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Posts posted by Potiki

  1. 45 minutes ago, poweranimals said:

    What's the joke in the title about? I don't get it. 

    Firstly it isn’t really a joke.


    Back early last year Disney came under heavy scrutiny originally (before changing course) for giving money to Florida Republicans who were trying to make life worse for LGBT people in the state without speaking up on the issue/stopping funding, Universal was doing the exact same thing but had very little pushback from LGBT groups and their allies. 

    • Astonished 1
  2. Quote

    14. The studios will redefine the “hit” movie


    The movie business desperately needs to shift the narrative, so I’m betting all kinds of middling movies are about to be anointed “hits.” Call it a side effect of the new normal, or part of Hollywood’s long history of moving the goalposts to declare victories. Universal is considering releasing PVOD revenue to counter the “flop” narrative on movies that perform well at home but not in theaters. And it’s already happening with theatrical wins like The Woman King. Sony copped to a $50 million production budget, and it grossed $92 million worldwide last summer. Certainly, that’s a decent result for the kind of mid-budget star vehicle that the studios aren’t really making, but with the help of the Sony P.R. team, the media gave this thing blockbuster status. Reality check: it’ll probably barely break even in theaters after P&A. In a “normal” theatrical ecosystem, it never would have garnered much attention.     



    source: https://puck.news/23-semi-surefire-hollywood-predictions-predicaments-and-preoccupations-for-2023/

  3. 10 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Disney was no.1 in 2020 and 2021 too?

    Yep, although they didn't have the number 1 movie of either year both were Sony (Bad Boys and Spider-Man) 


    Disney had $2.9B in 2021, Sony was number 2 with $2.4B. Disney had $1.26B in 2020 ahead of Sony at $1.18B. 


    sources: https://deadline.com/2022/01/2021-worldwide-box-office-studio-rankings-hollywood-market-share-covid-spider-man-no-way-home-1234905569/



    • Like 3
  4. 24 minutes ago, XXR Eywa Has Heard You! said:


    A lot of it was filmed and produced in NZ. Many actors in it are from NZ. Things like that. 

    Pretty much this plus the new tribe in The Way of Water takes heavy inspiration from indigenous culture with Moko (face tattoos) and naming drawing heavily from Maori traditions and language whilst involving Maori actors. 


    If you want to compare over indexing probably have to look at the LotR trilogy (for a locally filmed big name Hollywood series) and Moana (also heavily related to Maori and other Polynesian culture) vs. Straya and other markets to get a sense of what Way of Water and the other 3 sequels might perform in NZ.

    • Like 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    This thread, as the saying goes, is a trip:



    When Alex Jones is the voice of reason and makes some good points you know Kanye messed up, talk about doubling, tripling, quadrupling down and then some though that is somehow worse than just praising Hitler. 

    • Like 1
  6. Been waiting for a while but the Disney Annual Report finally came out (it was delayed due to Bob Iger coming back) Can be found here: (if anyone wants to take a deeper dive) https://otp.tools.investis.com/clients/us/the_walt_disney_company/SEC/sec-show.aspx?FilingId=16233275&Cik=0001744489&Type=PDF&hasPdf=1


    Let's Strt with the bad news


    Analysing Disney yearly reports 2018-2022


    Domestic cable subscriber estimates using Nielsen (in millions)



    ESPN - 86

    Disney Channel - 89



    ESPN - 83

    Disney Channel - 86

    FX - 87

    National Geographic -86



    ESPN - 84

    Disney Channel - 85

    FX - 86

    National Geographic - 85



    ESPN - 76

    Disney Channel - 76

    FX - 77

    National Geographic - 76



    ESPN - 74

    Disney Channel - 74

    FX - 74

    National Geographic - 73


    2022 didn't see as big a drop as 2021 thankfully but still Disney Channel is down 15m subs and ESPN down 12m from 2018 levels. FX and Nat Geo both down 13m from 2019 and affiliate fees are barely offsetting loss of subscribers, internationally revenue is down although that is tricky to gauge as they have been closing channels internationally which will have an impact so didn't include that here. 


    Now on to make up of revenue:



    Total Revenue - $59.434B

    Linear Networks - $23.842B (40.12%)

    DTC -$1.494B (2.51%)

    Studios - $10.065B (16.93%)

    - Theatrical - $4.303B (7.24%)

    - Home Media - $1.647B (2.77%)

    Parks/Consumer Products - $24.701B (41.56%)



    Total Revenue - $69.570B

    Linear Networks - $29.544B (42.47%)

    DTC - $3.347B (4.81%)

    Studios - $11.127B (15.99%)

    - Theatrical - $4.726B (6.79%)

    - Home Media - $1.734B (2.49%)

    Parks/Consumer Products - $26.225B (37.7%)



    Total Revenue - $65.388B

    Linear Networks - $27.583B (42.18%)

    DTC - $10.552B (16.14%)

    Content Sales and Licensing - $10.977B (16.79%)

    - Theatrical - $2.134B (3.26%)

    - Home Media -$1.802B (2.76%)

    Parks/Consumer Products - $17.038B (26.06%)



    Total Revenue - $67.418B

    Linear Networks - $28.093B (41.67%)

    DTC - $16.319B (24.21%)

    Content Sales and Licensing - $7.346B (10.90%)

    - Theatrical - $920m (1.36%)

    - Home Media - $1.014B (1.50%)

    Parks/Consumer Products - $16.552B (24.55%)



    Total Revenue  - $82.722B

    Linear Networks - $28.436B  (34.27%)

    DTC - $19.558B (23.64%)

    Content Sales and Licensing - $8.416B (10.17%)

    - Theatrical - $1.875B (2.27%)

    - Home Media - $820m (0.99%)

    Parks/Consumer Products - $28.705B (34.70%)


    Linear Networks have held up well but will likely drop due to the above mentioned affiliate fees and a weak advertising market (that when it does come back may not return to strong levels on Pay TV [ESPN,FX Etc.] maybe even Broadcast TV [ABC]) DTC top line growth has been good although slower this most recent year due partially to exchange rates and also lack of Premier Access, worse UFC buys which wasn't enough to offset new spending which lead to some big losses. 


    Theatrical more than doubled revenue over 2021 but is still behind 2020 (includes last calendar quarter of 2019 which had Frozen II and TROS) and way behind 2018/2019, I don't think it will reach those levels in 2023 either but should hopefully be better with Black Panther 2, Avatar 2, TLM, Indy 5, GotG 5 among other titles.


    Home Media is awful and is now less than 1% of the companies revenue, which in a way isn't shocking when you look at how purchasing of physical media has decreased but given the better slate of theatrical I expected improved or at least flat sales, this quote from the report is telling "The decrease in home entertainment revenue was due to lower unit sales despite the benefit of more new release titles in the current year." That is not a good sign for future years and shows people are moving away from purchasing films at a re-accelerated pace. 


    Parks and consumer products are the one super bright spot as they have made record revenue and that has lead to record profit as well. They might be challenged with a looming recession but I imagine they hold up fairly well in 2023. 


    Overall the big challenge is the coming collapse of Linear Networks, we already had news yesterday of AMC downsizing as for them DTC revenue didn't offset linear losses (not to shocking for a smaller company) but the big companies will feel this as well. Disney is in a better place with DTC revenues at way over half of Linear Networks at their peak of $29.5B in 2019 but with profit in DTC still 18-24 months away and even then profit will be small this overlap of Pay TV collapse (and smaller profits very likely from that division) will bring some short to medium term pain. The same is true for Paramount, Comcast, WBD etc. although they're further behind in shifting revenues to DTC so they may be hit even harder. 

    • Like 6
  7. 3 hours ago, AJG said:


    Never happening.


    I can see Iger finally getting one his fear of gaming and get EA or Take2. There's been rumours about both before.

    Epic Games I think would be a better buy, a not much talked about aspect of the Pixar and Lucasfilm deals is they got technology as well as franchises/talent. Having Unreal Engine would be a huge asset and probably a gaming equivalent to ILM. 


    That said might be too pricey as would likely be a $40B+ deal (same with EA) so they might opt for something smaller. 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, JWR said:


    I don't know if Iger even has the time to plan on buying anything.

    Something small or well run and doesn’t overlap with Disney too much, such as a video game developer, could be done without issue . Something bigger he would likely have to extend his contract ( which I personally think will happen anyway, the contract extension not necessarily the big deal) as part of that deal, similar to what happened with 20th Century/the launch of Disney+.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Eric Clade said:

    There a reason why Disney wants to sell? I thought buying Fox was so they wouldn’t get bought out.

    They very likely don't want to and thus won't sell.


    There has also been rumours going around they will buy Netflix, WBD (LOL) some gaming companies (possibly the most likely) but if any of these were on the trajectory of happening it would be in very very early stages considering Iger has only been CEO for 2-3 days and is very busy changing some things and having meeting with the top people in the company ... I highly doubt he is had time to propose either a sale or an acquisition. 

    • Like 4
  10. 4 minutes ago, Flamengo81 said:

    I definitely don't want to preach how people should watch a movie and all... but that being said, I just don't get at all someone wanting to watch Avatar in 2D, it removes a really significant part of what makes this specific movie so special. It's a whole other movie and theater experience in 3D.

    Some people have problems with 3D (vision, headaches etc.) or just dislike the format. 


    I will be seeing it both ways probably and will likely watch in 3D my first time but I don't fault anyone who either can't or doesn't want to watch in 3D. 

    • Like 7
  11. 5 hours ago, JWR said:

    I'm most curious to see what big moves happen next...

    Not in terms of sacking but probably trying to get Peter Rice and Zenia Mucha. 


    If Zenia comes back that probably means Kristina Schake will be gone, she is a fairly new hire who only joined in April:




    Peter Rice could fit anywhere in TV or Film given his history I could see him becoming a co head on the film side along with Alan Bergman (pretty much replacing Alan Horn who retired and now has an advisor role at WBD) 

    • Like 2
  12. 23 minutes ago, JWR said:


    Most of Iger's choices for a replacement left before he stepped down, if I recall.

    Yeah Kevin Mayer, who was viewed as most likely to replace Iger left when Chapek was made CEO. Walden is probably the most likely candidate internally as was the case months ago, but 2 years isn't a long time for her to transition, although I would not be shocked at all at Iger staying past the 2 years if anything I might be shocking if he only stays the 2 years.

    8 minutes ago, JWR said:

    Chapek's second in command just got the boot. 



    To be expected DMED will probably revert back to complete studio control, to the pleasure of everyone but Landgraf (who I assume will get others to run the business side of things as he has been on record saying he likes only having to deal with the creative side of things) 


    Edit: Yep 


    Dear DMED Employees,

    As we embark on the transformative work that I mentioned to you in my email last night, I want to begin by offering my sincere appreciation and gratitude to each and every one of you.


    Over the coming weeks, we will begin implementing organizational and operating changes within the company. It is my intention to restructure things in a way that honors and respects creativity as the heart and soul of who we are. As you know, this is a time of enormous change and challenges in our industry, and our work will also focus on creating a more efficient and cost-effective structure.


    I’ve asked Dana Walden, Alan Bergman, Jimmy Pitaro, and Christine McCarthy to work together on the design of a new structure that puts more decision-making back in the hands of our creative teams and rationalizes costs, and this will necessitate a reorganization of Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution. As a result, Kareem Daniel will be leaving the company, and I hope you will all join me in thanking him for his many years of service to Disney. 


    Our goal is to have the new structure in place in the coming months. Without question, elements of DMED will remain, but I fundamentally believe that storytelling is what fuels this company, and it belongs at the center of how we organize our businesses. 


    This is a moment of great change and opportunity for our company as we begin our second century, and I am so proud to be leading this team again. I can’t say it enough: I’m incredibly grateful for the tremendous work you do each day, and for your commitment to maintaining the level of excellence Disney has always been known for.


    I know change can be unsettling, but it is also necessary and even energizing, and so I ask for your patience as we develop a roadmap for this restructuring. More information will be shared over the coming weeks. Until a new structure is put in place, we will continue to operate under our existing structure. In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and thank you again for all you do.




    source: https://deadline.com/2022/11/disney-kareem-daniel-exits-bob-iger-distribution-1235179483/

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