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  1. Superman is going to have a huge uphill battle IMO. It basically has to be incredible to get the GA to turn out. If it isn't then even if it's pretty good it's going to be seen as just another of an endless tide of forgettable superhero films nobody wants to see anymore.
  2. Concerning numbers for venom, but I mean it's not like the last one was particularly well liked. The first one had bad reviews but people still were interested in venom and willing to turn out again to see if they could improve. Possible that some people are just not interested in giving them another chance. Though again, the last one played big with the GA once it had opened so it's possible we'll see that here as well
  3. Loved every part of it. My one nitpick is that the final act included a bunch of robot battles. I understand that's probably how the book went, but I kinda hate how every modern film no matter how quiet and emotional has to inevitably have its marvel action ending. But it didn't ruin the movie or anything, so I'd still give it an A. Without a doubt the best original animation in years. At least that's come out of Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks or illumination. Encanto might still be better though.
  4. I'm honestly surprised they made it this long. Hard to believe that a couple decades ago we had all of the top 6 studios in an actual competitive battle for the top spot every year
  5. Maybe it's just because I didn't grow up watching the transformers show but I never thought this was going to have much hype. Most of the GA associates TF with the Bay films at this point and I never expected them to be on board with an animated film.
  6. I feel like The Batman was largely liked. And I thought it was great and am hype for the sequel. But I will admit there's still a bit of a tiredness for me about it. Like they did a good job of making it feel like a unique take on the character, but at the end of the film when we got the joker reveal I still kind of just sighed and went... Please no more joker. Like in the last 15 years I'd already seen so many jokers. I don't want to see another joker please lord
  7. I'll never understand why there's such a visceral hatred of musicals these days. Like even if they aren't people's favourite there seems to be an enormous chunk of the GA that takes them as a personal offense or something
  8. They should never have given Joker a girlfriend and made it a romance... Pushed away all the incels...
  9. Depends on how good of an actor they are honestly. Could be funny but nothing's worse then watching something like that fall flat
  10. Thought this was great! Definitely suffered a bit from having way too many subplots and characters though. Honestly none of them were bad though, just underdeveloped a bit. I would've rather them make the movie a bit longer rather than cut any of them out
  11. Just watched spiderman 3 with my kids and damn I'm sad they never made Spiderman 4 =( Maybe it's just because I've seen a lot of ACTUALLY terrible superhero movies in the years since but honestly I have no problems with it. Wasn't as bad as people said it was at the time. Also emo Peter is peak 21st century comedy
  12. I'm not saying it's impossible but why do some people seem convinced Moana is going to get that close to IO2? Is there any reason to believe it would outperform Frozen 2 to such an insane degree?
  13. Yeah it's definitely made enough to be a success at least so that's good. I just think it had the potential for more if people had been willing to see it haha
  14. Sucks that Alien didn't pull in much of the GA. It's incredible. I feel like it would be a good watch even for horror fans who haven't seen much of the prior films, but I guess it has sort of an assumption that u need to have been watching the other ones
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