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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. No, I cut the bitch a one time check and I am done. I don't want to see or think of her again. F*cking NZers. Most of the rest went to my parents to handle in a trust. Growing up middle class, I just couldn't handle that kind of money. And I just wasn't liking my job with Amazon so now back in my old Hedge Fund job but can live in Cali at least for now. They restored my sr. partner rank and mainly only keep what I need. Rest goes to my parents.
  2. I am staying in my place for now in Malibu. Its alright.
  3. @Trolltastic Tele I gave up my wealth to my parents to have my sobriety. So how does the whole being semi-poor in LA go? How do I meet Brie Larson?
  4. That's awesome. Isn't Wright State in Dayton?
  5. Went for a run through Downtown LA. And it's creepy deserted. Feel like I am in I Am Legend and instead of zombies they have bums sleeping in the streets.
  6. By the way wtf is up with red sox? I know it's shitty teams but 7-1 is not bad at all.
  7. F*ck that. I haven't gotten laid in a few weeks and that's no fun. Brie Larson here I come.
  8. Mothers, lock up your daughters. Dread it. Run from it. ACSlater is out of rehab and on the prowl.
  9. I am done with my executive rehab. So did I miss anything? @Trolltastic Tele
  10. The Pirates Twins game yesterday was like that.
  11. Man just got back from a great run at the beachside rehab place. I guess my cardio is not that bad when it isn't doused with alcohol. By the way I know I shouldn't be breaking the privacy thing but the amount of has been actresses in here is amazing. They are not even that hot without any make up. Blah.
  12. This f*cking rehab place is like a high school. So much melodrama. Thank god for all the alcohol and pot in here.
  13. I actually realized how big of an alcoholic degenerate I have become since my divorce. Going to check myself into rehab. See you all in 30 days.
  14. College sports overall are about recruiting. The whole thing is a scam.
  15. I am so bad this year and lost so much money. The NCAA Tourney gods are against me.
  16. I think it's those hot Lipscomb cheerleaders. Making me pull for them with their wily blonde ways.
  17. For some reason I want UNC to go down. Doubt it will happen though.
  18. Watching Winter Soldier and man Cap is the best Avenger. Tony comes in close second.
  19. I got my paperwork for the divorce and weird thing is I didn't even give it a second read. I signed off. I feel like Ross. Barely 32 and already divorced. Atleast I got my grandmothers ring back.
  20. Flipping back and forth the games and this Star Trek marathon. Just one comment: Jim Kirk has and will always be the best Captain. I wish Patrick Stewart / Jean Luc had given a nod in Generations. Sisko did it in the tribbles episode.
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