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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. Oberyn was winning the fight but blew it allowing the mountain to win...even after reading the book but when I was watching this episode, all I could say during the fight was "You stupid f*ck, just finish him off"
  2. When in the tv episode, she said that she would stay and learn how to rule, I saw like F*cking hell, here we go...
  3. So I can't be the only one who hates the whole Dany in Mereen storyline whether in the books or tv right?
  4. Did they fully explain pillars and stones? Maybe its just a partial...
  5. I don't know how to describe it perfectly but Fast series to me is one the most perfect examples of what needs to happen if you want a franchise to continue growing...you need to get the characters to grow and change and give them newer types of challenges to handle so that we can see them in different situations... If they continue doing this, then Fast doesn't have to worry about fatigue as we will always look at it from the standpoint of what do we see them accomplishing next...
  6. I will say this, I am really looking forward to next week and seeing Jon Snow in action...
  7. What is up with Grey Worm and that chick's scene? I don't think any of that was in the books from what I remember...I am assuming it filler for the tv show...
  8. Agreed...Oberyn needed a little more time pre-battle to set up everything...this way now, it just felt too rushed...
  9. Oberyn was too freaking distracted trying to get justice for Elia...otherwise he would have finished Gregor off in a lot quicker and with more finality...
  10. Yea the Sansa thing is happening pretty fast...even the fact that she is already getting good at playing the game...
  11. Technically I think they counted Viper losing hence Tyrion being sentenced to death...Oberyn at least got his vengeance...
  12. I knew what about to happen (read the books) and this was still tough to watch...I will miss you Red Viper...
  13. The fast series are growing and adapting in nature...fast five was a heist flick to me....fast six to me felt like almost a spy thriller...fast 7 looks to be revenge driven...that's why the market keep eating them up and box office haul keeps getting bigger...
  14. Still one of the better ones in the fast series but agree that 5 is the best one so far...although I have a feeling that at least from an emotional standpoint, 7 will blow it out...
  15. Yea I watched them due to Noah Wyle and Bob Newhart...I found it to be a bit goofy but overall pretty good...I believe Commander Riker even directed the last two films... By the way, wouldn't it funny if Evie was one of them too..
  16. Not really...I am out in TN and tickets are about the same...so considering it NY, its a bit cheaper I guess... I am just surprised its a non-national chain...don't see too many of those now a days...
  17. What was the last Cruise film which bombed? His movies usually make their money back and then some so EoT may not be a smash hit but most likely not a bomb either...
  18. From the looks of it, there is going to be a EoT butchering here in the US next week too...don't know how much you blame the audience when there has been barely any marketing/advertisements for it...
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