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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. So the top 7, in whatever order, is The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2, Infinity War, Endgame, Logan, Into the Spider-Verse, and Winter Soldier, right?
  2. Probably around 135M. It'll benefit from two dead weekends, but It 2 will put a big dent into its run.
  3. There's also some very strong video essays about Williams' animation techniques that are well worth watching (and from some genuinely talented YouTubers)
  4. As an aside, I'd also strongly recommend everyone to watch the documentary Persistence of Vision. It truly showed how incredible and astonishing Richard Williams was as an animator and a creative.
  5. Interesting tidbit: Toy Story 4 is now officially the highest-rated G film ever domestically, beating out Lion King '94, although Lion King is inflated by its two re-releases. Obviously, on its own, both Finding Nemo and Toy Story 3 beat the movie out. Still, impressive.
  6. Still cracks me up that Mat Libatique shot both Venom 1 and A Star is Born. Guess October 5 was a very libby day.
  7. It: Chapter Two Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-20 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 87 608 18,817 3.28% Total Seats Sold Today: 20 Adjusted Comp 5.72x of Hobbs & Shaw 20 days before release (33.2M) Back to the doldrums. At the very least, it's been very consistent (in a good way) the past couple days, so that should bode well
  8. Well, more a revival, since the old cast is coming back (or at least Oscar's voice actor). Not even joking, they need to bring back Solange, Destiny's Child, and add in Jay-Z for the theme song. If that doesn't happen, I'm gonna challenge Bob Iger to a fistfight.
  9. @The Panda Why didn't you quote @aabattery and his review in the Thor: Ragnarok post?
  10. New Line just won a bidding war for Olivia's next movie. She'll be fine.
  11. Great list so far, but seeing Arlborn's name here really stings. I wonder whatever happened to him?
  12. To be fair, I think a big issue is just how much money families spent this summer. Lion King, Toy Story, and Aladdin's domestic totals combined were higher than Incredibles 2's worldwide gross, and Lion King and Toy Story still have some more money left in them. Pikachu and Pets both also did around 145-155M each, which is still a lot of money, even if they may have underperformed. Not even mentioning Marvel here. At this point, I think most parents would rather focus on getting their kids ready for school instead of catching another movie.
  13. About 90% of video game movies feel like they come out way too late compared to their height in popularity, but this feels especially true for Angry Birds 2. When the first movie came out in 2016, it already felt like most kids were losing interest in the series. But now, in a post-Fortnite society? I don't even think kids know what an Angry Bird is.
  14. Hopefully this will be the last DL update LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL they all got rejected
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