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Everything posted by BiffMan

  1. I think they're similar, certainly not more than 200. It's not the quantity of seats sold that impressed me as much as the short lead time for posting those showings and then selling them out. That would indicate that demand wasn't close to satisfied on Fri/Sat and we may see a surprisingly strong Sun/Mon.
  2. The new Alamo Drafthouse theater in Austin added 7:45 & 9pm shows (previously sold out for today) somewhere between noon and 3:30pm today (looks like they took the evening show from John Carter and something else, maybe Lorax) and somewhere in the 3:30-6pm timeframe, they both sold out. They now have it running on 5 of 8 screens for the Sunday evening showing. Drafthouse is usually pretty quick to shuffle showtimes on the fly as needed, but I've never seen them make a mid-day add on a Sunday before and then to sell them out that quickly... This might very well have a Sunday hold like TDK after all.
  3. Maybe they'll all go see John Carter....
  4. I'll preface by saying I'm a big fan of the books and had read them 12+ months ago and re-read at least twice. Very solid and faithful adaptation of the book, but as happens (to me at least) with books made into movies, I can't help but see it as a somewhat hollow echo of the book. Harry Potter had the same effect on me: great movies, but make me want to go read the book again for the "moreness" of them.That said, very happy with it, and LG did themselves proud. Other than not being a fan of shaky-cam, everything else worked very well. Good choices of what to keep/lose/add from the book, excellent performances, and a good balance of action and story.It hasn't really given me that burning need to see it again immediately as other recent movies have and I'm good with it not being as rich as the book since I can always go re-read that. Doesn't take anything away from the film.
  5. Saw it again today in the morning and THG in the evening. JC held up very well to a second viewing, and the beginning flowed quite a bit better. Still wish they hadn't gone the anti-hero angle with him in the opening since that makes it hard to get on board with the hero as quickly, but liking Taylor's performance better the 2nd time around.Oddly enough, I found that I enjoyed it more than THG and I'm a huge fan of the books and thought the movie was done quite well and fully satisfying. THG just hasn't eaten its way into my brain like JC did. That may change after it sinks in, and perhaps it's because if you know the books, THG can't really surprise or carry you away in the same way JC can.Have to raise my JC rating to a solid A, very enjoyable on 2nd viewing and by far the most compelling and entertaining movie I've seen so far this year.
  6. Took my kids to see it today and it was pretty meh. Not a bad film, but not nearly as entertaining as most other animated films for the last few years. We went to see MVA, HTTYD, Despicable Me, G&J, Puss in Boots, KFP2, Cars2, (and several others that I'm sure I'm forgetting) multiple times in the theater, but don't think we'll need to see this one again. Would imagine this one isn't getting nearly as much repeat business as most of the other heavy hitters.
  7. Thanks! Hung out at Mojo for a few years, just hadn't gotten around to posting here yet since that went poof.
  8. Man, John Carter... That's got to be by far the lowest performing movie that I've really enjoyed. Friends have enjoyed it... Everyone I've personally heard from enjoyed it... B+ cinemascore... And Disney declares a $200mil write off on it and effectively agrees that it's toast.
  9. I wasn't expecting much, as I was only vaguely familiar with the books and the trailers didn't do much to help, but I wound up quite enjoying it. It was hard to root for Carter for most of the film and not sure I cared for the anti-hero angle they went for, but from the midpoint on, I was hooked. Very satisfying ending and I wound up connecting pretty well with the movie and think I'll definitely see it again. Completely different reaction than I figured I'd have after reading reviews and glad I gave it a chance.Thought the Tharks were very well done and the motion capture expressions were excellent. Pity that they had to dump quite that much money into it, as I'd be very interested in a sequel but can't see where that's ever going to happen at this point.Overall a B+ that I'll raise to a A- for the earth-side bookends and particularly the ending.
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