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About Sheikh

  • Birthday 05/25/1992

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    London, England

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Indie Sensation

Indie Sensation (4/10)



  1. Thanks for all your hard work running this @chasmmi, appreciate it as always. And thanks to @BobDole too. I guess I'll have to come back for the Summer Game.
  2. 1. Will Sonic make more than $25M? 1000 YES 2. Will Sonic make more than $35M? 2000 YES 3. Will Sonic make more than $30M? 3000 YES 4. Will Sonic make more than the next three highest New Entries Combined? 4000 YES 5. Will Sonic Make it into the Domestic top 20 for the Game by the end of the Game? 5000 YES 6. Will Birds of Prey drop more than 55%? 1000 NO 7. Will Jumanji finish closer Domestically to Little Women or Star Wars? 2000 Little Women 9. Will Fantasy Island make more than $15? 4000 NO 10. Will Parasite enter the top 10? 5000 YES  12. Will Star Wars stay in the top 12? 2000 NO 13. Will Jojo Rabbit Increase? 3000 NO 14. Will Sonic turn out to be a beautiful butterfly? 4000 YES 15. Should I put in a better 2nd free question here next year? 5000 NO Part C 2. Birds of Prey 4. 6. 1917 8. 10. 12. Knives Out
  3. 1. Will Sonic make more than $25M? 1000 YES 2. Will Sonic make more than $35M? 2000 YES 3. Will Sonic make more than $30M? 3000 YES 4. Will Sonic make more than the next three highest New Entries Combined? 4000 YES 5. Will Sonic Make it into the Domestic top 20 for the Game by the end of the Game? 5000 YES 6. Will Birds of Prey drop more than 55%? 1000 NO 7. Will Jumanji finish closer Domestically to Little Women or Star Wars? 2000 Little Women 8. Will Fantasy Island make more than $12? 3000 NO 9. Will Fantasy Island make more than $15? 4000 NO 10. Will Parasite enter the top 10? 5000 YES  11. Will Doolittle drop more than 25%? 1000 NO 12. Will Star Wars stay in the top 12? 2000 NO 13. Will Jojo Rabbit Increase? 3000 NO 14. Will Sonic turn out to be a beautiful butterfly? 4000 YES 15. Should I put in a better 2nd free question here next year? 5000 NO Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Sonic's Weekend be? $56.25m 2. What will 1917's percentage drop be? -0% 3. What will Knives out's PTA be? $2,060 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Birds of Prey 4. Fantasy Island 6. 1917 8. Parasite 10. Downhill 12. Knives Out Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  4. 1. Will Birds of Prey make more than $44M? 1000 NO 2. Will Birds of Prey make more than $50M? 2000 NO 3. Will Birds of Prey make more than $47M? 3000 NO 4. Will Birds of Prey drop more than 22% on Saturday? 4000 NO 5. Will Birds of Prey Sunday gross be enough for 1st place on its own? 5000 NO 6. Will bad Boys Overtake Knives Out Dom Total On Saturday? 1000 YES 7. How many films will make more than $5M? 2000 FIVE 8. Will Parasite stay above Jojo Rabbit? 3000 NO 9. Will Star Wars have a bigger percentage drop than Doolittle? 4000 YES 10. Will Gretel and Hansel stay above The Gentlenen? 5000 NO  11. Will Little Women fall more than 30% on Sunday? 1000 YES 12. Will The Turning stay in the top 12? 2000 YES 13. Will Jumanji fall more than 20%? 3000 NO 14. Will 1917 fall more than 25% percentage? 4000 NO 15. Where shall we hold the afterparty to celebrate Endgame's Oscar Win? 5000 ... Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Birds of Prey's's Weekend be? $35m 2. What will Bad Boys' percentage drop be? -27.39% 3. What will Jumanji's PTA be? $2,018 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 3. 1917 5. Jumanji: The Next Level 7. Gretel and Hansel 9. Little Women 11. The Turning 13. Jojo Rabbit Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  5. 1. Will The Rhythm Section make more than $7M? 1000 NO 2. Will The Rhythm Section make more than $10M? 2000 NO 3. Will The Rhythm Section make more than $8.5M? 3000 NO 4. Will Gretal and Hansel make more than $4M? 4000 YES 5. Will Gretal and Hansel make more than $6M? 5000 YES 6. Will 1917 stay in the top 2? 1000 YES 7. Will bad Boys make more than OW total of the two main new entries? 2000 YES 8. Will Doolittle finish above The gentlemen? 3000 YES 9. Will Star Wars have a bigger percentage drop than Spies in Disguise? 4000 NO 10. Will The Turning stay above Little Women? 5000 NO  11. Will Bad Boys overtake Knives Out's Domestic Total by the end of the weekend? 1000 NO 12. Will Just Mercy have a higher percetage drop than Frozen? 2000 YES 13. Will Parasite increase? 3000 NO 14. Will The gentlemen Stay above Jumanji? 4000 YES 15. Where is my medal? 5000 ... Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will The Gretal and hansel's Weekend be? $6.75m 2. What will Doolittles's percentage drop be? -41.09% 3. What will Frozen's PTA be? $1,209 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 3. Dolittle 5. The Gentlemen 6. Jumanji: The Next Level 8. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 9. Little Women 11. Knives Out Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  6. 1. Will The Gentlemen make more than $9M? 1000 YES 2. Will The Gentlemen make more than $12M? 2000 NO 3. Will The Gentlemen make more than $10.5M? 3000 YES 4. Will The Turning make more than 10.5M? 4000 NO 5. Will The Turning make more than Gentlemen? 5000 NO 6. Will Bad Boys drop more than 57.5%? 1000 NO 7. Will bad Boys make more than double the OW total of the two main new entries? 2000 NO 8. Will Doolittle finish above 1917? 3000 NO 9. Will Star Wars cross $500M ON Saturday? 4000 NO 10. Will Knives Out have the lowest percentage drop in the top 12? 5000 YES  11. Will Jumanji drop more than 30%? 1000 NO 12. Will 1917 cross $100M by the end of the weekend? 2000 YES 13. Will Parasite stay above Jojo Rabbit? 3000 NO 14. Will Little Women decrease more than 30% on Sunday? 4000 YES 15. Will I live to see another sunrise? 5000 YES Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will The Gentlemen's Weekend be? $11.25m 2. What will Just Mercy's percentage drop be? -20.43% 3. What will TROS's PTA be? $1,748 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. 1917 4. The Gentlemen 6. The Turning 8. Little Women 10. Knives Out 12. Parasite Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  7. 1. Will Bad Boys make more than $24M? 1000 YES 2. Will Bad Boys make more than $32M? 2000 YES 3. Will Bad Boys make more than $28M? 3000 YES 4. Will Doolittle make more than 17.5M? 4000 NO YES 5. Will Doolittle make more than 22.5M? 5000 NO 6. Will The Gentlemen make more than $12M? 1000 NO 7. Will the three largest new entries combine to more than $65M? 2000 YES 8. Will Doolittle's OW total be closer to Bad Boys or Gentlemen? 3000 Gentlemen (Closer to 0) 9. Will 1917 stay in the top 2? 4000 YES 10. Will TROS stay above Jumanji? 5000 NO  11. Will Frozen stay above Knives Out? 1000 YES 12. Will Frozen have a bigger percentage drop than Spies in Disguise? 2000 NO 13. Will Parasite Increase? 3000 YES 14. Will Little Women stay above Underwater? 4000 YES 15. Will the Academy decide to award Alita all the Oscars in order to stop the protest balloon flying over the Awards? 5000 YES Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Bad Boys's Weekend be? $47.3105 2. What will Star Wars' percentage drop be? -48.9% 3. What will Just Mercy's PTA be? $2,930 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. 1917 3. Dolittle 5. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 7. Little Women 9. Frozen II 11. Underwater Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  8. 1. Will 1917 make more than $22M? 1000 YES 2. Will 1917 make more than $28M? 2000 YES 3. Will 1917 make more than $25M? 3000 YES 4. Will 1917 finish in 1st place? 4000 YES 5. Will 1917 increase more than 6000% on friday? 5000 YES 6. Will Just Mercy make more than $12M? 1000 NO 7. Will Like a Boss Open to more than $12M? 2000 YES 8. Will Just Mercy make more than Like a Boss? 3000 NO 9. Will Jumanji finish within $2.5M of Star Wars? 4000 YES 10. Will TROS overtake Frozen Domestically by end of weekend? 5000 YES  11. Will Little Women drop more than 40%? 1000 NO 12. Will Frozen have a bigger percentage drop than Spies in Disguise? 2000 NO 13. Will Grudge stay above Knives Out? 3000 NO 14. Will Cats stay above Ford vs Ferrari? 4000 NO 15. Will Cats ever stop giving me nightmares? 5000 NO Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will 1917's Weekend be? $41.25m 2. What will Grudge's percentage drop be? -65.36% 3. What will Frozen's PTA be? $2,712 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. 1917 4. Like a Boss 6. Just Mercy 8. Underwater 10. Spies in Disguise 12. The Grudge Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  9. Everything is 3 day unless stated 1. Will Grudge make more than $7M? 1000 YES 2. Will Grudge make more than $10M? 2000 YES 3. Will Grudge make more than $8.5M? 3000 YES 4. Will Grudge open in the top 5? 4000 YES 5. Will Grudge make more than 40% of its OW total on Friday? 5000 YES 6. Will Uncut Gems make more than $5M? 1000 YES 7. Will Jumanji have a 3 day weekend above $20M? 2000 YES 8. Will Little Women have a 3 day weekend above $12.5M? 3000 NO 9. Will TROS drop more than 50%? 4000 YES 10. Will TROS overtake Frozen Domestically by end of weekend? 5000 YES  11. Will Cats stay in the top 10? 1000 YES 12. Will Frozen finish in the top 3? 2000 NO 13. Will Knives Out drop less than 25%? 3000 YES 14. Will Uncut Gems drop more than 30%? 4000 YES 15. Will we achieve hindsight in 2020? 5000 NO Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Grudge's OW be? $15.3m 2. What will Cats' percentage drop be? -49.19% 3. What will Star Wars's Domestic Total be? $450,082,706 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 3. The Grudge 5. Frozen II 7. Knives Out 9. Bombshell 11. Richard Jewell 12. Ford v Ferrari Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
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