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Posts posted by MovieGuyKyle17

  1. On 6/20/2018 at 8:40 PM, filmlover said:

    I actually dig the animation style they're going for but the movie looks kinda all over the place tonally. I got a Downsizing vibe tbh. Here's hoping it's much better than that.

    God, I hope it's not like Downsizing. I was so excited for that film and despite a great first hour, it goes downhill and just becomes such a disappointment. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Spagheditary said:

    The tones of each trailer match up so terribly it’s kind of amazing.


    It’s like if the next trailer for, say, Fantastic Beasts marketed it as a screwball romantic comedy.


    It's like they don't know how to market this film at all. 

  3. WOW, that trailer killed any excitement I had. I'm cool with references and that. Like Wreck It Ralph one had these as little jokes that flowed with the story. THIS is beating you over the fucking head with a chair. I had one laugh but I was kinda in awe of just how bad this trailer was. It was basically all just one inside joke on the second half. I am very disappointed with this.  

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