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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. The ratings where down at the same point last year where in episode 6 to 7 dropped from 5.6 million viewers to 4.8 million viewers.


    Definitly mothers day effect, but don´t worry, the Tyrion trial will generate enough hype to go back up in ratings next week.


    I still have hope for an 8 million viewers record for the season finale.

    It might break 9

    after the battle of the wall with Stannis, the Mountain vs the Viper, Only Cat, the audience will clamoring for more and the finale will give it to them LS and say whore again

    • Like 1
  2. When NBC announced that Constantine was picked up, my immediate thought was "This will pair well with Grimm", good to see that is exactly where they are placing the show. a 13 episode season would be great, as much as I love Arrow, 24 episodes is just too much, 13 episodes removes the filler almost completely.


    Other pairings which are almost guaranteed - Arrow and Flash Wednesdays 8pm and 9pm.

    That would be amazing

  3. Funny how two 2013 May films had 9/11 truther elements.  :ph34r: ((2nd was IM3))


    It is an offensive position one that should hold no merit in national discussion even their name "truther" as if their espousing the truth or searching for  the truth. That people like this still get jplatforms to spread their insanity and recive  jobs that they are not qualified for is awful

    • Like 1
  4. Gotham on FOX

    Arrow on CW (love Arrow!)

    The Flash on CW

    Agents of SHIELD on ABC

    Five Marvel Shows on NETFLIX


    Agent Carter on ABC

    That Rumored X-Men Show on FOX


    A lot of people think that the superhero genre is in danger of crashing as it releases too many movies on film. I have rejected that theory since 3-4 films a year really isn't that much. The real threat to the overextension of the superhero genre is actually coming from television.


    It's like Westerns. They used to be really popular in the big screen and on TV but it got crowded (especially on TV) which has killed the genre to this day (despite all the talks about one day bringing it back). Even if you chose to ignore the DC properties, you have the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe that now requires like seven different tv shows to get the full experience? Talk about requiring a major commitment from the die-hard fans.

    Westerns were  popular for decades they have been making comic book movies since the 1970's and while it has had periods of rise and fall it has remained popular because superheroes are so diver and different from one another that audiences don't feel deja vu. Superman, spiderman, batman, Iron man have completly different feels and themes just because they come from the same medium doesn't make them the same

    • Like 2
  5. Posted Image


    Based on the wildly popular comic book series “Hellblazer” from DC Comics, seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan, “Criminal Minds”) specializes in giving hell… hell. Armed with a ferocious knowledge of the dark arts and his wickedly naughty wit, he fights the good fight — or at least he did. With his soul already damned to hell, he’s decided to leave his do-gooder life behind, but when demons target Liv (Lucy Griffiths, “True Blood”), the daughter of one of Constantine’s oldest friends, he’s reluctantly thrust back into the fray – and he’ll do whatever it takes to save her. Before long, it’s revealed that Liv’s “second sight” — an ability to see the worlds behind our world and predict supernatural occurrences — is a threat to a mysterious new evil that’s rising in the shadows. Now it’s not just Liv who needs protection; the angels are starting to get worried too. So, together, Constantine and Liv must use her power and his skills to travel the country, find the demons that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows… maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all. The cast also includes Harold Perrineau and Charles Halford. Writer Daniel Cerone (“The Mentalist,” “Dexter”) serves as executive producer with David S. Goyer (“Man of Steel,” “The Dark Knight Rises”). “Constantine” is produced from Bonanza Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. The show is based upon characters published by DC Entertainment.



    It looks pretty good, he actually looks like Constantine 

  6. This seems to be this season's filler episode and yet GoT filler style episode blows regular tv fillers out of the water by leagues quality wiseI was kinda disappointed jon and bran didn't meet , even though they don't in the book I was secretly happy the show seem to be deviating from the book , my poor stark curse continue never to see each other again (I teared up a bit) , a tragedy !The vale scenes were fun , that lysa is cuckoo I was squirming for littlefinger and that is incredible they got me to feel that for him when he's the one who usually creep me out , make sense what will happen nextIf I didn't know cersei I'd think she was going soft alas I do know her!Enjoyed pod and brienne scene I know she'll come to appreciate him just as much as tyrion didYou know I'm going to miss

    tywin history and strategy lessons when he shits for the last time

    Arya bidding her time !lol

    Funny thing is at least in the show's canon Tyrion final thought is right Tywin neither literally or metaphorically shits gold its all a lie the lannisters are broke

  7. Because they are movies based on marvel characters .When you say marvel/DC you mean their characters  otherwise put marvel/warner borthers or something.

    Oh and DC is no goldmine causse their characters suck (except batman) that's why warner has never bothered with any of them other than batman/superman (and they spent a gazzilion of $$ over at least 10 years to reboot superman with various movies that were scrapped and still weren't satisfied after releasing 2 reboots). their best chance is some cheap tv shows . I don't think people understand that, outside the U.S, there's basically only marvel when it comes to superheo comics and batman/superman .

    Just watch JLU, teen titans,Arrow or Young Justice or even play the injustice video game then get back to us.

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