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  • Water Bottle

    Franchise Updates

    By Water Bottle

    Hey guys!   So we've made some changes to the franchise forums.   I looked at which franchises were on the front page and which were sub-forums and have thus changed them accordingly.   Star Wars got to stay on the main page because of Rogue One coming out in December. Star Trek got moved to the main page because of Star Trek Beyond, it's 50th anniversary, and upcoming television series. The DC movie forum got renamed to DC Media and was moved to the main
  • Water Bottle

    Forum Update

    By Water Bottle

    We have updated the site to 4.2.0! We are happy that we're finally live with this update for numerous reasons. Please note there may be some bugs so please don't hesitate to submit a support ticket or to PM Water Bottle/Telemachos.   Please note of the following changes: [*] Autoembedding is back. No longer having to manually put stuff in if we support automatically embedding it! [*] Reactions instead of just likes. ALL REACTIONS ADD ONE LIKE POINT TO A USER'S LIKE COUNT. EVE
    • 1 comment

Drive-In Doldrums: The 2020 Cucalorus Film Festival

Hello again, and welcome to my retrospective of the 2020 Cucalorus Film Festival. This was the year that the Covid-19 pandemic shut virtually every business down, and Cucalorus was no exception. The show must go on, however, and Cucalorus took an inflatable projector screen to UNCW’s Kenan Auditorium parking lot and played the audio of each film through everyone’s car radios!   But most films were not shown in the drive-in setting. In fact, most films were instead made available throug


SLAM! in Festival Retrospectives

Humble Beginnings: The 2019 Cucalorus Film Festival

Hello again, and welcome to my account of the 25th annual Cucalorus Film Festival. In this blog entry, I will talk about the films I saw and the experiences I had as a volunteer. I’m titling this entry “Humble Beginnings” because this was the first Cucalorus I was truly a part of.   In years before 2019, I had a head knowledge of Cucalorus and was mildly interested in attending, but never actually did. You can chalk it up to other responsibilities like for school and stuff, but a major


SLAM! in Festival Retrospectives

What is the Cucalorus Film Festival?

So what exactly is Cucalorus, and what makes it different from other film festivals?   Cucalorus is approaching its 28th annual festival, which will be going on between Wed. November 16th and Sun. November 20th. From then and now, it’s been screening narrative and documentary films and short films of all types as well as hosting a variety of other events. But wait a minute: what kind of films does Cucalorus select?   I will start not by answering this directly, but by instead


SLAM! in General Information

The creeping spectre of inflation

It's not secret that the fed has printed more money in the last 18 months than in nearly any other time in history. So it begs the question, what impact will it have on box office totals? Do you expect to see an increase as we did in 08/09? Are you concerned?   Many people are noticing this at the pump, on their weekly food shop, but as people who follow the box office we must think about it as it comes to movies too.   There is also the fact that it will make movies more exp


TomCruiseTop in Musing

2022: A Vision

The year is 2022, hyperinflation has long since started, the average ticket price in the US is 110 bucks. Avatar 2 grosses 5 Billion Dollars WW. This does not make it the new #1 of all time, instead it is a paltry 9th.   We look back fondly on Mad Max wishing that we could live in that now utopian vision.   [I can't post this in normal threads as I'm still locked out.]   Read Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations - I implore you.

Why a 'Three Account'?

One wonders why my account is called a 'three account'? And unable to post.   Also one reminds everyone that laughed at the idea of Avatar 2 making 4 billion dollars WW.


TomCruiseTop in Musing

On states of things

I came back from a lengthy ban recently to find that the forum is mostly empty, at least in comparison to where it was prior to the ban. It's strange not to see a lot of the old names and faces making posts.   I suppose much of this silence can be attributed to COVID, but then I ask myself, surely that would mean people have more time to spend online? If people are inside more, why has there not been an increase in posting? Now of course people will say that no movies have come out, bu



Forum Update

We have updated the site to 4.2.0! We are happy that we're finally live with this update for numerous reasons. Please note there may be some bugs so please don't hesitate to submit a support ticket or to PM Water Bottle/Telemachos.   Please note of the following changes: [*] Autoembedding is back. No longer having to manually put stuff in if we support automatically embedding it! [*] Reactions instead of just likes. ALL REACTIONS ADD ONE LIKE POINT TO A USER'S LIKE COUNT. EVE

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Animation in progress

Working on getting the animation cleaned up and smoothed out for this, but it was a fun bit of practice.    



Anurian Designs

This project is taking on shape going forward and I'm happy with some of the overall changes and expansion in the designs.  Story-wise it's very close to being done, I'll be moving into finalization of more background and environment in the near future.   I've contacted at least one musician for work.  The format of this is still in a state of flux.  It may be fully comic, but may contain animated segments as well.     Actual pencils of some initial designs for this race



Meeting with Rafael Rosado

Tomorrow I'll be attending a lecture and getting a chance to talk to storyboard artist and animator Rafael Rosado.  He did primarily animated series (notably he storyboarded on Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Teen Titans and Transformers Prime, among others).  I'm looking forward to this, as well as discussing on the idea working with him on something in the upcoming future.




The update is now done. The two major skins (movie background and the default skin) are now updated to be compatible with the latest version. The ad-free skin has yet to be updated.   IMPORTANT CHANGES: You will be prompted when you log-in next or when you register to put in answers to security questions. These answers you will provide when you update key account info or when you try to use money to donate to the site. You will now get an e-mail when your e-mail or password c

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Election Week Sale!

Election Week Sale! From now until Friday, we have a discount on Gold Accounts! You can get a Gold Account for one month for $10 (rather than $15) or a Gold Account for one year for $110 (rather than $165)! Donate Today and keep us open!   Finally for those in the United States, go vote!

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Franchise Updates

Hey guys!   So we've made some changes to the franchise forums.   I looked at which franchises were on the front page and which were sub-forums and have thus changed them accordingly.   Star Wars got to stay on the main page because of Rogue One coming out in December. Star Trek got moved to the main page because of Star Trek Beyond, it's 50th anniversary, and upcoming television series. The DC movie forum got renamed to DC Media and was moved to the main

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Preview Button

Hi! We're still sorting out the skin theme upgrade! Turns out that the theme wasn't just upgraded to ensure compatibility with the latest version of Invision but also came with it's own changes we have to figure out.   Anyways, I am happy to announce that the new forum software...has a brand new feature! Or rather the return of an old one! The preview button is back!     The last button on that toolbar, the one that looks like a magnifying glass is over the page is

Water Bottle

Water Bottle


We have upgraded to the latest version of the forum software. We are running an older version of the skin so please be patient as we manually upgrade that but until then expect some issues.

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Unnamed Project Update #2

So, a lot of the overall storyline is worked out, but this particular project is probably going to be on the back burner until my other webcomic starts posting later this year.   But I'm enjoying these characters and this world so I really hope to do more with them       ...my aliens are pretty gay.  I think my own queerness shines through with this. lol



Ruk Reviews- Captain America: Civil War

So, Captain America: Civil War. The second movie about dueling superheroes this year. Or, as it's likely soon to be known, "the one that actually did it well."   "What? You thought you were going to have to wait before I started shitting on BvS? You don't know me very well, do you?"   Okay, now I've got that customary (and entirely deserved) jab at BvS out of the way, let's talk how I felt about this movie. I'll try and avoid raving about the stuff everyone else has alre



Designs for an upcoming project

Here are some previews for a project I'm doing some work on.  It remains to be seen if this will be animated, but a lot of my animation influences are pretty clear here.   This is a basic sci-fi story in the noir/mystery vein but with brighter colours.  



Batman v Superman v Rukaio: All Bad Things Must Come to an End (Part 5)

All right, we're finally here. At the final part of this movie. It's taken probably more time and effort than it was worth, but it's been a fun ride. Significantly more fun that the movie itself, ironically.   Speaking of 'more fun', I watched the Supergirl/Flash crossover episode 'World's Finest' last night and loved it. Supergirl and the Flash are both series with a lot of ups and downs for me, but they absolutely owned that episode. It'



Performance Increase

We've disabled all third-party plug-ins to see if they improve site speed. This test will last 24 hours.   Tapatalk access is also gone during that period.   UPDATE: We've re-enabled Tapatalk for now.

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

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