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Everything posted by boomboom234

  1. thats why it was trending on facebook and youtube...incredibly nerdy sites right. Andthe GA doesn't care about titles thats BS
  2. I don't know the fact that it trended on twitter was on youtube's frontpage had more trialer views than any marvel movie not named avengers and was all over facebook for the past week. i mean those are the most fanboy sites on the internet right..... did antman even trend once I mean really on any site
  3. Hahaha all the Internet porn is pirated too they are taken down all the time so literally every man in America is going to jail according to some people
  4. YouTube vidoes have stolen content it's almost impossible to see anything on the Internet without illegal content so honestly who cares probaly the studio executives do it to
  5. But everybody does it piratebay, BitTorrent these are some of the most visited sites on the Internet. watching any TV show online not on Netflix or Hulu is also illegal but everybody does it. Shaming people for doing these things is just annoying
  6. Get off your high horse everybody does it for everything you cant find a person that hasnt illegally downloaded something
  7. 1. BVS 550 2. Civil War 480 3.FD 410 4. Rogue 1 380 5 Moana 350 6 Sucide Squad 335 7. Apocalypse 290 8. Pets 270 9 FB 250 10 Id4 230
  8. So we are getting Arthur dayne per the leaked casting call and the tower of joy interesting but I will not watch until after winds comes out
  9. Did anyone else catch how many characters used we met at a party this episode what are these parties defiantly ties into the mystery somehow
  10. Feast has the politics of you're interested and the dumpster fire that is cersei reign which is a lot worse great charecter development for Jaime. Where you see his maturation into a genuine competent and good man. Dances dany chapters are awful but jon chapters are good theons are perhaps the best of the entire series and tyrion introduce a new interesting plot
  11. rockey 2:Rockey the champion surpassing Apollo Rocky 3: Rocky overcoming himself becoming best friends with Apollo Rocky 4: Drago Rockey Balboa: The end of Rocky's journey it coming full circle
  12. It's not as iconic as any of the others all the others are iconic whether it be eye of the tiger Rocky winning drago and ROckys last fight you can skip 5 and lose nothing if anything you need those movies to understand creed as they show Apollo and rockeys friendship the evolution of rocky and where he is today
  13. I don't think he is dead there are promo scenes of him in a shoutout with mcadams so...
  14. Come on empire was the best of the bunch new hope second rots third rotj 4 Aotc 5 Pm 6
  15. 1. Star wars 2. BvS 3.Spectre 4. revenant 4. Mockinjay 5. Bridge of Spies
  16. Characters die all the time the mountain is dead what's left isn't him the only character who will truly come back if he is dead is jon the rest are zombies stannis never died
  17. Viewers is never a good indication of quality and quite a few people myself included are going to step away after this season and if you look around there are quite a few articles saying how bad this season was now that isn't to say critics are negative about the show now just that it is a lot more mixed than it was a decade ago. And you know that the quality simple doesn't match the books and the changes d&d made are for the most part not good. For example defend dorne. The show has become a parody of itself and even managed to remove all drama from ftw
  18. They might bring in yunkai now and have dany save the day rohan style with the dothraki
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