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Eric the Marxist

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Everything posted by Eric the Marxist

  1. Neon must have some sort of sixth sense in knowing what will win the Palme. Like this can't be a coincidence.
  2. Sadly, I don't think these types of milestones aren't getting the same kind of push or priority as they used to. The last time we got some big fudge jobs to reach certain box office milestones was probably 2019 with The Addams Family. And even then, Rocketman and Downton Abbey didn't get any fudging. Post-COVID, The Bad Guys didn't get it even though it was only a couple million short, Bob Marley tried to do something and then stopped. I feel like those cable TV rights bonuses studios get for this kind of stuff don't really matter much or are worth it anymore.
  3. So we're just gonna completely ignore Dune? Or Wonka? Or any of the small-scale hits in those months? Or even the solid grossing 150M+ hits? That's cute. You're really cute.
  4. I genuinely forgot Snow White & The Huntsman even existed until this very post right here. Can you believe that movie adjusts to a whopping 210M in today's money?
  5. Thought about it for a couple minutes and I think it’s just the 2009 Star Trek movie. I like Hemsy a lot, but he really got so lucky career-wise. He’s gonna play Thor until he is in his 80s
  6. That CinemaScore for Garfield has me legit curious on what could be in it that would isolate family audiences. Doesn’t seem to have anything objectionable in it.
  7. "if" is the big key word here. And those movies aren't looking too good either. We're probably going back to 2021 where audiences are too stupid to watch anything that doesn't have the Marvel logo on it. Oh well.
  8. So I saw the signs from Quorum and shit that Furiosa wasn't going to open to all that...but I still expected it to at least open in the 30s. Like this kind of flat-out rejection, opening below fucking Tomorrowland, is absurd, and I genuinely can't grasp why for a movie that's still attached to one of the most beloved action movies of all time. It can't just be because this doesn't have any of the old cast. Planet of the Apes still opened on par with its predecessors and it didn't have the old cast. What the hell happened?
  9. Honestly, I'd just give up if I wanted to make it in Hollywood. This whole industry's fucking cooked. What's the point anymore?
  10. I mean...it seems legit. Furiosa's estimated at 27, following TGM with a 7.5 True Friday gives it 28M. Garfield's estimated at 24, following Little Mermaid gives you...20M. So yeah, expecting a better IM from that, since there's no Disney Adults rushing to see it...24M for the 3-Day also sounds likely. But yeah, lol Deadline is probably gonna be lol Deadline, so...hopefully these can still get to Prince of Persia numbers...maybe? Hopefully? Maybe?
  11. No offense, but studios aren't going to extend the theatrical windows. I know you all want it to happen, and I know you all have good reasons why it should happen. But they've been movies things come to PVOD in 45 days, sometimes less, for three whole years now. And they haven't changed their tune whatsoever. If it was hurting their movies and their profits, they would have stopped. At some point, you have to accept the new normal. They see shortened windows and potentially smaller box office as more beneficial. You're just gonna have to deal with it. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Just got out and...yeah. They could have worked a way to get Theron cast here in this, though Anya does do great stuff. Guess the silver lining in all this is now two great actresses get to do wonderful stuff with a wonderful character. And that's all pretty swell.
  13. The target audience, like all target audiences, only want to see nostalgic toy commercials. Horizon ain’t that. It’s dead mate.
  14. lol I love that a movie based off 350M+ grossing critical and commercial darling is apparently too risky and unappealing to general audiences. Are you doing a bit? Are you trying to troll? Because that’s what it’s looking like. And I’m not very fond of it.
  15. I love how "Film Twitter" has become this weird, vague nothingness people love to randomly blame a problem over. You can stub your toe, get divorced by your wife, lose your job, and just use that pesky Film Twitter as a scapegoat.
  16. Also Furiosa isn't even that big of a risk? Even remotely? Like in 2019 or 2020 or whenever this was greenlit, if I was given a pitch for a movie that was a prequel to an Oscar-winning film, a film considered one of the greatest in its entire genre, that made a ton of money, was a massive hit in the home video and television market, and starred a rising actress who has been in several hits movies and TV shows...yeah, I'd probably give that a greenlight. Like how pathetic must our industry/moviegoers have to be when this pitch is "too risky" or "destined to bomb"? Honestly?
  17. No offense to @charlie Jatinder, but I think you need to figure out your projections or just keep it to yourself, because this is like the third time or so that you overpredicted a movie's previews on social media, and that's really not helpful to anybody. I also think we need to stop opening up threads when Charlie posts his numbers on Twitter. It's just making things way worse and way more miserable for all parties.
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