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Posts posted by Incarnadine

  1. 18 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

    It's much better than CABIN IN THE WOODS although it isn't as mockingly self-referential. (It clearly draws heavily from some classic horror thrillers but it doesn't do it to directly comment on the genre, the way CITW did). 


    "Politics" doesn't have anything to do with it. Social commentary, yes, absolutely -- it's a central pillar to the whole concept. 

    To each his own. I really liked Get Out, but I loved CITW.

    GO absolutely deserves to be fresh, even highly rated fresh, but at this point the hype has passed the actual quality. Realistically, almost no movie could live up to a 130+ 100% fresh start, expectations are in the stratosphere.

  2. 6 minutes ago, RandomJC said:

    Armond White is back on RT, you can see his reviews for very recent movies on there.

    Strange, I haven't noticed him there for years. He always stood out because if a movie only had like 3 negative reviews you could count on one of them being his, same went for universally panned movies, one of the rare positive reviews would be from him.


    I guess the streak ends when his "review" shows up at RT.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Joel M said:

    It will not make the sight and sound poll of best movies of all time that happens every decade and probably won't be studied in film schools but I bet it would be more well remembered 10 years from now than most of this decade's BP winners.

    That got me thinking about previous winners so I pulled up the list. While I like a number of recent winners, when I look at the last ten years and think "which ones would I actually watch again  if I was flipping through the channels and saw it on", the only one would be No Country for Old Men.

    The ten years before that there's 4, maybe 5 movies I'd watch again, 3 in the ten years before that.

    So for me the last decade has not been particularly appealing for the winners, I like some of them, but not really interested in seeing them again, but I already know I'd watch LLL again.

  4. Almost every negative article about LLL wonders why they couldn't still be together, it's like they didn't pay attention to the circumstances.


    They were already separated for long periods with Seb touring and he was under contract for what sounds like at least two years, then add in Mia being overseas for a minimum of 7 months (4 month rehearsal and 3 month shoot), and that's if they started immediately and everything stayed on schedule, then there's promoting the film and premiers. Given the time zones and their work commitments even getting in a phone call would be difficult.

    After filming wraps Seb would still be touring and maybe recording for at least another year and it's strongly implied Mia's movie is a star making hit and she would be getting offered more roles and it's what she loves so she would be taking some of them and thus working months on end.

    They are both young and attractive (and now successful)  and not likely to stay celibate for a couple of years.


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