nauseam. 


    From that scene and throughout the film, space suits are apparently supersuits. They never run out of air, and even when punctured, all you need to do is hold the tear tight with your hand and then it is fixed. He even lets go of the tear and walks safely into the base. I guess duck tape (not seen) does have more uses than Nasa imagined. 


    Now the premise I caught from the previews was an estranged father's experiments now threaten humanity. Turns out he is as estranged as ever, cooperative as ever, tried but failed to save us, and the son, talked to, forgave, and gave himself 3 hours to get out. Meanwhile blasts from Neptune continually bombard Mars,Moon, and Earth and they are unaffected right there. 


    And with no discussion about food reserves, air reserves, and fuel, I guess we can ride the nuclear detonation all the way back. It took him 71 days to get there, yet he is the only one who remains clean shaven during the affair. Everyone other big name, Donald and Tommy Lee go beard. With all the phych. evaluations  I wonder why they get razers.


    And they jettison bodies so their families can not have a proper burial, yet our protagonist hopes to be retrieved some day. 


    and all they found in space is that we are alone? That is almost as anticlimatic an ending as Contact. Give me an alien baboon, anything. I was led to believe this film was going to be an action film. 


    Now the idea of prying off a door in zero g to jump off and still get through the asteroid belt unscathed is what scifi is all about. suspending disbelief. Like when he fell off an orbiting satellite and stayed conscious and survived re entry. I knew from the beginning I would hate it and I was right.


    don't give me a sequel with baboons and Donalds estranged daughter. 


    • Knock It Off 1
  3. I liked it much less than the first one, and even less than many other recent horror films. First of all, young adults getting eaten and scarred is more interesting than adults. None of them felt natural. They each had to 'come up with their artifact'. where did the film makers come up with that? Each one goes on their own, has something that personally scares them from a past memory, faces that fear, retrieves the artifact, Do all the artifacts combine to release a giant turtle? I don't know nor do I care. I guessed that the dude that called them back to town created that to help them conquer their own fear, but it has no other value. That process made this film a predictable formula, where the only shocker was how the evil-influenced bad people would play into this. That was not as prevalent in the story, leaving the predictable formula to carry us for too long. Of course I knew the ending could allow a sequel. This eternal thing doesn't die, and kids in 27 years meeting 60 y o survivors might make an intriguing continuation. 


    I liked how children are tougher than before, the girl doesn't go off with a stranger, yet gets lured to her demise eventually. And that boy should have called his dad for help with a baseball bat. That theme was overkill. Was that the same kid from Toothfairy? he is aging well if he is. 


    The worst part was the cell phone / flashlight viewing that needs to stop. I fear a clown will someday eat you. Everyone deals with the films boredom differently. sigh

  4. I loved this film full well expecting some unorthodox storytelling. the mad family, the secrets in the house, and a twist at the end. I was never sure which brother in the story matched with which brother from the prologue. I knew it would end back in that room where it all began. Onstar sucks worse than everyone's aim.  My favorite 'unexpected' moments: early on when the couple are in bed and the old grump is watching them, and when the bride slaps the boy who proved himself to a lower power.  

  5. I like the films by the Kendrick brothers, and chose not to be too spoiled before seeing this film. It was the right course as I really enjoyed the discovery of this gem. This is a faith based film, so there is going to be dialogue that may distance you from the characters. I try to sink right in. I think this stand alone story is very down to Earth and uplifting. I will put it on this summer's top ten. A pleasant change from superheroes scares, and sex comedies,

  6. I thought the character arcs as friendships change and evolve was the best, if not the only, surprise not found in the trailers. The comedy was great, though I saw most of it in trailers, so how the pieces fit together was refreshing. While the young actors did great work, the screenplay that shows us how little they know while thinking they know so much gave an added level of pleasure. This was so much like many of us at that age. 


    This comedy only suffers from having most of its moments spoiled from trailers, and I should have avoided them knowing from the teaser and the cast, that I would see this opening weekend. A lesson we all need to learn me thinks. 



    • Like 1
  7. I think teens will like this one. Like all Horror films, once you, or the characters understand the magic and how to defeat it, then the film is less scary and more action. That makes this kind of horror film anti-climactic for me. But watching each teen get what's coming, and the variety of monsters that each on faces was nice. these were teens that I cared about. 


    And between you and me, I like to have fluoride and zinc in my system for optimum health. so who is the real villain here. 


  8. I liked this film and found it to be an entertaining Formulaic summer blockbuster. The banter between the two stars was humorous and the action scenes were well choreographed. 


    I did find some of the action scenes laughable, for example when characters are not wearing seat belts during high speed chases involving jumps. There was so much unrealistic action needed to allow the film to show us an exciting never-seen-before summer action scene that I couldn't suspend my disbelief in order to get sucked in to the action. I enjoyed laughing at this and still came away pleased. I bet it will make money, and have a sequel.  


    Note to studio. Have Ryan Renolds' character visit the same bar used in Deadpool. You can even put Hobbs and Shaw on someone's pool to be killed on the chalkboard for an amazing easter egg. 

  9. I give out a lot of B  scores when I like a film. to get an A is much harder. this film got the A as I was completely immersed.  I watched this film in wo ways, as a stand alone Sony Spiderman sequel, and as a finishing phase 3 Marvel film. This film did more to tease phase 4 than Endgame did, imho. but I might be missing things that are a part of comic lore and such. 


    As a spidey film, there were a few minor problems. the comic banter between happy and peter was more miss than hit, but comedy in an action film is always like that. GOTG got it right but they were aliens that had alien relationships. here we have people. that whole plane blows up/ new plan to escape scene from the trailer turned me off a bit, and I was glad there wasn't much of that lame joke level. 


    I've since watched a few youtube vids that explain all the easter eggs in this film and make solid predictions for what is coming next in phase 4. I am hoping Marvel can sustain momentum as it diverges into new territory. Hoping new heros and storylines will be like GOTG. something everyone hooks onto and continues to follow as much as cap a and spidy.  

  10. On 6/24/2019 at 3:38 AM, That One Guy said:

    This was a lot of fun.  Can understand why a lot of people didn't like it but it worked for me.  Maybe I'm just easy to please, but Adam Driver, Bill Murray, and Tilda Swinton + zombies is close to impossible to screw up.


    close but not impossible. 

  11. my favorite part of the original movie was the celebrity quips and Enquirer jokes. Michael Jackson was an alien? Who could they pick for this film? they didn't mock anyone current. 


    I thought that Chris kept his overweight intoxicated character from another film into this one. It was mostly bland and unmemorable. tommy Lee Jones was by the book and spot on. The characters in the original were much crisper. 


    Every time I see Liam Neeson on the screen it looks like he was put there with cgi. it was distracting, but the effects were for the most part fine for the film. 


    the previews suggested that this hive would copy all of the MIB and take over from within. I was disappointed with that absence. the accounting agent with suspicions was not enough to make this feel complete. I am surprisingly at a loss for words, but I just did not like this film. I am at least glad the reviews above tend to agree with me.  

  12. I liked it more than I thought after reading some lame reviews in the papers. One review talked about the ethics on/off switch that is depressed by mr suicide in the beginning. That was accurate, as I found it to be weak for setting things in motion, still better than voodoo.  The film should have set up more with mr basement creepy who has hidden cameras and brings the doll back for his tech connections allowing greater creepiness. My favorite moment in these films is where the ones who know no longer need to convince anyone because the bad guy shows himself in full force and wrecks havoc. This film does that splendidly. The acting was great and the puppet was definitely not cgi, which helped a lot. 


    This was different enough from the original and a solid homage to the original source. Perfect blend. 

  13. On 5/14/2019 at 1:06 PM, CoolEric258 said:

    Anybody know when reactions/reviews will drop?

    it is horrible. By now it is probably leaving theaters (opening week) and you should not worry about missing this, nor should you waste 1 mg for streaming it. There is gore, bad jokes, slow and dull plot, and an unsatisfying ending.  They even discuss the script of the movie In the movie. This was going so badly they didn't even spend the 100,000 needed to fix the script and repair and thus finish it.  I would have liked it more if Selina Gomez were lying there half eaten on the screen for a few seconds. a close up of her would improve this. so would a cameo by Harold Ramus, though not by much. And none of the characters that die say something funny as they die. What a missed opportunity. This film will cure insomnia, and any work-related stress since it is so much worse than my job. 


    • Thanks 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    Am I the only one kind of mad that Bonnie treated Woody like garbage when since TS3 and the two specials Woody was probably her favorite?

    Thematically, that was necessary. Not well executed, but reminiscent of Woody and Buzz' first conflict too. 


    And a girl liking the cowpatty in not unexpected. 


    • Like 1
  15. I know that kids will enjoy many elements of this film. but, they will not like it as much as kids liked the first one nor will they like it as much as other kid films coming out. (presumption there) For a child there are too many characters arguing about incomprehensible things like the feeling a toy has when she is away from a kid free to join the sandbox and make oodles of children happy being compared to the feeling of purpose when your child has grown up and you now sit on a shelf having fulfilled your purpose. To a child so much of this film is meh at best. To me, it was drama that was not developed well. 


    As a writer, I am a time traveler. If my character will chose to stay with an old friend over a new one, I can go back to the beginning of the story and add a scene where the character debates this choice. Now when they decide to stay, it is a resolution to an established problem. This film wanted to surprise the viewer and leave a mess of no-depth heart-warming sentiment that does nothing. Adults will enjoy this one the least too. And it was off to a great start, with Forky wanting to be trash. That was nice, and somehow abandoned to worse storylines. 


    And the idea of toys adjusting the brakes on a car, and the voice for GPS not kicking in when the toys mimic that voice for a counter direction, the film simply loses credibility. My problem is not seeing this with kids, so I could just get up and leave. It wasn't bad enough to ignore my $10.00 ticket, but it was not good enough either. 


    Like the Marvel Universe, they leave us wondering how the series will continue. Frankly, I no longer care. 

  16. The Dead Don't Die.


    I have to give it an F as soon as possible to spare anyone else from seeing it. Please add this quick as lives are at stake. I was this close to offing myself when I realized that I could write a scathing review and live another day. (I now remember family friends job and upcoming releases to keep me positive indefinitely) Still, this film is so bad I need to share it. The characters in the film actually discuss (in the dialogue) how bad the film is and how the script says it is not going to end well. Tilda Swinton at least escaped Total ridicule (leaving partial ridicule) when an alien shipped picked her up. No alien subplot. no alien action scenes, And no I'm not kidding.  It was That bad. 


    At least Bill Murray lost some weight

    • ...wtf 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  17. On 6/7/2019 at 8:34 PM, baumer said:

    I'm just done trying to give the time lines a pass.  If DOFP reset everything then it really fucks with the originals and I guess that's the point.  But putting me off almost halfway through the movie was the death of Raven.  I think this is why fans have been deteriorating over the years.  You just can't fuck with the stories this much, imo.  


    Resetting things is one thing, but this is different. They could have new Patrick/Ian stories set in the new timeline created through time travel in DFP. that would be nice in print (actors age out). Their story was that Jean Grey mutated her powers and had them contained by the prof. This story claims an alien force (that created the universe and destroys worlds) did this to her. Like the origins of the Fantastic Four, this is total mind messing for fans of comics. I was a fan of original films (cannon?) and feel messed with.


    If she doesn't want to do more movies, just replace the actress as her ability would allow that easily. add one pithy line of dialogue: "I like that new look" and respect the timeline. Every actor in this kind of franchise should fear replacement and stop squabbling over how many million they are worth. . 

    • Like 1
  18. On 6/7/2019 at 6:32 PM, Webslinger said:

    good point, I missed that. At least we had baldness. 



    On 6/7/2019 at 6:32 PM, Webslinger said:


    - I'm not sure why this movie was set in the '90s. No one looks like they've aged ten years since Apocalypse and the First Class folks - McAvoy, Fassbender, and Hoult - sure as hell don't look like they've aged thirty. There's also nothing that really marks this film as one with a '90s setting.


  19. I really liked this film, and yet I did find one small flaw. I couldn't stop comparing it by the Avengers' Standard. and by that standard this film fell short. 


    This film is the fourth in the prequel Universe (First Class, Days of Future's Past, and Acropolis) We know the original cast were in the DFP so there is one universe, but for casting and continuity, this is it's own universe. This film tackled the Dark Phoenix storyline from the comics that was also tackled in the first trilogy. Despite those cast doing a time travel thing in DFP, the fact that the storyline is tackled with this cast (set in the past) puts it on a separate continuity. That may be a damaging prospect for fans, that hope crossovers could still happen. 


    The battles are amazing, and best compare (yes, compare) with the first Avengers' ensemble. This is because their big battles are around civilian population and how law enforcement reacts is a part of the story. By that comparison, the alien adversary is not as threatening, and least of all understood beyond basic who (by name) and why (generic Zod conquer/rebuild plan). This film also moves a bit too quickly through the motions of Jean Grey going from the all powerful enemy to the understanding/forgiving much-needed ally. While this is nice in the film, some of the conflict between Iron Man and Captain America was prevalent through many films. They barely resolved things before (spoiler alert) dying off from future films. this movie simply wraps everything up all at once, causing my greatest disappointment with the film. At that point, walking out of the theater, I realized that the Avengers [ Dam you forever] set the bar too high for me to like anything else. 


    Looking back on the film as a whole, it was a tad short in length but epic in scope, amazing action scenes, conflict and resolution was tidey and I feel like I got my admission price back in entertainment. The length counting against it is another comparison thing, but the action was much more enjoyable at times than this summer's all inclusive epic battles. It exceeded the bar here. Now I don't want the worst of Avengers to happen in Xmen by bringing back dead heroes, but I miss Mistique and wish she could return. this leaves me, who knows nothing about comic storylines to draw from, to hope for another movie.  So it gets an A.

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