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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. And so we have reached, It is time to announce the winner.......... To explain a few things first, The Geekfreek Award is and scored based upon your performance across all the various categories. So it takes into account whether a play has just invested in everything win or lose, or whether the player has been a little more careful. Of course the bulk of the score comes from the Revenue chart so often this is who will win but it hasn't always been the case in the past... so .. Here the nominees again for The Geekfreek Award : @BourneFan #1 @CJohn @Exxdee @grey ghost and finally @Simionski
  2. ok... Revenue Award... Many players consider this to be the whole reason we play the game... but the geekfreek award is a bit more than just how much you earn! so here are the nominees for the Revenue Award : @chasmmi This is Chasmmi's 2nd nomination of the awards ceremony. @Exxdee Exxdee has so far had 3 nominations and has won an award. @grey ghost Grey ghost has his second nomination. Me ( JJ-8) finally i get a nomination (am I allowed to give to myself .... ) and finally @Simionski Simionski as noted above has been nominated in every category so far and has won 1 award...
  3. Now since we are talking about Simionski it's time to announce @Simionski as the 5th and final nominee of the Geekfreek Award. What can say but be stunned at his game. He has been all encompassing behemoth since mid year putting 2 of the top 3 all time monthly records down. What is very interesting that while he was plaaying in teh first half and he was in the mix he wasn't really that close to our early leaders thanks to Deadpool. He invested in a grand total of 46 movies with nealry 3000% worth of investment. But not everything is spend spend spend in this game. Simionski had the most nominations at 6, but so far has managed to win only 1 award. With 2 only remaining could this be the only award he walks away with. We will know in a short few minutes whether his smothering tactics have paid off. Simionski led the game 13 weekends over the year mostly in the back half of 2016. He also topped 4 months including 2 all time months ever!. I present Simionski as the 5th and final nominee of the Geekfreek Award.
  4. Finally the Q4 summary has arrived and we saw one of the biggest Decembers the game has ever seen. Firstly we had October which has to be one of the weakest i can remember. Still Grey Ghost managed to win the month easily which wasn't enough to take down the overall record for the month. In reality the final 2 months of the year was where the $ were at with Dr strange, Fantastic Beasts, Moana, Sing, Rogue One and Passengers among many other films which were released during those 2 months. November belonged to little old me when i finally picked the right films and put together my strongest month of the year. But it would be december which would become defining with Simionski not only winning nearly every weekend of the month but also winning th emonth itself. In fact he shattered the old monthly and weekend records for December with new impressive highs. In fact not only was December the biggest December ever, but in fact the biggest month ever in the games history smashing the 5 month old record Simionski had set back in July. In Fact as a result of the $ earnt that month Simionski, Chasmmi and then simionski are now the top 3 months ever in the games history with both of the top 2 coming from December 2016.
  5. Getting closer and closer to the winning announcement, but here is the 4th nominee for the Geekfreek Award : @grey ghost Grey Ghost started playing from the beginning of last year. He was a consistent player throughout the year and ultimately did enough to gain a nomination in the Geekfreek award. Grey Ghost received 3 nominations and is yet to win an award. Grey ghost managed to lead the game for 3 weekends which also resulted in him winning the month of October. I present Grey Ghost as the 4th nominee of the Geekfreek award.
  6. That leaves us with 3 awards and yes it's getting close..... The next Award is the Weekend Award is quite simply the highest weekend gross of the year..... The nominees are : @chasmmi for Weekend of 16th - 18th December 2016 @CJohn for the Weekend of 6th - 8th May 2016 @lucasbenica for the Weekend of 25th - 27th March 2016 and @Simionski for the Weekend of the 5th - 7th August 2016 (he was also nominated for the December 16th - 18th)
  7. And so that takes us to our third Nominee for the Geekfreek Award : @Exxdee Exxdee was a steady player right throughout the year though he didn't quite join at the beginning he took a good chunk of dollars through the summer months before going MIA until november where he nailed a couple of good investments bringing his final totals to be strong to be nominated here. In fact Exxdee has done so well he was nominated in 5 of the 6 categories and in fact has already won 1 (ROI Award) making him a serious contender for the Geekfreek Award. I present to you Exxdee, the third nominee for the Geekfreek Award. of note : Exxdee managed to lead 5 weekends over the year.
  8. So now Q3 obviously starts in the heart of summer but also takes in september......typically one of the weakest months of the year. The months of July and August quite simply belonged to Simionski who shined through both months not only putting up record monthly totals for both months but also the highest ever month in the game every recorded (in July) with nearly 750m in a single month. Quite simply he was everywhere but it did cost him when he was restricted from investing through september (though did it really given september was so much weaker in comparison. Of note, it was Cjohn who managed to top september with a september monthly record. of note, the August and September weekend records also fell. Of course key films included secret life of pets, Suicide Squad which the winners obviously had a slice of....
  9. Right moving along, headlong into the next award called the Company Value Award. Very simply it's how much you have in the bank at the end of the game. No fuss, no mess, here are the nominees: @chasmmi @Exxdee @grey ghost @Simionski
  10. So that brings us to our 2nd nominee for the Geekfreek Award : @CJohn While not one of the original players from BOM, Cjohn joined the game back in 2012 before it died a death. In fact If I remember rightly he briefly took over as host when my life got in the way and meant i couldn't run the game. Cjohn played when he was playing this year a very strong game was a good shot of figuring in the top 3 and he still might. unfortunately, like BournFan#1 before him he stopped investing in or around September. meaning he missed a good chunk of time. however, he has done enough to get a nomination in a number of awards including the Geekfreek Award. So I present the second Nominee for the Geekfreek Award : CJohn! EDIT : Cjohn led game over 8 different weekends and also led the months of May and September.
  11. Q2 of course spans the month of April, May, and June of which the later are the start of the summer months when the $ really start to roll in...... April saw a lot of carryover from March along with the release of the Jungle Book along with a number of smaller releases. @Wrath dominated the month of april thanks pretty much to holdovers and the aforementioned Jungle Book. @The Panda also figured well during april pulling into second. not surprisingly @lucasbenica slipped in at 3rd also. May saw the ever resilient @CJohn take over with a triumphant return to the winners circle. Mainly on the back of Captain America while June saw @lucasbenica rise back to the top of the game with $ spread very evenly amongst. Overall by the end of June, the game was led by Wrath and lucasbenica very convincingly from Cjohn who was in third. All 3 players had already cleared tbe 1b in revenue by this point in the year. Of note, both the April and May monthly records were broken along with the highest weekend totals in April and June.
  12. And so it continues, Our next weekend is similar in many ways to the ROI award except it's all about how many $ you earnt for the % spent. Were you wise with the amount of % you spent. It's the Best Investor Award. the Nominees are (i'm not listing the investments this time as it's about the $ moreso against %. @Exxdee who invested a total of 1530%. @lucasbenica who invested a total of 1220%. @Simionski who invested a total of 2985%. @The Panda who invested a total of 385% (and yes he invested in 9 movies meaning he met the minimum requirements.)
  13. Well done to Exxdee.... now onto the first nominee for the Geekfreek Award, @BourneFan #1.... BourneFan#1 has been with us right since the start of the game in 2016. He was in fact a regular player right up until September where he all but disappeared making only 1 investment beyond September severly hampering his chances. However, it can be said he was very much in the race for this game which is why he is nominated. Some very well chosen investments in the middle of the year including Captain America, Secret life of pets among others he gave himself every chance to make it. He manged to top the weekend chart on 2 occasions during the year and managed second place in 3 months over the year. The first nominee for the Geekfreek Award is BourneFan#1!
  14. ROI Award The Return on Investment Award awards the player who got the highest overall Average % gain across their investments. To be eligble you must have invested in 7 movies as minimum. The nominees are: @BourneFan #1 with key investments in The Purge Election Year, Don't Breathe, and Blair Witch. @CJohn with key investments in 10 Cloverfield Lane, Handcore Henry and Secret life of Pets. @Exxdee with key investments in Secret life of Pets, Lights Out, Don't Breathe. and finally @Simionski with key investments in The witch, Lights out, and Hidden Figures.
  15. Firstly, lets go all the way back to Q1 / January when the game finally took off again ... We began the year 11 players who had made investments across 2 movies. In the end only 1 more performed well and the first weekend of the games return was equally led by yours truely and Chasmmi (my fellow Summer/winter Game Host). the reailty was January wasn't a very strong month in general with the biggest movie invested during the month barely making it's budget back. By month end, Simionski would taken over as leader of the game from BourneFan#1 and Grey Ghost. February would however turn the game on it's head all due to a little film called "Deadpool" which pretty smashed a few records in the process. the all time month of February fell along with the highest weekend total ever in February. Both records of course went to Wrath with Lucasbenica following closely. March would end up seeing more of the same with both the monthly and weekend records falling but to Lucasbenica. By end of Q1, the game was dominated by Wrath and Lucasbenica. by the end of March we had 13 Active players (we did peak at 15 players during February). So onto our first award.....
  16. Welcome to the 2016 Fantasy Box Office "Geekfreek" Awards .... Fantasy Box Office grew out of an idea back 10 years ago back on the now defunct forum on BOM. Over the years the game has gone through highs and lows (especially when the game disappeared for over 3 years). I have hosted the game for most of that time. However time to get back to the triumphant return of FBO in 2016.... 2016 turned out to be a strong return for the game though we did miss the highs of Star Wars, Deadpool was more than able to make up for that very shortly in 2016. 2016 also turned out to be a year of trials where there were attempts to improve the gameplay and hopefully make it more interesting. The biggest change of course releated to the investment rule. I won't go into the details but i believe that this rule is a much more workable solution than what we had previously. I will explain how each of the awards were scored - all but the overall award is calculated directly from the $ you earnt / the returns you made on your investments. The awards i'm handing out tonight are: ROI (Return on Investment) Award Best Investor Award Company Value Award The Weekend Award Revenue or total gross for the year award Geekfreek Award And so it begins.....
  17. The old 2016 Thread has returned to the main forums for 1 last time to announce the winners of the 2016 Game (2017 Game thread is in the sub forum temporarily until this is done)
  18. Oh and the April investment thread is up! (and all threads are updated :P)
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