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Posts posted by PatrickvD

  1. I'm guessing you didn't see the shortlist.


    I'm guessing now it's not on there :D


    Well I see Interstellar walking away with this anyway. And it would be justified.


    edit: ok I just checked out the shortlist. Maleficent... really?

  2. I'm rooting for Apes to win. The visual effects were really good. And it's a movie that really does a great job of integrating the effects with the live actors. I think movies like Hobbit 3 and Transformers 4 that are basically just cartoons at this point might get skipped.


    A reason why Into The Woods will sneak in as well.


    Interstellar would be my best bet for the win though. Nolan films do great on a technical level. And since reception for the screenplay was mixed, it might walk away with a bunch of technical awards.

  3. There's also a serious lack of vision at DWA. When I saw the trailer for Home I really just wanted to cry. Who does this appeal to? Hell, Nickelodeon would reject a TV show like this, so why make a feature film? All of the films on their slate, and recent features, are conceptually weak. PIXAR and Disney are high on concept and storytelling.


    And thanks to those pointing out that Katzenberg was not solely responsible for Disney's renaissance. I would also point out Howard Ashman as the main man behind this success.

    • Like 6
  4. Why would Penguins do $150 Million if Enchanted and Muppets couldn't do that off the same opening day number? This is just more bad news for Dreamworks Animation.


    Katzenberg wants to sell it and take seat at the board of directors of whichever studio buys it. But he's no John Lasseter and DWA is nowhere near the value of PIXAR. This whole thing is going to get ugly for the studio real soon. They need a hit and there is nothing on the horizon that looks like a hit.

    • Like 6
  5. They make movies and shows for childeren of 3 year, ofc it's crap :)

    But they have made some good productions, like 'het huis anubis' I just rewatched it and the acting is some what childlish but the overall storry, intention is beter then all of disneys series...


    (Not talking about the anubis movies cause they suck!)


    I hate the concept that if something is for 3 year olds that it's allowed to be crap. It's such a lazy attitude.


    But I agree Het Huis Anubis was good. And also a hit internationally.

    • Like 1
  6. Btw, frozen is getting beated in belgium by 6 'studio 100' DvD this year, also in sales of merchandysing. Actualy 'studio 100' is the disney in Belgium, it's a huge and populair brand, even disneys best coudn't beat it. 



    It's embarrassing for Belgium considering all Studio 100 productions are complete crap. They simply figured out the secret to success: lots of overexposure to the very youngest children who don't see the difference in quality yet.


    I'm glad they're not bigger than Disney in the Netherlands yet. Something I also don't see happening ever.

  7. If Streep's acting is even half as good as her singing in 'Last Midnight' she should walk away with this one. She sounds so much better than on Mamma Mia. I guess she was born for Sondheim. Not surprising.... more class.


    I'm rooting for Laura Dern to get a nod too. She's having a bit of a comeback ever since Enlightened (underrated HBO show).

  8. There's no way that they're gonna push Goddess in Lead. She's confirmed as supporting on the FYC site already. Also, Goddess is coming for Assured Oscah Numero Quattro in Supporting. She slays in all of her pieces (listen to the previews on itunes) and like there is zero chance of her not winning in supporting now. I mean who's she up against? Arquette in 12 Years a performance with only one money scene. 


    Moore on the other hand is totally gonna win. They should honestly not even do a race this year and just engrave Julegend's name on the oscar and give it to her already. 


    I had no idea they were pushing her for supporting.


    And I listened to the previews. Holy HELL... she SLAYS 'Last Midnight'. She could easily snag supporting if she's up against Arquette I agree. I hope she goes for her fourth Oscar. She's the greatest actress alive, so she needs more Oscars to go with this title.

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