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Posts posted by WebSurfer

  1. 53 minutes ago, AniNate said:

    It doesn't seem like Chitchat is in this. I thought that might've been who Stephanie Hsu was voicing but apparently she's that older long lost robot which was not in the first book. That's the only one I've read so maybe they're in the second or something. Seems like they are including elements from later books.



    Yeah, that's what I thought too, that she would voice chitchat.


    I hope the ending remains the same though, I think that sold the original story to a lot of people.

  2. 35 minutes ago, AniNate said:

    Trailer is a bit too focused on slapstick and boilerplate good vs evil conflict for my taste, and I feel like Roz ought to have had a more electronically-affected voice, but I'm still pretty sure they'll be cooking with the feature-length product.


    I do notice a few differences from the book, one of which is something of a bummer but again I'll reserve judgment.

    Yeah, after watching that, I wonder if the ending will remain the same as the book...

  3. 34 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    From the quality of the animation I have seen, you should omit the words big budget.

    This is clearly aimed on the hard core Transformers fanbase, They will turnout, no one else will.

    And as for the rumored enthrusiatic reception , how often do we hear about a film having a great reception at some geek gathering or convention, and then it goes on to do poorly at the box office.

    I just do not see this breaking out and finding a GA audience.

    There was TMNT mutant mayhem, which went through the same processes as this film; like, premiering at Annecy.

  4. If The Wild Robot film lives up to the books then I can see it being a major player. However, this one may unfortunately go to one of the Disney sequels this year. No disrespect to those films, but more so to the nature of Oscar voters.

    I’m pretty sure Oscar voters don’t care about animated features unless they have some kind of speciality to them. Like, are they related to Disney/Pixar? Or, who’s name is attached to it? I remember reading some of the Oscar votes for Pinocchio a while back and I’m pretty sure one voter mentioned how they had a chosen favorite animated film that wasn’t nominated for an Oscar, but they went ahead and placed a vote for Pinocchio.


    It sucks, but I guess all that matters is if those films are financial successes.



  5. 1 hour ago, AnthonyJPHer said:

    I don’t usually track but I was looking at the showings for Inside Out 2 for Thursday previews (June 13) in a theater near me (not in my town but about 40 miles away). There is an almost completely sold out showing. Out of 195 seats, 175 were sold. Where I live there seems to be real interest. I think if I do some rough math I counted about more than 400 tickets sold on Thursday for theaters near me, but I thought I’d point this out cause it kind of shocked me. 



    The question we should be asking is how high it will go. It’ll undoubtedly be a hit.

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