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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. My boy Jaime would have NEVER committed such an atrocity in the books. True even in the books he was a little rough with her but there is a HUGE difference between that and forcing himself on the woman he loves as she is ACTIVELY resisting him. An absolutely disgusting deviation from the book that is sure to turn show watchers sour on the "rehabilitated" Jaime. That this happened after all of the events in season 3 makes it an even worse change than when they had him beat his own cousin to death in season 2. 

    Jaime the rapist, Stannis the completely wrecked character, and St. Tyrion of house whitewashing D@D just don't get those characters while they did improve on the hound and stannis' they seem to be cersei fanatics portraying her way to sympathetically all in all their takes on characters leave much to be desired. does there have to be one scene in that same whorehouse every episode to is gotten beyond tired

    • Like 2
  2. I read the books, that's what I'm asking. : ) You can put answer in spoiler tags, or just PM me. :P

    Her ordering of torture of the wineseller's daughter. The genral botch job she does running Meereen into the ground. Her dismissal of quentin, her chaining of her dragons. And how disgusting her thing with daario. If you remember she spent half the fifth book basically crushing over Daario. Oh and the fact that she orders 163 random people crucified.These are the general fan problems with Dany and while I don't agree with all of them here they are.

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  3. TDK pulled that from real world issues, just like Cap did. Both used them to tell stories about their respective protagonists. The only thing is that TDK came first, so I guess to some it looked like Cap was aping it.


    In TWS,

    the surveillance and freedom and security issues were also worked into the political thriller tone and used to develop Steve's morality and the conflict he faced working for a government that was failing the American people. That's a huge chunk of the story and very different from TDK.






    The destroying of shield made no sense to me and the leaking of all the spy secrets is actually the worst thing that can happen I fail to see the patriotism with hurting national security. This movie told my spying= bad and governments and spy agencies shouldn't have secrets and that is an oversimplification of a complex and real world issue

  4. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what was going on


    People extrapolated those numbers early Friday based on Thor 2's performance. Then they adjust as the weekend goes on and we get better numbers


    Nikki said 35 Friday afternoon. People said that was low. It was. Number got closer as the day went on until we landed. Of course the numbers from later in the day are closer than the early extrapolations


    I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make?

    The point is people on here are to quick to dismiss deadline or Nikki's projections because they disagree with their preconceived ideas over the gross as proven by friday.

  5. It was a good movie the action was top notch but it oversimplified the issues it was trying to cover to the point that its message had no meaning. In essence it was trying to be the dark knight and while it came closer than any other marvel movie it doesn't measure up. In the end I would give it a 7/10. There were also an enormity of plot holes that while not hurting my enjoyment of the film took me out of the movie

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