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Everything posted by Rsyu

  1. I'm going on saturday. Really enjoyed the first two but the trailers were pretty underwhelming for apocalypse. Going in with an open mind lol
  2. CW had piracy issues from it's second week onward? Because it's downward spiral started from its first monday. Maybe fanboys like me were really hyped for it while the general public was like "meh". I generally don't have a clue
  3. Baffled by people who prefer to watch crap cam versions rather than getting the theater experience.
  4. Yeah that's a shame, leggier films are always more fun to track. Still if you told me Civil War would have done +8M admissions back at the beginning of April I would have said that was a huge success, regardless of it being essentialy a "mini-avengers".
  5. With the benefit of hindsight, I think it's plausible that there's a fixed audience for Marvel films in Korea and ratings don't play as big a role as with other original films. Generally males under 35ish is the target audience and it's definitely not a four-quad film so breaking out above what we've already seen is probably difficult. It's just my thought but say for example that upper limit is 10M admissions. It doesn't matter if it's front-loaded or has good legs, that may be the highest it can go. Civil War had a great opening week, maybe it depleted a large portion target audience during that opening week and had nothing to do with ratings. It's a good point though and I think sometimes Naver ratings can be misleading too. Something else to consider is how much social buzz it generates. Age of Ultron last year, despite lower ratings, had a lot of pre-release hype and social buzz concerning Seoul footage and the Korean actress. Also, take recent examples such as the local film "The wailing". I really hated that film to be be honest but it was a topic that came up often when talking to others and those that haven't seen it can't really participate in these kind of talks. I think this kind of peer pressure more than anything is what convinces people to take time to watch a film. Civil war didn't really get that kind of reception and social buzz wasn't that great either. People who've seen Age of ultron and winter soldier and then see the Civil war trailer and think "yeah, I know what to expect from this film. More of the same probably", and when they talk to people around them who've watched it, they basically hear what they expected, a group of heroes fighting for some other reason. Just my two cents.
  6. Yjs came up with a pretty plausible explanation on pg 375. I'm inclined to agree. Still, it's double what CA2 did and continues the trend of all Marvel sequels increasing over the previous film so not all doom and gloom
  7. Average opening considering it was culture day. Ratings are decent though, should stay above 8 on naver.
  8. Current presales for X-Men: Apocalypse (OD:1:30PM) Tickets: 194,689 Share: 64.3%
  9. Some information about Director Bong Joon-ho's upcoming film "Okja" Set for a 2017 release, the genre is shown as "Adventure/Drama/SF and will follow the story of a little girl called "Mija" and the adventure she has after an animal "Okja" whom she befriended, is kidnapped by an American conglomerate from its home in South Korea. The production budget is set to be around $49M and Eric-Jan De Boer, who was the visual effects producer in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Life of pie and The Chronicles of Narnia will be the visual effects producer in Okja too as well as the visual effects team from Antman and Guardians of the Galaxy. Filming is currently in progress in South Korea.
  10. oh right, I didn't really follow that run. Pretty amazing run considering it's a R-rated film!
  11. you mean 내부자들? according to Kobis it managed around 7m admissions not 9.
  12. Haha yeah, it's definitely something you don't see on the screen every day which is always nice. I'm kind of polarized when it comes to Park Chan-wook; some of his films I really like, but others like Thirst or Stoker I'm really not a big fan of so, while I'm looking forward to it, I'm trying not to go into this with too high expectations. BTW have you seen The wailing? what were your thoughts on that?
  13. The handmaiden (아가씨), from oldboy director Park Chan-wook got some great reactions at Cannes film festival. Release date is set at June 1, and it is going to be distributed to 175 countries worldwide which is a record for a korean film.
  14. The critic score is ridiculous. The ending made no kind of sense whatsoever and some of the plot devices were downright baffling. Maybe I just didn't "get it" A far cry from his debut project "The Chaser" which I very much enjoyed
  15. Just saw 곡성 (The Wailing). What a horrible little film.
  16. Sing street is already 6th in presales with 9 days to go. It's from the same director as Begin again which was a phenomenal hit in Korea. With a similar theme of music and romance to woo audiences, we might have another surprise hit on our hands.
  17. Yeah, I was kind of lumping the weekend numbers with monday's declines...it's all been pretty sudden. It's weird how it just collapsed considering how big it opened and the high ratings on naver. Word of mouth is pretty solid too judging from the reactions of people around me. Still, it's already a huge increase over the winter soldier already I guess we should be grateful for that.
  18. Civil War monday: 117,691 admissions shocking decline
  19. Kung-fu Panda did 4,673,009 admissions so it hasn't officially passed it yet. With ticket price inflation since 2008 though, Zootopia has grossed a lot more in local currency (36.8B KRW compared to 30B KRW for KFP)
  20. Pretty mediocre sunday drop to be sure, one of the heavier daily drops out of the current screenings. The second week came in under the OW, even with the holiday buff which is pretty unexpected. 9 million admissions should still happen, but not so certain about 10 million now.
  21. Captain America: Civil War reached 5 million admissions on the 9th day of it's release, making it the joint-fastest foreign release to reach that landmark on pace with Age of Ultron. 5 million admissions (number of days) -Restricted to just 10 million admission films -6 days- Roaring currents (2014) -9 days- Captain America: Civil War (2016) The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Assassination (2015) -10 days- The Thieves (2012) Veteran (2015) -11 days- The Host (2006) -12 days- Interstellar (2014) -13 days- Haeundae (2009) The Attorney (2013) -15 days- Avatar (2009) Ode to my Father (2014) -17 days- Miracle in cell no.7 (2013) Frozen (2014) -18 days- Masquerade (2012)
  22. Tomorrow is a temporary holiday for the Labor day which fell on a Sunday last week. Should be similar numbers to today. A slight decrease during the weekend.
  23. smart-ass I think it's pretty decent. Bigger increase than AoU got under similar circumstances
  24. Like I said, today is acting like a friday because it's the start of a 4-DAY holiday. We should see an increase on thursday as it will act like a weekend most likely. AoU jumped that much on that friday because it was labour day holiday (may 1st). It was the biggest box office for Labor day as I recall. very much on track
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