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The Movie Man

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Posts posted by The Movie Man

  1. I think Into Darkness already nailed it. I believe that Pacific Rim will be right up there in terms of the quality of the VFX, but ST's production design and general style are so spectacular that it elevates most other aspects. Even if another film demanded more processing power or technology, I think Star Trek will still be the best looking tentpole of the year.

    Good answer. And it is Nice to see someone who can answer such a basic movie related question on a movie site.
  2. Khan (Star Trek into Darkness)

    Bane (The Dark Knight Rises) 

    Darth Sidious (Star Wars)

    Darth Vader (Star Wars)

    Magneto (X-Men)

    The Joker (The Dark Knight)

    Mystique (X-Men)

    Scar (The Lion King)

    Loki (The Avengers,Thor)

    Ursula (The Little Mermaid)

    Voldemort (Harry Potter)

    Jabba the Hutt (Star Wars)

    Jadis (The Chronicles of Narnia)


    As you have a Superman Avatar, How about Lex Luthor or General Zod???

  3. What TV Choices (Directions) did you wish a TV Show Did Not Make


    It could be the casting, a casting change, a series direction, etc .Anything incIuding the famous jump the sharks.....


    Say on How I Met your Mother......


    Should they not have told that Robin wasn't the Mother in 2 episodes, so that this question and debate could have lasted 8 seasons.


    As in the first season, they said Robin was Aunt Robin and then in another, they told us that Robin never had children... Bad Mistake, IMO???


  4. My mistake- the mother will be in a lot of the next season, but she won't meet Ted until the series finale.That's... a bad idea, IMO.




    Cause I once saw a clip of Ted talking to Cindy and she talking about the girl playing in the Band...and as Ted has chased that girl in previous episodes, why wouldn't he talk to her???


    Maybe they get Married in Last Episode????


    And I heard she is featured heavily in the last season...so question is do they do a lot of forward dream scenes?


    And they both are going to take the train back on Sunday...so what stage will that be????

  5. Hmmmm ...It's a dark comic with some very cynic looks at humanity, no wonder the film is not much fun either. They tried their best to infuse some fun and action but it didn't really pay off. The problem is that the story is at its heart pure arthouse fare (the general public doesn't like such all-encompassing cynicism), but they tried to tell some kind of superhero tale. It just doesn't compute. See Watchmen.Those gripes aside, the production values are very good, the acting ok (Natalie Portman really stands out) and the translation from comic to film doesn't lose too much background; moving the tale from the comic's 50s/60s-style to a contemporary setting was ok with me. It's an intelligent story well worth watching, but if you're looking for quick entertainment, look elsewhere.



    Well no one mentioned them above...As everyone only gave Portman any love....but I thought Hugo Weaving · Stephen Rea were both good in this


    I also thought that there was some funny stuff that came from V...and the love story of the other woman prisioner was tragic and interesting.

  6. Thought it was a good close even though my interest disappeared after Steve Carrell left the show. Lets be honest, he and Rainn Wilson were the heart and soul of the show and the source of most of the best laugh


    ???? ^^^^


    well the heart of the show was MIchael Dwight Jim and Pam


    and the laughs were Michael Dwight Kevin and Creed with Jim causing the laughs especially on Dwight




    in general a really good finale....Dwight really saved it


    glad Angela and Dwight were happy, Knew Jim would be going back to that company so that was expected, sad for Kevin at start but nice he saved $ and bought a bar (which is a stretch?) Nice for Ryan and Kelly but Ryan leaving baby???? Weird...Michael got old or just grey???? but his appearance was nice.... Good for Erin but she should have gotten back with Andy....Good for Andy....OK for Phyillis and Stanley....Poor Toby and Poor Meridith and her son


    If anyone cares here is The CW schedule


    8-9 PM – Hart Of Dixie (NN)9-10 PM – Beauty And The Beast (NN)

    TUESDAY8-9 PM – THE ORIGINALS9-10 PM – Supernatural (NN)


    THURSDAY8-9 PM – The Vampire Diaries9-10 PM – REIGN

    FRIDAY8-9 PM – The Carrie Diaries (NN)9-10 PM – America’s Next Top Model



    NN - New Night????


    Guess they figure, why put another show up against CBS lineup.....



    8-9 PM – Hart Of Dixie (NN)9-10 PM – Beauty And The Beast (NN)

  8. That's very fair. I personally would want a final season after the meeting showing how Ted and the Mother got to know each other and became a couple (though we don't need to see the whole road to marriage).


    My point was that the mother had to be someone we have never seen before, because otherwise the jig would have been up seasons ago. And meeting the mother had to come near the end of the show's run because meeting the mother is the climax. Meeting her sooner drains the show of some of its tension and pull.


    Wonder if the show ended in Season 8, would they have picked someone from the series...as then they could have done it quicker, with less back story...keeping everyone happy.


    Because it would have been a jip picking someone new...as what made her so special perfect/special to be picked???

  9. The fact that we won't see the mother again until the series finale (according to the showrunners) makes me want to skip next year's run entirely. At some point we need to know why this was the 'right' woman for Ted over the dozens of others, and we can't do that in a single episode.


    Link? Cause I have read that she will be on the show a lot....start with many episodes to start the year, as they detail the 56 hour Wedding.


    And we know this show can stretch out a story....


    PS. Also getting Season 9 might have changed this, as it show ended in Season 8, it probably would have been closer to the series finale.

  10. Personally, I am glad they did it this way.


    Would you really have wanted this to be the last episode, even if they went all the way into Ted's Wedding?


    Anyway, I wanted to see the courtship and some fun for a year on the way to Ted's Wedding.



    So now the Big Question is how does barney & Robin break up, unless they changed what they told us in the past...and how does Lily not go to Italy???? I guess.

  11. The best part about the film are the visuals and its not the over top kind like in Great Gatsby. Also you really like the characters and of course the story is great as its based off a classic novel...Its interesting that even in today's times this story has remained so popular, its been a craze for like 200 years now (this year). 8/10

    Imo. Best part are the visuals and Keira Knightly's Acting.
    • Like 1
  12. Checkmate if you have a problem bring up with mods or if feel like the mods are being unfair and you do not like this site. Than stop posting on here. You complain all the time to the mods about not being treaty fairly but in reality the mods are doing a lot for you. They easily could have banned from the site.

    Dexter. My posts are in relation to the thread subject. Check it out if you don't know what it is. And again there is a big difference between discussing, debating and explaining rather than complaining as you call it. And please tell me what rule I have broken here, which I should have been banned for. (Which hopefully you will want it applied fairly to all other users.)
  13. Movie Man, your big problem is you think you're better than everybody else. I would respect your opinion on Obama if you didn't rub it in our faces in bold. You have about the same power as us, and you have the same mouthpiece as all of us, so say what you should say.

    So I rub it in.Well I am only stressing a point. Which doesn't deserve extra abuse. And talking about rubbing it in. How about the way some people use pictures like you above to make fun of things. How people use smiles to make fun of people as they are pointed. Which I pointed out before and was told was ok. And again, using the like button when someone is insulting another user. Etc etc etc. So try looking at both sides.And really so many first have to work on, not hurling insults and attacks instead of debate and discussion.
  14. yep, the family scenes are good - Brenda Blethyn and Donald Sutherland really stand out, but Keira Knightley is shining, too, and it's Carey Mulligan's first feature I think. The weakest link here is Matthew Macfadyen, but his Darcy is a very wooden character in the book to start with, so maybe not his fault but the screenwriter's.


    I agree on Keira, she is great, which most people agree......and on Darcy, I liked how wooden he was in the beginning, as that is how far he had to change. As I think he did changed as the movie moved on???

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