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Rants, Reviews, (w)Riting and a Surprisingly Passionate Hatred of MoS

Entries in this blog

Ruk Reviews- Captain America: Civil War

So, Captain America: Civil War. The second movie about dueling superheroes this year. Or, as it's likely soon to be known, "the one that actually did it well."   "What? You thought you were going to have to wait before I started shitting on BvS? You don't know me very well, do you?"   Okay, now I've got that customary (and entirely deserved) jab at BvS out of the way, let's talk how I felt about this movie. I'll try and avoid raving about the stuff everyone else has alre



Batman v Superman v Rukaio: All Bad Things Must Come to an End (Part 5)

All right, we're finally here. At the final part of this movie. It's taken probably more time and effort than it was worth, but it's been a fun ride. Significantly more fun that the movie itself, ironically.   Speaking of 'more fun', I watched the Supergirl/Flash crossover episode 'World's Finest' last night and loved it. Supergirl and the Flash are both series with a lot of ups and downs for me, but they absolutely owned that episode. It'



Batman v Superman v Rukaio: I Miss Deadpool (Part 3)

Up to Part 3 now and boy is this one a doozy. If Part 2 had me at my most calm and analytic, this part has me at my most raging and infuriated. Because this part covers what, for me, is probably the worst moment in the movie. And I'm pretty sure it won't be what you're expecting.   Anyway, here are the previous two parts for those needing to catch up.  



Batman v Superman v Rukaio: Everyone Loses (Part 1)

Oh my God this movie... Just... I can't even...    Okay, let's take this from the top. Anyone who knows me particularly well knows that I hate Man of Steel. Hate it with a passion. It was one of my most anticipated movies of 2013 and ended up being the worst superhero movie I've ever seen. Sure, on a technical level it's not as incompetent as Fan4stic or Superman IV: Quest for Peace, but it managed to get under my skin in a way that few ot




Oh my God this movie. Okay, the first Taken I adore. One of my favourite action movies. The second Taken is shit. This? This is just.... comically bad. Stupidly, hilariously, infuriatingly bad. Really, I don't think a quick REVIEW summary is going to do this justice. I'm going to have to take this apart scene by scene. Because this movie is just so so bad, it deserves something a bit special. Okay, we open with an accountant being kidnapped from his home by thugs led by a guy who looks like



Introduction and a Review: Kingdom

Hello, good day and welcome to my humble abode. Well, I say humble abode. It's a just a blog. And likely not even one I'm going to use that much. If it was my actual abode, it would probably be an absolute tip. Books, dvds, empty bottles strewn everywhere and a funny smell I can't quite find the source of but continues to drive me mad no matter how much air freshener I spray everywhere and- *clears throat* Anyway, my poor living habits aside, this blog is basically a dumping ground for what



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