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Posts posted by Maxmoser3

  1. Maleficent 2 will probably do sub $100 million. It’s domestic total sucks. But hey here’s a pic to cool ya guys down 🤪angelina-jolie-201608-767926.jpg


    but hey as for the Joker it’s coming close to The Matrix Reloaded’s $742 million worldwide! That’s a crazy success story for 2019 overall and I think that would be a milestone.


    Zombieland 2’s debut is really good for an even longer wait time than even what Maleficent  was! Hopefully legs will be good and should be a nice profit for Sony! 

  2. 50 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    I'm not trying to spread anything about how 'bad' this place is nowadays (if I really didn't like it, I wouldn't be sticking around). But DAMN this site was soooo much fun in 2014/15. 

    I’ve been here since 2013. I first was introduced to site with fun box office clubs and the now defunct Hot Women NSFW page(which was a lot of fun  being on). No one was a pain in the ass on that thread, and same with the box office threads as well.


    I could be on here for hours talking about people being shocked The Purge did $16 million OD or how bad Godzilla ‘14 dropped and them making fun of how slow it took it to make $200 million, or seeing how Grown Ups 2 knocked out Pacific Rim etc etc. 

    • Like 2
  3. For Disney, Maleficent 2 will be nothing to them at the end of the year. I mean they’ve had 5 $1 billion(one was $2 billion) worldwide this year! They’ve had 90% of their films this year do over $90-$100 million opening weekend(Dumbo is their lowest grossing film and that did $111-$114 million in March). Now if Maleficent 2 does $35-$38 million this weekend and has ok holds, and knowing Disney they”ll fudge it to $100 million so really is it really all death and gloom for them? Anyway I think I may this Angie film this weekend, 220px-Original_sin_poster.jpg

    • ...wtf 1
  4. Paramount is back in their rut. 2018 they had an ok year. But this year has been really bad, Rocketman was their biggest success! Pet Sematary, What Men Want, and Crawl were their other successes.


    Gemini Man and Wonder Park are probably going to be on the list of the biggest bombs of 2019 lists. Which is pretty bad for Paramount. 


    Its interesting that Lionsgate and STX have had a better year than Paramount overall. 

  5. So Warner Bros. Now owns January, August, September, and October! While Disney owns February, March, April, May, July, and December. Lionsgate for now owns November.


    But that’s great for Warner Bros they know  how to market successful tentpoles. Gravity is probably the first major example as it’s trailers were quite interesting.


    then for their R-rated fare has been outstanding! American Sniper used the I”m coming home scene very effective on TV spots. IT Chapter one had effective spots, posters and trailers starting In March 2017.


    Joker had an appealing trailer and appealed as something different than just happy happy joy joy films. The film will have some alright legs for the rest of October, and should finish with anywhere from $230-$250 million or so total. 


    Next weekend I have a feeling Gemini Man will probably underperform the reviews aren’t a issue. Annihilation had great reviews and it was Sci-fi and by the same studio, and it bombed(yeah yeah it had Netflix but still bombed). Gemini Man looks good but it will be an upset for Paramount.


    The Addams Family is a toss-up. It could do Frankenweenie numbers at worst. It could also be a mini-breakout like Hotel Transylvania. That film has had multiple marketing tie-ins with Hershey’s and IHOP. It doesn’t mean nothing about the tie-ins, but families may  go see and it since there is a lack of family films till Frozen 2. and Abdominale is isn’t really doing so great so that could play in Addams favor and as well the Halloween holiday could help out as well. 

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