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Everything posted by boomboom234

  1. They don't work directly with him and the people who do elio and linda, his editior and everyone else are complaining loudly on his behalf because he can't
  2. Exactly I have waited long enough dumb and dumber have shown they just don't understand the key themes of the series of the vary nature of some of the most important characters well shot battle scenes don't make up for that
  3. I'm sure you say that about every movie/book/work of fiction ust because you don't care doesn't mean no one else does
  4. That's lazy and pure wrong sure perspective is important but if you are a fan of something that does't mean you can't complain about it it is a stupid decision that ruins many characters and is just trying to generate buzz for the show on how edgy it is. It is not pathetic by any means nor is it a problem we have committed hundreds of hours into this franchise and have the right to get angry if the show runners are ruining it with their increasingly retarded decisions
  5. Both scenes leaked so I'm sure the episode is somewhere but you can find the important clips on reddit if you want but you will get angry the show finally went too far in its search for shock moments both book readers and people will get angry
  6. I'm done the show crossed a line here and I'm sure the audience will agree once the episode airs I don't know how to put spilers tags but this is beyond bullshit straight up character assassination I'm done
  7. They could have shown astapor descending into chaos and raised the stakes with the slaver armies but choose not to for some bad reason. There is no real tension to dany's ark now nothing she has to overcome hell she even has a fleet and they have already stated she has a large army whereas in the books she doesn't even have an eighth of the tyrell force. D&d removed all tension from her arcand killed barristan in a failed attempt to put some back in
  8. what book are you reading dany ark is full of ridiculous characters her saying daario repeatedly and making mistake after mistake while ruling its where a good portion of the book fanbase started hating dany
  9. It's a great storyline probably the best part of the book but it doesn't matter much to the overall plot and if the show was really interested in cutting the fat it shouldn't be in the show
  10. In addition som rod those characters are much more important towards the endgame then the boltons and theon who have gotten significant screen time
  11. What are the main proceedings how do you define it when you don't know which characters will be important in the end
  12. Young griff might exist but without jon con the golden company and arianne his story is less completing
  13. Old nan stories have been pretty accurate to this point and it would certainly make sense. Numbers will you keep watching if the next book doesn't come out before next season?
  14. To even mention them is setting them up for the future or they would just say sell swords the golden company will appear in some form sometime in the show we just don't know how big or when
  15. And we'll see if this story arc picks up in the show considering which basically is the main reason Dorne is a bigger thing in the books than otherwise. They mentioned the golden company repeatably last season like the iron bank they ear before they probably will bring it back in some capacity
  16. In the books while it's clear reply is gay it is not the key part of his sexuality and after renly does he swears to chastity saying after the sun has set no candle can replace it. He is not defined by his sexuality as the show makes him if you asked the viewers who he is they would say that gay guy if you asked readers they would say the knight of flowers
  17. There is no anti homosexual commentary in the books really at least I haven't seen it
  18. The problem is that the faith isn't really anti homosexual and this was just put in place to attack today's religions and to imprison the Kings brother in law on the word of a whore is beyond stupid
  19. So going from a headstrong warrior who happens to be gay but loved renly and would never have sex with whores to a gay character defined by his sexuality is an improvement? Really
  20. The narrative makes no sense little dinner goes from the vale to Winterfell to kings landing in the time it takes stannis to go to Winterfell. The faith militant has free reign in the city ignoring the gold cloaks. Chekhov's birthmark. Sansa God sansa the brought her their for the rape scene nothing else to bring controversy into the show. Dorne is beyond saving every interesting character is cut and the sand snakes are xena rejects.
  21. The show is rapidly going down hill the anti got pieces are popping up all around d&d have proven they can't deviate to well. Loras is offensive baelish is stupid Sansa in unnecesary and dorne is a misfire. The plot has been lost and the show despite being great in its first four seasons is in clear decline. The introduction of scenes just to shock viewers, the changing of the faith to be anti homosexual as a commentary on today's religion, and everything else has been poor. I'm glad now that some of my favorites were cut better to not exist than to go through what loras has even grrm editor is now speaking out
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