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  1. For what it's worth it seems we get less tracking of Gladiator II than Wicked or Moana 2 on here.
  2. Elll ooohh fucckkiinngg ellllll "Oooh, it's a CHALLENGING MOVIE!!!" "Tarantino was right!" I mean, if being a "clever contrarian" who's actually a destructive nihilist wasn't a mainstream thing now then maaayybbbbeeee you could get away with lighting 190 mil on fire, but too many of these and there won't be a film industry left. Not a "CBM genre" or even a "WBD". I mean ANY film industry. I'm sure those theater owners you lionized during COVID really loved being contracted to keep this floating pile of debris for three weeks, two of which were dead. Continue to defend GARBAGE HUMAN Todd Phillips like he's Franz Kafka or something because he made an "edgy movie" most people hated. But know this: if you're gonna take 190 mil from a studio to make a mainstream film, it probably should be such for the sake of your career.
  3. It's a much better two years of existence to be on a film set than to be "feeder rats" for some dumbass who likes to play with his Inland Taipan, that's for damn sure.
  4. Meh. Sony should've gotten it. But considering how much Paramount is saddled with, it might also keep one studio from dragging down another.
  5. Like that fucking means anything. I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find people that sincerely believe Eegah is transcendent work of intellectual genius. We look to Tarantino to MAKE GOOD MOVIES, not act like some high priest of the Moon who knows some sort of infallible truth we don't.
  6. Who the flying fuck cares what Tarantino is a fan of. Dude thought The Depp Lone Ranger was good!
  7. Whatever else happens, this will absolutely maul Joker's 2's box office.
  8. You don't, but the argument is usually some variant of "if they made a whole bunch of different genres at low budgets they'd make more than one big budget movie". It usually isn't an exclusively horror argument.
  9. I don't give a crap about admits because that doesn't get movies cancelled or the studios in deeper trouble. I DO care about the fact that a lot of genres are in decline and there's no floor for when a movie does poorly anymore.
  10. No. You'd have an endless wave of horror films because those are what consistently make money at low budgets!
  11. Honestly it doesn't sound that bad compared to SOME hyperbole. This sounds more like "Gladiator was a good and meaningful movie for me when I was young and this movie made me feel young again". Rather than something obviously bogus like GREATEST SUPERHERO MOVIE SINCE THE DARK KNIGHT
  12. I really don't see how TFOne makes money unless you're talking merch. Terrifier is pretty much pure profit given it was a cheap indie.
  13. I did notice one amusing thing looking over the box office results. People on here like to complain A LOT that "people are starved for/crave family movies!" I'm pretty sure they aren't THAT starved though considering how poorly TFOne did vs. Wild Robot when they opened close together. I think there's a pretty noticeable cap on demand for any movie running on a "12 and under audience". As opposed to horror, which can have multiple successes at once (Smile and Terrifier succeeding at the same time). So outside of very specific windows like Christmas I don't think think the "kids' market" is actually content starved. Either that or parents prerfer to leave their kids at home and just use streaming at a young age.
  14. Not sure if it's as profitable as you think because of revenue sharing on Joker 1.
  15. Aww yeah Transformers is gonna STOMP that stupid Todd Phillips movie in US gross!!!! YOU GOT THE TOUCH YOU GOT THE POWWWEEERRRR YYYYEEEAAAHHHH
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