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Posts posted by PatrickvD

  1. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think this was rejected by audiences because it didn’t star Charlize Theron. That was a career defining role for her and loved by both critics and audiences. 

    ATJ is a Netflix actress. She’s not putting butts in seats. Especially not for a franchise that appeals to an older crowd, who don’t really know who she is.


    And on top of that Chris Hemsworth was never going to attract anyone to anything that isn’t Thor. And even that is over. 

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  2. Dakota is so hilarious in all the press interviews. She knows it’s a flaming turd and she’s having fun with it.


    Watching her roast herself and the movie I’m thinking why doesn’t Hollywood cast her in comedies? They’ve obviously never figured out what to do with her. But nepo babies need work and maybe she’s more suited in comedy.

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  3. 7 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

    That’s great and all but the point is Star looks way more like Luma than that Snow White concept art. Not sure why some people seem gravely offended at the idea of a Disney character design looking similar to a Nintendo one… 

    I think it looks nothing like the Nintendo character. That one has two black dots for eyes. I’m not offended, Disney has ripped off loads of things in the past, but whatever you’re saying is just not there in my opinion.

  4. The creators have mentioned in various interviews that Star’s design is based on concept art for a cut sequence from the original Snow White, where she would dream of dancing with the prince in the clouds. Anthropomorphic stars would surround them. Its pretty much the same design and it predates Nintendo’s Luma by a good 60 years at least. Its facial expressions and general mimicry are inspired by 1930s Mickey Mouse.


    Not everything is a ripoff and Disney has a rich history to which they can look for inspiration. Especially if that’s the whole idea behind the movie.


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  5. PIXAR and WDAS just need to focus on making movies that stand out. 

    The biggest mistake they made was reducing their films to Disney+ exclusives when they need to be experienced on the big screen. Elemental is the rebound that was needed to make their output feel like events again.


    Budget cuts should not be made.

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  6. A lot of these issues with the original fairytale or the 1937 adaptation could be solved by writing the screenplay in such a way that Snow White and the Prince develop a relationship before the Queen cuts in and forces her to flee into the forest.


    Instead they turn her into a #girlboss because she don’t need no man.


    This movie shouldn’t be made. There are some things that should remain sacred and Disney’s Snow White is one of those things.

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  7. 1 hour ago, keysersoze123 said:

    Amazing market. Oppenheimer is still ahead of OW. It won all 3 weekends but Barbie is ahead due to stronger weekdays. But now there is clear delta between the 2. Can Oppenheimer end up winning. @PatrickvD how high these 2 movies can go. Is it still summer break? Would start of school nuke the runs?

    First schools won’t be back in session for another three weeks. Some regions won’t be back until early September. So both films have a clear road ahead. I can see them chugging along like this. Though better weather is coming which might slow them slightly.


    Will be interesting to see if Oppenheimer will close in on Barbie later on in the summer, but for now Barbie is indeed playing like crazy on weekdays. €20M looks in play for both. Hopefully even €25! That is James Bond / Avatar territory for NL


    Crazy to see two films of this size co-exist. Barbie is even expanding to art house theaters to keep up with demand and thereby reaching a whole new demo as well.


    Unprecedented stuff.

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  8. My problem with this movie is that it’s largely driven by conservatives that act like nobody else cares about child abuse.


    The same conservatives that looked the other way when the Catholic Church was exposed for doing the same thing they now pretend to be outraged by.


    It’s all selective outrage and virtue signaling. Regardless of the whole Qanon angle which I’m too exhausted to even dip into.

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