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  1. To put this in perspective, even on here people conside B Cinemascores for horror "normal" most of the time. There was an attitude that Apes would do like a 65 percent collapse after its opening weekend because B Cinemascore is unthinkable for "normal" scifi action movies though. It was a horrendous overreaction even by this board's standards.
  2. Apes audience is....rather similar to superhero crowd actually. Mostly male, over 30 at this point. Not as big. Doesn't change the fact that B CINEMASCORE IS DOOM was very much the Apes narrative when it actually released here.
  3. Cinemascore isn't worth wiping my butt with after "Joker B+/Dominion A-". I'd sooner trust the Ancient Aliens guy for scientific advice than use Cinemascore as a gauge of a film's trajectory.
  4. It may be "an opinion of audiences" but it doesn't really mean that much. It's been pretty well proven at this point that the main way to get an ultra high Cinemascore is to give the specific opening day audience EXACTLY what it wants. That may or may not jibe with a film actually being a success. It certainly doesn't with a film's actual quality/long term reception if Dominion's A- was accurate and not statistically screwed up. But the "Apes B Doomed" stuff that people repeated as gospel here shows it doesn't really capture the actual overall attitude/reception to a movie well. It certainly doesn't guarantee longevity.
  5. I see we're still going with the "Cinemascore actually means something" even after Apes shot that theory full of holes, but whatever.
  6. The whining here is insufferable. Not quite as insufferable as "Apes Doomed by Cinemascore" though. That was moronic even by this forum's standards.
  7. Or you could just ignore the "press critics" like 95 percent of the audiences apparently do.
  8. Critics whining about their dreams of med school seems very hacky. They need to put these weaklings through boot camp and see if they can get through Frankenstein Island or Samurai Cop without losing their minds.
  9. Y'know, you don't HAVE to get the hideous popcorn buckets with the movie. That stuff is really more for influencers than anyone else.
  10. I mean, jokes should be funny. Just saying "Madame Web had great reactions" isn't funny. Like if you're that desperate for an example you can just exhume The Flash and do the whole GREATEST SUPERHERO MOVIE SINCE THE DARK KNIGHT bit again.
  11. If people want to use comparisons they should probably realize saying "Madame Web had good reactions" won't get them taken seriously. People in the movie were saying it sucked during the press tour.
  12. These movies do NOT get made because they "keep selling comic books". Comic book sales are miniscule now.
  13. I really, really don't want to see "Twisters World Tour". Just do a sequel called "HURRICANE" if you're that desperate for the Asian market.
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