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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. Any reports on midnights for SM5 and 42? (I can't imagine 42 did much at all, but I know they had late evening/midnight shows).

    I dont know if this was nation wide but for some reason the Regal Theaters here in Nashville didn't have 10pm/Midnight showings of Scary Movie.  At least not on Fandango.  Seemed weird.  Even The Place Beyond the Pines and Trance had them.

  2. I will never understand what was scary about The Strangers. It was one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. It scared me as much as puppy dogs and rainbows do.

    Eye of the beholder, I guess.  More real-life, unexaggerated settings tend to frighten me much more.  The fact that a couple was just preyed on and taunted by a group of people who were just insane seemed very real to me, and terrified me.  Also the fact that the characters in the film acted reasonably and STILL don't manage to get out.I can separate things in my mind like the Evil Dead but I have a tough time being alone in a wooded area and not thinking about the Strangers.

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  3. Technically, some might argue that it was definitely billed to be something it's not. The marketing is calling it "The Scariest Movie Ever!"What they should have done, is call it "The Bloodiest Movie Ever!" Because it ain't scary in the slightest.

    Couldn't agree more.  This is the exact reason I was disappointed with my first viewing, it wasn't scary.  Gory? Of course.  Disgusting and twisted? Sure.  But I genuinely wasn't scared once during the entire film.  For me, gore isn't scary and it doesn't create suspense.  A lot of people have treated this like it's pushing some envelope but I just don't get that.  Movies like Hostel and Saw have been doing that for years.    But the fact that they used that tagline left a bad taste in my mouth.I feel like in general, films aren't really scary any more, which is a shame.  Maybe it's just because I've gotten older but I don't think that's the case.  The Strangers is still the scariest film I've seen in the past 10 years.  Started crying under my jacket in the theater, hahaha.

  4. I hope they re-release independence day or twister next. Those would be awesome to see on the big screen. Evil Dead number doesn't surprise me at all. It's one of the few horror films advertised that I actually got freaked out from the trailer. It was also marketed very heavily. Now if WOM is good can we have another 100m horror franchise?

    I thought Independence Day was a done deal?

  5. Oz number is about what I expected.  The Call, while a little above what I expected (11-12 million), doesn't surprise me.  I feel like almost every time here the urban demographic is underestimated.  I have been to probably 6 advance screenings in the past few months and black women are almost always absent.  However, at The Call, the audience was AT LEAST half black women.  Take a very sellable premise, market it effectively and add in one of the few black leading ladies and they will come out, which is exactly what is happening.  


    The Wonderstone number, however, is truly baffling.  I am a HUGE Carrell fan and even though I thought the trailers looked pretty bad the Carrell and Carey names together should at a minimum bring 20 million OW.  Regardless of the premise.  In my opinion, the most shocking opening of the year so far.

  6. The ending is going to be very divisive.  I think the general audience will be okay with it for the most part (may even eat it up) but it's such a shame that it will split audiences period, due to how unexpectedly great the first hour or so is.  I normally wouldn't have paid to see this but snagged passes to a screening last minute and was really surprised at just how good some of this works.  The pacing is fantastic and there really never is a dull moment.  But yea, the ending, without giving it away is a make or break type move by the script writers.  Really solid performances from Breslin and Berry.



  7. Just got back from Jack.  Not surprised number wise that's where it's at, I never thought it would break out, but I will say the movie was a lot more fun than I expected.  Maybe my expectations were just that low but this was the first movie I had seen in a long time that felt like a family film.  Know everyone's giving it a rough time (and somewhat rightly so) but the quality of the film is above average for this type of fantasy.

  8. Blu Ray was waiting on my doorstep from Amazon when I got home last night.  Stayed up til 2 AM watching it.  Going to fall asleep to it tonight.  This was my top of '12 and I think it's going to be quite high on my all time favorite lists as I get older.  Much like the book, I don't know that I've ever connected with characters the way I did with this.  As soon as The Samples start playing all I can think is that it's good to be with friends.

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  9. This was a faithful adaptation of the book that was elevated by the two leads, Palmer and Hoult.  Obviously the relationship between Julie and R had more depth in the novel but I thought the pacing was about as good as it could have been for the runtime and the humor was in all the right places.  I think it could have expounded a little more from the source material in terms of humor and scope but this was just a small qualm I had that really didn't detract from the film, it just didn't make it quite what it could have been.  Excellent soundtrack and overall just a fun time.  Think this will play well over the next few weeks, even with some pretty heavy competition.


    Recommend reading the book over the film but still a solid B.

  10. Mama gets a lot more right than it does wrong, and in the horror world of today, that says something. I went in hoping for a good old fashioned ghost story (not some torture porn, gorefest) and was pretty pleased with the result. The movie is really, really effective until the last 10-15 min. where I thought it lost almost all of its pacing. It reminded me a lot of Insidious in that regard except I felt Insidious lost it's steam about half way through. Chastain alone takes the film above the mediocrity of most horror films of the past few years and seeing her in this and Zero Dark Thirty last weekend really shows her range. The film has a certain style that I found very appealing (we see Mama very early in the film but it doesn't make her any less alarming throughout). Without giving too much away, one particular scene that I thought was brilliant was when the camera angle was set so that the audience could see both down a hallway and into the girl's bedroom while they are playing with a blanket. We think both sisters are playing with the blanket but then the older of the two walks onto the stairs beside Chastain and we realize Mama is inside the house.I probably would have given this film a B+, but the last 10 minutes of the film felt so disjointed and completely separate from the film that it really took away from the pacing and suspense built throughout. I didn't mind how the film ended from a story perspective (it was actually kind of unique) but the ending is rushed and contrived and characters that have used common sense throughout seem to lose all sense of judgement. I thought the final scene almost gave the film a bit of whimsical feeling (which I don't think is intentional).B-.

  11. You're insane. Gosling has charisma in spades. That's one of his defining attributes. And the guy is one of the least smug people in Hollywood. What are you smoking and where can I get it?

    I couldn't agree more. To each his own, for sure, but I know far more people that like Gosling than don't. And I've watched him on several late night shows and YouTube interviews and he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously at all.
  12. Not at all suprised with Texas Chainsaw's drop. Knew it was going to be massive. And like others have said, Gangster Squad's WOM is nowhere near toxic. I know it's a small sample to compare but I saw it with two other guys and we all thought it was a fun time. Our theater laughed in all the right places and everyone seemed pretty upbeat walking out. Nothing groundbreaking, but far from toxic.

  13. Saw this on Saturday and was absolutely blown away. Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor give powerhouse performances (Watts is the best I've ever seen her) but what really caught me off guard were the three children, particularly the oldest child who played Lucas. Though all three were some of the best child actors I have ever seen, the eldest is a scene-stealer and virtually every scene I cried at, which was multiple times, was due to him.

    Visually, the film looked fantastic and the disaster scenes were extremely well crafted. The overall style of the film, from the cinematography to the use of silence in several key scenes created a very raw, real effect that made me feel as if I was being washed away too.

    The person I saw this with literally wept from the first 10-15 min until the credits rolled which was common place for the entire audience that was at my showing. I made the mistake of seeing Life of Pi directly after this and I quickly realized I had nothing left to give the film and was completely wiped out, emotionally. Even when I got home and sat down, several scenes started replaying in my head and my emotions hit me, well, like a wave. It could have easily have played like a feel good, family friendly movie but instead transcends to become a moving, emotionally stirring film that is going to resonate with me for years to come.

    It's truly a shame that this didn't make the Globes' field for Best Picture.

    9.5/10. A.

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  14. I'll say the same thing. Did people really expect that? All predictions I saw were for TH: AUJ or DU being number one.

    Yes, there were people saying this could open close to the Biel remake. Most estimates seemed to be in 14-18 milliion range but some peope did expect it.
  15. The thing that was interesting about the movie is that it is a direct sequel to the original. It literally starts right after Sally escapes in the pickup truck. We jump ahead 20 years into 1994 (presumably) where the only living relative of Leatherface finds out that she was adopted and that Granny has died, leaving her a fucking huge house. How this house is so big and so refined and so renovated is never explained, but seeing as it was a shit hole in the original and then burns down in this one, I guess the insurance money gave them a brand new house.Heather and some friends decide to drive out to Texas to see the house. Along the way they pick up a hitchhiker who must have just finished doing P90X because he is ripped like you wouldn't believe. This guy serves no purpose except to be the first to die in the movie. The film has many, many problems, and imo the biggest one is that it tries to get you to like Leatherface. They try to make you feel sorry for him and because the town is full of rednecks who killed his family, we are supposed to look at them as being the bad guys. And it tries to manipulate you into feeling empathy for Leatherface. Here's the thing. Last time I checked, Leatherface killed...nay butchered 4 people in the original and he now just killed Heather's friend, boyfriend, his friend and some hitchhiker. And now we are supposed to root for him? Aaaaahhhhh NO! They even go so far as to make everyone but Leatherface an asshole in the movie. The hitchhiker is a thief, the local authorities are jerks and the boyfriend and hot friend are two timing cheaters. But no matter how you look at it, this is a serial killer and I do not feel sorry for him, in fact I wanted him to die.This version of TCM had some really good kills, including one fantastic part where a man is put on a meat hook and then cut in half with a chainsaw, very well done. So i enjoyed this part of the film. But most of it is a waste and the 3D is atrocious. I didn't hate it as much as Ryne but as a huge fan of the original, the third and the remake, this is a huge letdown.One thing though, Alexandra Deddario is stupid hot, like ridiculous.5/10

    I think we had VERY similar qualms with the film they were just much more offputting for me. When I was walking out of the theater I looked at my friend said the exact same thing about the fact that Heather was working with the man (family member, cousin, whatever) who just butchered 4 people, 3 of them her best friends. Again, no these films aren't usually known for their plot but it's common sense that in 1994 (as you said, the timeline switches to 20 years later) iPhones did not exist.Other than the first kill in the basement I just found it completely uninvolving, 0% scary and a complete waste of time. It also didn't help that the theater I go to in Nashville is only showing the film in 3D and so I went ahead and paid the surcharge thinking it would at least be a good time. But again, the 3D medium is barely even used so I couldn't even give the film leeway there. And yes, Alexandra Daddario is just...whew.
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  16. Since this is basically my review I'm just going to copy and paste it from the other thread.

    Just got back from the 10PM showing. Absolutely terrible. Nowhere near into horror like I used to be but the film was one huge joke from the first frame to the last. I won't post any spoilers but the film has no climax and virtually no plot. Not all slasher films have to be bulletproof, or even close to it, but this is on a whole other level of terrible. If you liked the original and the Biel remake stay FAR away from this.


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