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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. Happy Oppenheimer didn't end up with 10.5M like it seemed originally.
  2. Damn if Barbie stays flat on Wednesday then is there even anything to compare to? At this level that would be the only time that's ever happened right?
  3. Oh also I just saw the trailer for haunting in Venice in the theater and I could've sworn the last Hercule Poirot just came out like a few months ago lol. I guess time flies but I hadn't even heard they were working on another one already so I was genuinely shocked to see that
  4. Fun fact: Cineplex also makes a lot of those TV menu boards they have in fast food restaurants for some reason. I used to work in A&W and was there when my boss replaced the old paper ones with the new flat screens and for some inexplicable reason they would also default to displaying cineplex menus whenever they got screwed up by updates and stuff Also yes cineplex often sucks but luckily I have a landmark near me as well and they give free popcorn refills
  5. I liked it a lot! Solid B for me. Not as good as the original 3 but still a lot of fun and was well made. Rip Harrison Ford though. Keeps losing his sons and getting divorced 😢
  6. Just got back from the new Indy. Way better then reviews made it seem honestly. Not as good as the original 3 but very solid all around. Some pretty bad CGI at some parts tho
  7. I'm still upset we didn't get GdT's Hobbit
  8. I never really thought Barbie was going to 30M so 26M is more than fantastic. I was hoping Oppenheimer would be a tad higher but I believe that drop is still better than Inception, so very strong still
  9. I agree that there are certainly lots of movies that target a female audience (including a few blockbusters) but without any spoilers I feel like Barbie is definitely a unique film (at least as far as big blockbusters are concerned) in that it's not just trying to appeal to women by having strong female characters, or feminine themes. It very explicitly attempts to capture the idea of modern feminist anger at the system. It's not just telling women they can be doctors too, it's constantly calling out all the big and little things the patriarchy does to keep women down. I don't think i've ever seen that portrayed so prominently and so in-your-face before. So I don't think it's surprising that a lot of women are seeing this as a breakthrough film that's never been done before.
  10. I hope that 2023 keeps it going for the rest of the year. Might be hard if a bunch of films get bumped to 2024. Last year the recovery from the pandemic was going really well until everything just collapsed after July
  11. I definitely appreciate the prequels more now that the sequels were made. They may have had some bad acting, writing, and loads of other mistakes, but man were they memorable. They had actual highs that are iconic. George Lucas at least TRIED there. Those movies are filled with tons of things that expand upon the lore, the characters, the worlds. The Sequels are just empty retread. It's just Adam Driver alone on an island in a sea of forgettable mediocrity.
  12. One of the best films I've seen in a long time. The trinity sequence in particular is truly spectacular. This film is made for the big screen like no other, and you can just feel the anxiety and your heart pounding the entire time they're waiting to detonate the bomb.
  13. I don't think I've ever seen a theater so full of preteen and teenage girls. There was also a lot of applause after America Ferrera made her big speech which I don't think i've ever seen before. Overall amazing film, great performances by everyone involved. It's just too bad my TikTok is now filled with terrible takes on the film lol
  14. The Lion King remake was probably the most soulless film I've ever seen. So disappointing after Favreau did so well on Jungle Book. Plus I was excited for Donald Glover and he gave the most phoned in performance I've ever witnessed
  15. Just got back from barbenheimer and damn was Oppenheimer an amazing film. Had me captivated the whole time and the entire sequence with the bomb was some of the best filmmaking I've seen. Barbie was also pretty good too, a super unique aesthetic compared to other blockbusters and it makes me happy to see something so different putting out high numbers. Ryan gosling also stole the show in that one, he was hilarious
  16. The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe is a classic and some of the most iconic fantasy there is. But I'm definitely at least a little more meh on the rest of the series. When he starts building out the world more it just doesn't quite do it for me the way other fantasy does
  17. I thought Indy had a chance to blow up big like JW. But I thought at least it's probably end up in the 300s, with a lower end in the mid 200s.... Never thought it would go this low. MI7 some people thought it would explode because of Top Gun but I always thought it was probably gonna be around the same as the other ones. I feel like it doing so bad is no fault of the movies honestly, just terrible scheduling
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