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Everything posted by Dreadnought

  1. It's also arrogant/presumptuous to position this non-entity as the literal origin of Disney's beloved classics if the spoilers I have read are true.
  2. Aquaman was more entertaining than it had any right to be. Any movie that mentions Scipio Africanus is an automatic win in my book.
  3. I'm not sure how much this anecdote (and the reverse one posted previously) really says without taking into account the aptitude and general intelligence of the both the children and adults in question. There will always be bright children regardless of the era.
  4. Not sure it's just kids - I work in STEM and am having a hard time sitting still for 30 minute presentations these days! I think we've all gotten used to doing things on demand and filling all silence with social media, YouTube, etc
  5. Rotten Tomato scores are typically misunderstood, of course, but it really gets my goat that the new Hunger Games prequel could be assumed to be similar in artistic merit to the Marvels if one were to just look at the Tomatometer. HG:BoSS is easily twice the movie the Marvels is in my opinion.
  6. Cynical corporate bullshit like the whole Barbenheimer marketing phenomenon? I thought Barbie was exhilarating when I first watched in theatres but a re-watch at home was less than kind. IMO, it was lucky to have such pervasive marketing from the studio as well as the Barbie brand behind it.
  7. It really is weird when Adam Driver is a top choice for an attractive, charismatic lead. The dearth of 'stars' in their 30s is really beginning to bite.
  8. It's Sue Storm-centric. The pool of recognizable actors willing to play second fiddle in a troubled franchise is probably pretty small. I hope the Pedro Pascal rumor is not true but alas, it seems like there's a lot of smoke there and I could totally see him doing it for the paycheck. IMO, he's not attractive but I'm not sure how unpopular that opinion is. That whole thirsting over Oberyn Martell thing seems like a lifetime ago.
  9. Any examples of this post Me Too? I don't think the Singer story which was from a more permissive time with even fewer prominent female directors for comparison tells us much. I'm genuinely interested to hear all the stories of non established male directors (aka not the Mangolds and Vaughans of the world) getting major, equivalent opportunities after a prominent flop. There is clearly more to the Jenkins story than her supporters are willing to critically examine or admit. Edited to say: not meant to come off as confrontational at all. I'm trying to build up my knowledge of the industry and have heard multiple people make the claim about male vs female directors so I just want to see if that actually holds up to scrutiny
  10. This is a weird argument. For one, there's no evidence that Muschietti is still on board for the Brave and the Bold. Mangold and Vaughan have a corpus of prior works that easily explains why they're not in director jail. I know it's verboten to suggest that female directors can be anything but talented and consummate professionals but are we forgetting the rumors of Jenkins' behavior with Warner Bros executives? Where there's smoke, there's often fire. She didn't lose Cleopatra and the rest on the back of WW84 flopping and to suggest otherwise is infantilizing nonsense. DaCosta will be fine and will go back to low budget drama and horror. She and her colleagues are not 'owed' blockbuster films any more than their male counterparts are.
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