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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. WWZ truly is a testament to 1. how popular the zombie genre is right now and 2. how star power does still exist when they're given the right vehicles.  That 51/49 split is ridiculous for this type of film.  I for one, thought this was going to be a bomb of the summer (along with AE).  Not because it even looked terrible it just had everything going against it with all of the damage control from Paramount and Pitt. 

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  2. Caught Monsters University and Bling Ring today.  Monsters was definitely enjoyable and had some cute moments but overall it just didn't live up to the standard Pixar has set for itself.  Missed a lot of the wit of some of the stronger entries in the brand.  The Bling Ring was a lot of fun and just a cool story to watch.  Have a massive weak spot for Watson but I thought she nailed it.  It's typical Coppola but in my opinion that's not a bad thing.

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  3. To me there is nothing confusing.  MOS has made 21 million so far.  If WB has chosen to separate the 12 mill from the rest of the early money, that is their prerogative, but the way I see it this film has made 21 mill from early shows.  It's not doing anything different that every other film post TDKR shooting.  I'm not sure why there is such a fuss over this now.  Don't hate the player hate the game.  Tickets sold is money in WB's bank account.  

    /End thread.

  4. Speaking of biased data, you realise that MOS Thursday tickets were "sold" differently than every other movie ever, right? Right? Isn't that why WB themselves chose to report the numbers separately?


    If ever there was a number that needed to be separated, this is it.

    If I go to a movie on a Friday night that sells out a 200 seat theater and on that same night a corporation rents out a 200 seat theater for their employees and only 10 people show up, that movie made the same amount from each of its two theaters.  Who cares HOW the money is made, the fact is it's made.  We could pick apart those revenue streams all we want but at its core that's not what box office data measures.  It measures dollar in take.


    Could it be a bit of a game changer, sure.  But bottom line is the same dollars are made.  

  5. I don't recall Disney reporting the numbers separately. Can you provide a quick link?


    They didn't.  That's the point.  You're creating biased data if two separate ways of reporting determine what a film is grossing during the same time frame.  If we say Iron Man 3 made 68 million OD and MoS makes 12 million on Thursday and 40 million on Friday then the system is flawed.  And I don't see why BOM can't regulate that so that there's a standard for their own site.

  6. The whole "family vibe" can't apply to every tentpole, and MOS doesn't seem like that movie.


    That's like saying The Great Gatsby could hold well on Saturday because, sicne it's PG-13, it's a "family film."

    Comparing MoS with TGG is pretty ridiculous.  Has nothing to do with rating, most tentpoles AIM to be 4 quadrant.  I think MoS can be one of them.  If you're going to compare films at least stick with the superhero genre.

  7. Opposite. Bigger-than-average Sat drop because of the Walmart previews. A $21M number for both midnight + previews is huge, and it's going to need to contract with what OW number this film is destined for.

    I won't argue that Saturday wouldn't have been bigger because obviously some demand has been burned off.  But I think this is going to play MUCH more like a family film that some are expecting (just like Iron Man, Avengers).  We shall see but I'm sticking to my gut feeling that Saturday will be very big.

  8. I think it was pretty hilarious.  The cum banter is both one of the most well written and physically acted scenes in a comedy in years.  All of the cameos were fantastic, maybe my favorite in any film I've ever seen.  


    And I know this sounds crazy but I was genuinely impressed with the visuals of the film given the budget.  Some of the destruction scenes looked really great.



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  9. I wanted to like it, I really did.  The concept could have been a lot of fun (and a lot smarter).  Ethan Hawke's character was the only one that exhibited any ounce of sense.  I am all for character's with a moral compass and compassion but by the end of the film I really didn't care if anyone lived or died because of stupid choice after stupid choice.  The film never really builds any suspense even though the last 1/3 of it is shot in the dark.  


    I didn't hate it, I just disliked it and think it was a HUGE missed opportunity.



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  10. I initially borked at idea of Purge doing 16, thinking atm 14-16, it should be very strong going into evening way about anything else Intern go with 6-8 atm, take a look couple hrs see how looks +/- , NTSM seems to be holding well

    Good to know.  Just got back from the Purge.  I wanted to like it, I really did.  Still glad to see it putting up such big numbers and living up the amount of buzz it had going into today.

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