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Everything posted by mahnamahna

  1. Agreed! It would be easier to vote films off! and the absolutely terrible ones (Grown Ups 2, Space Chimps, etc) can be removed now since we know they won't be on the list1250 would be the limit! And guys, remember that we're trying to make the list 50% crowd pleaders, 50% Oscar bait/art house. So don't get rid of every single popular film of the last 7 years because some (Avengers, DH Pt 2, HTTYD, etc) are excellent films even though they aren't the deepest.If Temple of Doom and Gremlins are worthy of the list, so should the great commercial films of today :)I'll start adding to the 1000 (I believe there was 25 extra films listed?)
  2. I'm not gone I have football practice and school so I'm not on too much anymore! But I'm taking your suggestions into account! Does anyone have a game plan for elimination?
  3. There's definitely 100-110 films from the last 13 years worth seeing before you die. That still leaves about 900 slots for 1895-2000
  4. 1. Winnie the Pooh - this should have done $13 million opening weekend with $55 million to $60 million DOM total. 2. Wreck-it Ralph - it definitely deserved a Madagascar 3 level opening weekend and a Brave style run: $60 million OW with a $240 million DOM total 3. Rango - it would have been nice if this had some stronger legs and got to $145 million DOM total 4. The Muppets - I honestly wish Happy Feet 2, Alvin 3 and Jack & Jill were never made, Arthur Christmas was pushed back a week, and Hugo was in limited release, because this would have gotten the $110 million to $125 million DOM total it deserved if it weren't for so many family movies released during one period 5. Star Trek Into Darkness - as the best blockbuster of the summer, this deserved $275 million to $325 million DOM total. 6. Tron: Legacy - I was hoping this would get to $210 million, $220 million - around there 7. The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey - this year's slate of films wasn't blockbuster aside from Les Miz and Django so this should have gotten $320 million to $350 million no problem
  5. Empire Strikes Back only sold about 55-60% of New Hope's tickets and it was a critical disappointment at the time so it didn't have the great WOM the original did. Of course, it'd still be a mega-blockbuster today but it still made quite a bit less than the original
  6. Sorry but most films before 1930 aren't really great by any stretch of the imagination.... the tech is slow and the subtitle cards are confusing. That's why comedies are the only silent films that most people remember from the era (Chaplin, Keaton, etc)
  7. There's bigger fish to fry than The Muppets and Rango but the rest do need to leave
  8. Disagree with Tree of Life and Galaxy Quest If you think The Little Mermaid and Clueless are actually going to get voted off over Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Police Academy, Top Secret, The Virgin Suicides, The Karate Kid, you're crazy... Wreck-it Ralph is the first and only excellent video game film ever made - it should be on here just for that The Avengers is a phenomenal popcorn film - it's easily the most fun blockbuster of the last 20 years IMO and it's definitely influencing superhero films as we know it Don't really mind Warrior, Skyfall or The Hunger Games getting voted off If homages aren't allowed, then Quentin Tarantino should be banned from the list, then... exactly, that's a dumb idea. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a homage to 30s serials. the Original Star Wars Trilogy is a tribute to Buck Rogers, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs are tributes to 70s crime dramas, Django Unchained and Inglorious Basterds are downright knock-offs - they even stole the name!! But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be on the list Okay, I'm gonna be ticked if the best blockbuster (non Nolan's Batman depressing blockbuster that is) of the last 20 years and the best Disney animated film since The Lion King get off voted off because they're only a year old
  9. If you're mocking the fact that tedious, self-righteous tripe like Out of Africa is on here then you should have picked Oscar bait dramas like The Color Purple, etc. Everyone knows all of the films you listed are well-made and enjoyable films - some even are classic, but if a film is boring, then it commits one of the two criteria needed to make a film "bad" IMO
  10. Disagree with: The Avengers (world-changing superhero movie and the best popcorn film of the last 20 years) Super 8 (great homage to 70s/80s Spielberg summer adventure movies) Warrior (the best sports movie since The Sandlot) Wreck-it Ralph (the first good video game film ever) Skyfall (it seems most people consider this to be one of the best Bonds) Don't want Hunger Games removed but I understand why it needs to be done and the rest I agree with
  11. I said 1955 but if you can provide sufficient reasoning (3 to 7 sentences) , films from between 1946-1955 can be cut by popular demand but anything from 1945 and earlier is off limits as are anything on the AFI Top 100 Movies list
  12. Ok... THIS is what a trolling "worst movies" list looks like!!
  13. At the moment, it's only 25 makes it easier to tally votes
  14. Okay... we'll start with everyone picking 25 films to REMOVE from the list! Look at the last couple of pages to find the rules for what films can be removed Post lists, people!
  15. Out of Africa should stay on here homely female lead - not a Meryl Streep fan, 200 minute chick flick, tedious - aside from Robert Redford, and the cinematography there's nothing going for this film
  16. Really? Ok lol well I won't vote for it! Gotta get one more vote for it
  17. I'm voting it off because it's not influential enough or entertaining enough - which films has it impacted? what's its entertainment value? how has it changed cinema as we know it? Those are the questions we should ask
  18. All he said was that he doesn't see why it's on the list - I also agree with him: but like him, I wouldn't mind it staying on the list either. There's other fish to fry on this list
  19. I think everyone's doing it right: I have two guidelines - is the movie tedious or boring? and - is it just stupid in all of the wrong ways? Those are the worst things a film can do to itself
  20. True... well we need at least 1 more person to agree with its removal anyways!
  21. Well, I'll second your vote for The Virgin Suicides since like you said, it doesn't seem to be memorable, enjoyable, profound or influential
  22. Well you gotta write a few sentences explaining why it should be removed . I've never heard of it but I'm guessing it's because Sofia Coppola directed it? That's the only reason why I can think it's on here
  23. I also removed it because XenoZodiac nominated it as a joke
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