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The Panda

The Panda's Top 250 Movies of All Time Countdown (FINISHED)

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From Here to Eternity

A classic that, although hasn't aged as well as some of the other oldies on my list, is deservedly titled so.  This film is one of the definitive accounts of the famous bombing of Pearl Harbor, the relationships are humane, the acting is honest, and the film has an important place in cinema history . 

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Requiem For a Dream

A bold and shocking movie that got drastically overlooked when it was released.  The movie isn't really all that rewatchable, but it doesn't need to be because it is unforgettable in many senses.  The intensity stays high and the commentary is brilliant.

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I plan to at least get out of the 200s today, and hey cut me some slack I have gotten through about 50 movies in around 4 days, that's fast pace for me. :P



O Brother, Where Art Thou?

People always ask for a definitive adaption to Homer's Odyssey, and in my opinion this movie is it.  While yes, it is definitely a modern twist on the epic and only loosely related, it's still a fantastically entertaining, and funny movie that definitely fits into some of the Coen Bros finest canon.

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People often will overlook this movie and call it overrated now (and if you are talking about Shrek 2 I certainly agree), but this semi-crude parody is regarded as an animated classic for a reason.  Shrek is fun, exciting, with great voice acting, and many jokes that still ring funny today.

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Three Kings

Recently it's been hard to remember that David O. Russell isn't an overrated director getting heaps of praise for a good but not great American Hustle, but Three Kings helps me remember how much talent this guy actually has.  Three Kings is one of O Russell's strongest movies and proves he isn't the overrated sham most people saw him as this awards season.

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Lethal Weapon


Lethal Weapon has one of Mel Gibson's strongest performances and has played an influential role on the action genre.  It is extremely entertaining, Glover and Gibson's chemistry is fantastic, and the action is ecstatic and well-done.

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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

This was back when Disney was actually good at making live-action films and wasn't always trying to force the next Depp vehicle down their audiences throats (with the exception of the first Pirates).  20,000 Leagues is a sci-fi classic and it is an exceptionally crafted adventure that is still fun to watch today.

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Maybe it's a crime to put a classic like Stagecoach so low on my list, but hey it's my personal list and it ranks where it ranks.  It is a very influential classic, so influential that it actually was one of the influencing factors Orson Welles took from to create Citizen Kane, my only problem is it just doesn't age that well because of the fact that nearly every modern movie borrows from this.

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The Fly


The fly is one of the highlights of the monster movie genre, and a movie that often gets overlooked when talking about some of the best.  It boasts one of Goldblum's strongest performances and it balances suspense, thrill, sci-fi, and tragedy impeccably well.

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

This is the best movie that John Hughes made, and it often seems like it is almost universally agreed upon.  John Hughes is excellent in writing monologues for screen actors and making them believable and it shows in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, which is the funniest of Hughes movies as well as the most powerful and moving of his.

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The Last Waltz

Scorsese is one of the most prominent filmmakers working in the business, and the Last Waltz might just be one of his most overlooked masterpieces.  The Last Waltz is one of the definitive rock/band/movies about music out there, and by far one of the best (if not the best) concert movie ever made.

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Tropic Thunder


Somebody once tried to tell me that Robert Downey Jr was a one note actor who could only play himself, I told them to watch Tropic Thunder and they shut up. Tropic Thunder is riveting and hilarious with strong performances, it's Ben Stiller's best movie.

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Cast Away

Tom Hanks really shows how great of an actor he is in this movie where he absolutely commands the screen for the majority of the movie.  While some people have problems with this movie, I have found it to be a modern classic that is emotionally moving and powerful.

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Last one for now



Y Tu Mama Tambien

What is often considered to be what put Alfonso Cuaron on the map as a modern classic director, Y Tu Mama Tambien is a powerful coming of age story that explored many controversial themes that are relevant and true to society.

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Casino Royale (2006)

A successful reboot that re-invigorated the bond franchise to make it fresh and fit the new modern blockbuster status.  Casino Royale was a bold risk that payed off for MGM and the newly found tone and grounded reality highly benefit it to make it one of the best Bond movies.


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Zero Dark Thirty

Kathryn Bigelow is turning into one of Hollywood's best directors with her recent movies and Zero Dark Thirty is a testament of that.  Being dark, thrilling, and politically relevant, Zero Dark Thirty is well-acted and unapologetic in it's valiant effort to display a factual account of the hunt of Bin Laden.


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Shadow of a Doubt

This was Hitchcock's personal favorite of his movies, and while there are a good number of others from him I prefer, Shadow of a Doubt is just as spectacularly well-made as all of his other films.  It is a classic, and it is the film that put Hitchcock on the map as one of the great directors of all time.

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Lost in Translation

This is a culturally and socially relevant movie that serves as a performance showcase and has gone down by many as a 21st century classic.  The commentary is smartly dealt with while having a certain tone to it and a theme that is all to important in today's society.

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Steamboat Willie

Okay, okay this is a 7 minute short, and so it is definitely a very big stretch for me to put this on a 250 all time movies list, and I promise this is the only short film on here (I really considered Paperman and some of Pixar's shorts though) but Steamboat Willie's influence is to huge to deny, and so it deserves a spot on here.

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