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Everything posted by boomboom234

  1. Lego is the best reviewed movie of the year it really should win, and I thin warner will campaign the hell out of it to boast their animation department
  2. On yesterday they could have done better on bloodraven's appearance did they even have the birthmark and the one eye
  3. He's going to finish soon I guess next year so he stays ahead it the show for two more years
  4. I'll leave it with this I was so hyped for this episode telling all my friends it will be the best episode of the series and to catch up and watch this episode live but the product failed to mmeet my expectations the writes just don't get Tyrion, Jaime,Stannis, and so many other characters. I still love the show and for the most part I accept their changes as necessary the briene hound fight was great but the other changes were failures and ruined at least for me a series high.
  5. Numbers these aren't spoilers they mean nothing to non book readers so I won't bother marking them. Oh and my favoirte Tyrion killing Shae because of self defense Saint Tyrion is here to stay
  6. It is the scene in the white sword tower regardless of what book it is in
  7. Why should other peoples enjoyment dictate mine I have certain expectations for an adaptation of asos and this finale completely failed to meet them
  8. I had such high expectations no tysha no ls jojen dying the episode was good based entirely on grrm book and additions that d&d out in fell flat and that last scene was awful
  9. I have been meaning to ask where are you going to college next year, as far as I know we are the only seniors on this forum
  10. Cracked has gone the family guy route stop being funny and proceed to lecture it's viewers on their lives and choices
  11. ANyway Maleficent deserved to flop a lot more than John Carter or Lone Ranger did yet somehow is doing decently I don't get it
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