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Thrylos 7

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Posts posted by Thrylos 7

  1. 26 minutes ago, RealLyre said:

    -56% drop from Sunday and -42% from last Monday for JW2


    $400M back on the table? :ph34r:

    Every other film did amazingly compared to last Monday , this drop seems surprisingly high , all things considered.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    OS isn't as strong but I think WB will acknowledge that the World Cup was a factor although it's done better in many markets compared to the previous two films. I think if they do Ocean's 9, they should release it in November or December rather than June. 

    How is the WC an issue for a female-driven film and not an issue for something like JW2 ? O8 overseas problem has nothing to do with the WC, people don’t care about the concept and are more than happy to just rewatch the previous ocean’s films at home plus they don’t really care about the “cause” of this film just like they didn’t care for ghostbusters2016 .

  3. Personal insults should immediately get a poster banned, no matter what, that’s what happens in basically every decent forum on the internet. EC wasn’t banned just because of his posts in wreck it Ralph thread , the guy had given an entire show at that week’s weekend thread using extremely vulgar language against other posters (not me, just to be clear). It was eye-opening what he was getting away with at that weekend’s thread. 


    If you can’t stand someone not liking your favourite franchise, movie, Director, actor,musician, company,whatever then you have the problem.

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  4. 1 hour ago, John Marston said:



    Universal not going crazy and giving t a 250m+ budget is amazing 

    Why ? What would an extra 70-80 million be for a movie that was doing over a billion anyway if this money was used to help create a better, more ambitious and more impressive movie that could elevate its bo gross closer to the first one ? A 250 million film doing 1.5 billion (having an AOU kind of drop from the first) seems better than an 170-180 million movie doing 1.1-1.2 billion .

    • Like 1
    • ...wtf 1
  5. 1 hour ago, baumer said:


    Well, not to be all stoic, but I'm not one of those people.  This place is supposed to be fun.  You make a prediction and then you are effusive about it, if you end up being wrong, the best thing to do is have fun with it.  We're all here because we love movies.  When I'm wrong, I embrace it and never run from it, because ultimately, you can't hide from what you said.  And people respect you more when you own up to your bad predictions.  

    Eeeh, I think I specifically wrote that I am not talking about you. Most people don’t own up when they are wrong, they just brush it off usually with an annoying “everybody knew....” and keep on going. 


    Even so I think there should be a bit more sensitivitity when it comes to direct personal insults instead of who is owning up to being wrong  and who isn’t. Last weekend’s thread was unbearable with all these people attacking movieman89 because he wrote that there was a chance that JW2 would be under 100 million , it was page after page after page of people whining, mocking and throwing insults , the same people that had made some ridiculous predictions when it comes to JW2 .(it’s breezing over 450 million. OW close to 200 million, it will beat or be very close to IW worldwide e.t.c).



    • Like 5
  6. 6 minutes ago, baumer said:


    Movieman has a habit of mocking people and making outlandish statements and then conveniently disappears for periods of time.

    Actually many people have that habit only instead of disappearing when they are proven wrong they just write “everybody knew that x thing would happen” even though they were predicting the opposite a few months/weeks ago. I am not talking about you, obviously, but one look at a few threads even in the first page is enough.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, baumer said:

    It'll be interesting to see how much JW increases today.  If it has Wonder Woman like increases, it could do 65 million for the weekend.

    Why would it follow a movie that had fantastic legs ? WW fell just 1.9% from Wednesday to Thursday , for example.

  8. 2 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    Regardless of the movie's quality, or lack thereof, it's been a strangely boring one to follow on this forum - as the meager size of this thread perhaps attests. No real elation or meltdowns. 



    The movie isn’t doing anything remarkable at the box office in either a good or bad way. It’s performing decently while having a huge drop, what most sane people expected. It’s quality is all over the place, but it’s just an indifferent movie (and franchise) for people to either bash or defend to death. This isn’t justice league or TLJ, it’s more of a “who cares ?” type of movie and box office run.

  9. 2 hours ago, Fake said:

    JW Wednesday is down only 17-18% from Monday, which is decent. 60M weekend is possible.


    Thu: 11M (-9%)

    Fri: 18M (+63.6%)

    Sat: 24M (+33.3%)

    Sun: 18.5M (-23%)


    Wknd: 60M+, 380M finish.


    TI2 number is also decent and weekend looks to come in at 50M.


    Thu: 9.7M (-3%)

    Fri: 15M (+55%)

    Sat: 20M (+33.3%)

    Sun: 15.5M (-22.5%)


    Wknd: 50M+, 570M finish.


    Curious to see which one of the two is ahead next weekend, as I expect both to gross around 30M.

    Well it’s not like it had an impressive Monday to begin with. I agree with the rest , it seems that the ceiling for this is slowly lowering from 400 million to something like 380 million but maybe next week’s holiday will help it. I2 seems to be catching up , if the numbers hold (12 something million vs. 10 million).

  10. 2 minutes ago, Moviefanatic said:

    Hmmm I should read the book lol 

    Yeah if you have time and patience, it’s a fascinating read with a completely different focus than what is seen on the screen. Some of the mini stories describing the atrocities the people made in the past are scarier than the monster. At least that’s how I remember it, it’s been many many years since I read it but there’s a few unforgettable things about it that YOU WILL NEVER see in any film version of it.

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  11. On 6/25/2018 at 2:43 AM, Moviefanatic said:

    Hopefully this one is actually scary. The first one wasn’t but I’m also not very familiar with the books 

    The book has a different philosophy from any big or small screen incarnation of this story. In the book there are huge sections showing how evil the people in that town were in the past years, full mini-stories full of hatred and racism, that point out that IT is actually the embodiment of that evil. The movie is basically an entertaining “nightmare on elm street” kind of thing.


    Oh and of course the book is disturbing in .....other ways that would never been filmed (well unless the movie was made in the seventies I guess).

    • Like 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

    Evans has excellent comedic timing.  It was not a comedic or witty moment.  It's a heartbreaking moment of loss and played that way. 


    There is nothing played insincerely in the first Captain America movie.  It's a heart on your sleeve movie, so earnest that some find it corny or dull.  I find it difficult to believe any one who's actually watched the Captain American movies would describe them as them as insincere, particularly the performance and treatment of the lead character.





    Yep calling the first avenger insincere while stuff like man of steel and BvS are supposed to be sincere, now seriously who in his right mind can argue things like that ? Oh and the first avenger being corny in some scenes is actually fantastic cause it represents the era it is supposed to take place in perfectly, just watch a few patriotic Hollywood films from that actual era and then watch the first avenger’s corny moments, the similarities are uncanny.

  13. 1 hour ago, Quake said:

    could you actually be more up inside MCU's or Feige's ass. Every damn little post you make is you tongue licking MCU and badmouthing DC. Try finding new material because we get it you live to kiss MCU's and Feiges ass. You even go to such lengths wanting other movies to fail like JW2 just because of your precious MCU and its doing monster numbers anyway :slaphead:

    No I want JW2 to fail because it’s a terrible movie and it’s doing exactly as I had predicted having a monster drop from the first one both in the U.S and worldwide. DC is really not worth even spending the time arguing about hense I don’t actually  post in any dc thread just a reply here about pure spirit’s “thoughts”, to put it nicely. I actually feel sorry for dc fans that have to defend the trash dc has been producing for many years. 

    As for the personal insults, as usual, I don’t reply to them.

    • Like 1
  14. What ? Fanboys are ...cancer ? That’s shameful and disrespectful to people that are actually sick. Fanboys are just people that are enjoying stuffand are passionate about it, you can be a fanboy of anything from a soccer (for my U.S friends, football for the rest of us) team to a music band.


    Oh and if you hate fanboys so much what are you doing in a ...fanboys war thread ? Are you fanboys of anti-fanboism ?

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  15. 4 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

    I'm honestly not sure what can be done here to really hook audiences like the last? The novelty of WTTJ only works for one movie, you can't do that again with the same cast and expect it to be such a hook. And at the same time you can't really jettison the cast and expect that the same audience will still be interested. So what exactly do they do? Think this will be a very rare case of a sequel to a really well received break out hit dropping off huge. 

    Agreed, I liked jumanji 2 , if we can call it that, a lot , it was a lovely movie but I just don’t see how a sequel can work and have the same charm and freshness. I really don’t think that it needs a sequel but of course we are going to have one for an almost one billion movie, esp. from a desperate studio like Sony Columbia.

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